This is the main overarching tutorial for Agents.jl. It will walk you through the typical workflow of doing agent based modelling (ABM) using Agents.jl, while introducing and explaining the core components of Agents.jl. The tutorial will utilize the Schelling segregation model as an example to apply the concepts we learn.
Besides the normal step-by-step educative version of the tutorial, there is also the fast, shortened, copy-pasteable version right below. We strongly recommend going through the normal tutorial step-by-step though!
Tutorial - copy-pasteable version
Gotta go fast!
using Agents # bring package into scope
# make the space the agents will live in
space = GridSpace((20, 20)) # 20×20 grid cells
# make an agent type appropriate to this space and with the
# properties we want based on the ABM we will simulate
@agent struct Schelling(GridAgent{2}) # inherit all properties of `GridAgent{2}`
mood::Bool = false # all agents are sad by default :'(
group::Int # the group does not have a default value!
# define the evolution rule: a function that acts once per step on
# all activated agents (acts in-place on the given agent)
function schelling_step!(agent, model)
# Here we access a model-level property `min_to_be_happy`
# This will have an assigned value once we create the model
minhappy = model.min_to_be_happy
count_neighbors_same_group = 0
# For each neighbor, get group and compare to current agent's group
# and increment `count_neighbors_same_group` as appropriately.
# Here `nearby_agents` (with default arguments) will provide an iterator
# over the nearby agents one grid cell away, which are at most 8.
for neighbor in nearby_agents(agent, model)
if agent.group == neighbor.group
count_neighbors_same_group += 1
# After counting the neighbors, decide whether or not to move the agent.
# If `count_neighbors_same_group` is at least min_to_be_happy, set the
# mood to true. Otherwise, move the agent to a random position, and set
# mood to false.
if count_neighbors_same_group ≥ minhappy
agent.mood = true
agent.mood = false
move_agent_single!(agent, model)
# make a container for model-level properties
properties = Dict(:min_to_be_happy => 3)
# Create the central `AgentBasedModel` that stores all simulation information
model = StandardABM(
Schelling, # type of agents
space; # space they live in
agent_step! = schelling_step!, properties
# populate the model with agents by automatically creating and adding them
# to random position in the space
for n in 1:300
add_agent_single!(model; group = n < 300 / 2 ? 1 : 2)
# run the model for 5 steps, and collect data.
# The data to collect are given as a vector of tuples: 1st element of tuple is
# what property, or what function of agent -> data, to collect. 2nd element
# is how to aggregate the collected property over all agents in the simulation
using Statistics: mean
xpos(agent) = agent.pos[1]
adata = [(:mood, sum), (xpos, mean)]
adf, mdf = run!(model, 5; adata)
adf # a Julia `DataFrame`
Row | time | sum_mood | mean_xpos |
Int64 | Int64 | Float64 | |
1 | 0 | 0 | 10.3933 |
2 | 1 | 209 | 10.2767 |
3 | 2 | 246 | 10.71 |
4 | 3 | 258 | 10.5233 |
5 | 4 | 276 | 10.53 |
6 | 5 | 284 | 10.7 |
Core steps of an Agents.jl simulation
In Agents.jl a central abstract structure called AgentBasedModel
contains all information necessary to run a simulation: the evolution rule (also called dynamic rule), the agents of the simulation, the space the agents move and interact in, and other model-level properties relevant to the simulation.
An Agents.jl simulation is composed of first building such an AgentBasedModel
(steps 1-4 below) and then evolving it and/or analyzing it (steps 5-7 below):
- Choose what kind of space the agents will live in, for example a graph, a grid, etc. Several spaces are provided by Agents.jl and can be initialized immediately.
- Define the agent type(s) that will populate the ABM. Agent types are Julia
mutable struct
s that are created with@agent
. The types must contain some mandatory fields, which is ensured by using@agent
. The remaining fields of the agent type are up to the user's choice. - Define the evolution rule(s), i.e., how the model evolves in time. The evolution rule(s) are always standard Julia functions that take advantage of the Agents.jl API. The exact way one defines the evolution rules depends on the type of
used. Agents.jl allows simulations in both discrete time viaStandardABM
as well as continuous time viaEventQueueABM
. In this tutorial we will learn the discrete-time version. See the rock-paper-scissors example for an introduction to the continuous time version. - Initialize an
instance that contains the agent type(s), the chosen space, the evolution rule(s), other optional additional model-level properties, and other simulation tuning properties like schedulers or random number generators. Then, populate this model with agent instances. - (Trivial) evolve the model forwards in time.
- (Optional) Visualize the model and animate its time evolution. This can help checking that the model behaves as expected and there aren't any mistakes, or can be used in making figures for a paper/presentation.
- Collect data. To do this, specify which data should be collected, by providing one standard Julia
of data-to-collect for agents, for example[:mood, :wealth]
, and another one for the model. The agent data names are given as the keywordadata
and the model as keywordmdata
to the functionrun!
. This function outputs collected data in the form of aDataFrame
In the spirit of simple design, all of these steps are done by defining simple Julia data structures, like vectors, dictionaries, functions, or structs. This means that using Agents.jl comes with transferrable knowledge to the whole Julia ecosystem. Indeed, looking at the "Integration examples" (see sidebar of online docs) Agents.jl can be readily used with any other Julia package, exactly because its design is based on existing, and widely established, Julia language concepts.
The Schelling segregation model basic rules
- A fixed pre-determined number of agents exist in the model.
- Agents belong to one of two groups (1 or 2).
- The agents live in a two-dimensional non-periodic grid.
- Only one agent per position is allowed.
- At each state of the simulation, each agent looks at its 8 neighboring positions (cardinal and diagonal directions). It then counts how many neighboring agents belong to the same group (if any). This leads to 8 neighboring positions per position (except at the edges of the grid).
- If an agent has at least
neighbors belonging to the same group, then it becomes happy. - Else, the agent is unhappy and moves to a new random location in space while respecting the 1-agent-per-position rule.
In the following we will build this model following the aforementioned steps. The 0-th step of any Agents.jl simulation is to bring the package into scope:
using Agents
Step 1: creating the space
Agents.jl offers multiple spaces one can utilize to perform simulations, all of which are listed in the available spaces section. If we go through the list, we quickly realize that the space we need to use here is GridSpaceSingle
which is a grid that allows only one agent per position. So, we can go ahead and create an instance of this type. We need to specify the total size of the grid, and also that the distance metric should be the Chebyshev one, which means that diagonal and orthogonal directions quantify as the same distance away. We also specify that the space should not be periodic.
size = (10, 10)
space = GridSpaceSingle(size; periodic = false, metric = :chebyshev)
GridSpaceSingle with size (10, 10), metric=chebyshev, periodic=false
Step 2: the @agent
Agents in Agents.jl are instances of user-defined struct
s that subtype AbstractAgent
. This means that agents are data containers that contain some particular data fields that are necessary to perform simulations with Agents.jl, as well as any other data field that the user requires. If an agent instance agent
exists in the simulation then the data field named "weight" is obtained from the agent using agent.weight
. This is standard Julia syntax to access the data field named "weight" for any data structure that contains such a field.
To create agent types, and define what properties they should have, it is strongly recommended to use the @agent
command. You can read its documentation in detail if you wish to understand it deeply. But the long story made short is that this command ensures that agents have the minimum amount of required necessary properties to function within a given space and model by "inheriting" pre-defined agent properties suited for each type of space.
The simplest syntax of [@agent
] is (and see its documentation for all its capabilities):
@agent struct YourAgentType(AgentTypeToInheritFrom) [<: OptionalSupertype]
extra_property::Float64 # annotating the type leads to optimal computational performance
other_extra_property_with_default::Bool = true
const other_extra_constant_property::Int
# etc...
The command may seem intimidating at first, but it is in truth not that different from Julia's native struct
definition! For example,
@agent struct Person(GridAgent{2})
would make an agent type with named properties age, money
, while also inheriting all named properties of the GridAgent{2}
predefined type. These properties are (id::Int, pos::Tuple{Int, Int})
and are necessary for simulating agents in a two-dimensional grid space. The documentation of each space describes what pre-defined agent one needs to inherit from in the @agent
command, which is how we found that we need to put GridAgent{2}
there. The {2}
is simply an annotation that the space is 2-dimensional, as Agents.jl allows simulations in arbitrary-dimensional spaces.
Step 2: creating the agent type
With this knowledge, let's now make the agent type for the Schelling segregation model. According to the rules of the game, the agent needs to have two auxiliary properties: its mood (boolean) and the group it belongs to (integer). The agent also needs to inherit from GridAgent{2}
as in the example above. So, we define:
@agent struct SchellingAgent(GridAgent{2})
mood::Bool # whether the agent is happy in its position
group::Int # The group of the agent, determines mood as it interacts with neighbors
Let's explicitly print the fields of the data structure SchellingAgent
that we created:
for (name, type) in zip(fieldnames(SchellingAgent), fieldtypes(SchellingAgent))
println(name, "::", type)
pos::Tuple{Int64, Int64}
All these fields can be accessed during the simulation, but it is important to keep in mind that id
cannot be modified, and pos
must never be modified directly; only through valid API functions such as move_agent!
For example, if we initialize such an agent
example_agent = SchellingAgent(id = 1, pos = (2, 3), mood = true, group = 1)
Main.SchellingAgent(1, (2, 3), true, 1)
we can obtain
and set
example_agent.mood = false
but can't set the id
example_agent.id = 2
ERROR: setfield!: const field .id of type SchellingAgent cannot be changed
[1] setproperty!(x::SchellingAgent, f::Symbol, v::Int64)
@ Base .\Base.jl:41
Step 2: redefining agent types
You will notice that it is not possible to redefine agent types using the same name as the one they were originally defined with. E.g., this will error:
@agent struct SchellingAgent(GridAgent{2})
mood::Bool # whether the agent is happy in its position
group::Int # The group of the agent, determines mood as it interacts with neighbors
ERROR: invalid redefinition of constant Main.SchellingAgent
[1] macro expansion
@ util.jl:609 [inlined]
[2] macro expansion
@ .julia\dev\Agents\src\core\agents.jl:210 [inlined]
[3] top-level scope
@ .julia\dev\Agents\docs\src\tutorial.jl:266
This is not a limitation of Agents.jl but a fundamental limitation of the Julia language that very likely will be addressed in the near future. Normally, you would need to restart your Julia session to redefine a custom struct
. However, it is simpler to just do a mass rename in the text editor you use to write Julia code (for example, Ctrl+Shift+H in VSCode can do a mass rename). Change the name of the agent type to e.g., the same name ending in 2, 3, ..., and carry on, until you are happy with the final configuration. When this happens you will have to restart Julia and rename the type back to having no numeric ending. Inconvenient, but thankfully it only takes a couple of seconds to resolve!
Throughout the development of Agents.jl we have thought of this "redefining annoyance" and ways to resolve it. Unfortunately, all alternative design approaches to agent based modelling that don't have redefinition problems lead to drastic performance downsides. Given that mass-renaming in the development phase of a project is not too big of a hurdle, we decided to stick with the most performant design!
Step 3: form of the evolution rule(s) in discrete time
The form of the evolution rule(s) depends on the type of AgentBasedModel
we want to use. For the example we are following here, we will use StandardABM
. For this, time is discrete. In this case, the evolution rule needs to be provided as at least one, or at most two functions: an agent stepping function, that acts on scheduled agents one by one, and/or a model stepping function, that steps the entire model as a whole. These functions are standard Julia functions that take advantage of the Agents.jl API. At each discrete step of the simulation, the agent stepping function is applied once to all scheduled agents, and the model stepping function is applied once to the model. The model stepping function may also modify arbitrarily many agents since at any point all agents of the simulation are accessible from the agent based model.
To give you an idea, here is an example of a model stepping function:
function model_step!(model)
exchange = model.exchange # obtain the `exchange` model property
agent = model[5] # obtain agent with ID = 5
# Iterate over neighboring agents (within distance 1)
for neighbor in nearby_agents(model, agent, 1)
transfer = minimum(neighbor.money, exchange)
agent.money += transfer
neighbor.money -= transfer
return # function end. As it is in-place it `return`s nothing.
This model stepping function did not operate on all agents of the model, only on agent with ID 5 and its spatial neighbors. Typically you would want to operate on more agents, which is why Agents.jl also allows the concept of the agent stepping function. This feature enables scheduling agents automatically given some scheduling rule, skipping the agents that were scheduled to act but have been removed from the model (due to e.g., the actions of other agents), and also allows optimizations that are based on the specific type of AgentBasedModel
Step 3: agent stepping function for the Schelling model
According to the rules of the Schelling segregation model, we don't need a model stepping function, but an agent stepping function that acts on all agents. So we define:
function schelling_step!(agent, model)
# Here we access a model-level property `min_to_be_happy`.
# This will have an assigned value once we create the model.
minhappy = model.min_to_be_happy
count_neighbors_same_group = 0
# For each neighbor, get group and compare to current agent's group
# and increment `count_neighbors_same_group` as appropriately.
# Here `nearby_agents` (with default arguments) will provide an iterator
# over the nearby agents one grid cell away, which are at most 8.
for neighbor in nearby_agents(agent, model)
if agent.group == neighbor.group
count_neighbors_same_group += 1
# After counting the neighbors, decide whether or not to move the agent.
# If count_neighbors_same_group is at least the min_to_be_happy, set the
# mood to true. Otherwise, move the agent to a random position, and set
# mood to false.
if count_neighbors_same_group ≥ minhappy
agent.mood = true
agent.mood = false
move_agent_single!(agent, model)
schelling_step! (generic function with 1 method)
Here we used some of the built-in functionality of Agents.jl, in particular:
that returns the neighboring position on which the agent residesmove_agent_single!
which moves an agent to a random empty position on the grid while respecting an at most 1 agent per position rulemodel[id]
which returns the agent with givenid
in themodel
. model.min_to_be_happy
which returns the model-level property named min_to_be_happy
A full list of built-in functionality and their explanations are available in the API page.
We stress that in contrast to the above model_step!
, schelling_step!
will be called for every scheduled agent, while model_step!
would only be called once per simulation step. By default, all agents in the model are scheduled once per step, but we will discuss this more later in the "scheduling" section.
At least one of the model or agent stepping functions must be provided.
Step 4: the AgentBasedModel
The AgentBasedModel
is the central structure in an Agents.jl simulation that map agent IDs to agent instances (which is why the .id
field cannot be changed), as well as containing all information necessary to perform the simulation: the evolution rules, the space, model-level properties, and more.
Additionally AgentBasedModel
defines an interface that research can build upon to create new flavors of ABMs that can still benefit from the thousands of functions Agents.jl offers out of the box such as move_agent!
Step 4: initializing the model
In this simulation we are using StandardABM
. From its documentation, we learn that to initialize it we have to provide the agent type(s) participating in the simulation, the space instance, and, as keyword arguments, the evolution rules, and any model-level properties.
Here, we have defined the first three already. The only model-level property for the Schelling simulation would be the minimum agents of the same group required for an agent to be happy. We make this a dictionary so we can access this property by name:
properties = Dict(:min_to_be_happy => 3)
Dict{Symbol, Int64} with 1 entry:
:min_to_be_happy => 3
And now, we simply put everything together in the StandardABM
schelling = StandardABM(
# input arguments
SchellingAgent, space;
# keyword arguments
properties, # in Julia if the input variable and keyword are named the same,
# you don't need to repeat the keyword!
agent_step! = schelling_step!
StandardABM with 0 agents of type SchellingAgent
agents container: Dict
space: GridSpaceSingle with size (10, 10), metric=chebyshev, periodic=false
scheduler: fastest
properties: min_to_be_happy
The model is printed in the console displaying all of the most basic information about it.
Step 4: an (optional) scheduler
Since we opted to use an agent_step!
function, the scheduler of the model matters. Here we used the default scheduler (which is also the fastest one) to create the model. We could instead try to activate the agents according to their property :group
, so that all agents of group 1 act first. We would then use the scheduler Schedulers.ByProperty
like so:
scheduler = Schedulers.ByProperty(:group)
Agents.Schedulers.ByProperty{Symbol}(:group, Int64[], Int64[])
and pass this to the model creation
schelling = StandardABM(
agent_step! = schelling_step!,
StandardABM with 0 agents of type SchellingAgent
agents container: Dict
space: GridSpaceSingle with size (10, 10), metric=chebyshev, periodic=false
scheduler: Agents.Schedulers.ByProperty{Symbol}
properties: min_to_be_happy
Step 4: populating it with agents
The printing above says that the model has 0 agents, as indeed, we haven't added any. We could also obtain this information with the nagents
We can add agents to this model using add_agent!
. This function generates a new agent instance and adds it to the model. The function automatically configures the agent ID and chooses a random position for it by default (while the user can specify one if necessary). The subsequent arguments given to add_agent!
, i.e., beyond the optional position and the model instance are all the extra properties the agent type(s) have, which was decided when we made the agent type(s) with the @agent
command above.
For example, this adds the agent to a specified position, and attributes false
to its mood
and 1
to its group`:
added_agent_1 = add_agent!((1, 1), schelling, false, 1)
Main.SchellingAgent(1, (1, 1), false, 1)
while this adds an agent to a randomly picked position as we did not provide a position as the first input to the function:
added_agent_2 = add_agent!(schelling, false, 1)
Main.SchellingAgent(2, (2, 9), false, 1)
Notice also that agent fields may be specified by keywords as well, which is arguably the more readable syntax:
added_agent_3 = add_agent!(schelling; mood = true, group = 2)
Main.SchellingAgent(3, (2, 2), true, 2)
If we spend some time learning the API functions, we realize that For the Schelling model specification, there is a more fitting function to use: add_agent_single!
, which offers an automated way to create and add agents while ensuring that we have at most 1 agent per unique position.
added_agent_4 = add_agent_single!(schelling; mood = false, group = 1)
Main.SchellingAgent(4, (4, 6), false, 1)
And let's confirm that now the model should have 4 agents
Step 4: random number generator
Each ABM in Agents.jl contains a random number generator (RNG) instance that can be obtained with abmrng(model)
. A benefit of this approach is making models deterministic so that they can be run again and yield the same output. For reproducibility and performance reasons, one should never use rand()
without using the RNG in the evolution rule(s) functions. Indeed, throughout our examples we use rand(abmrng(model))
or rand(abmrng(model), 1:10, 100)
, etc, providing the RNG as the first input to the rand
function. All functions of the Agents.jl API that utilize randomness, such as the add_agent_single!
function we used above, internally use abmrng(model)
as well.
You can explicitly choose the RNG the model will use by passing an instance of an AbstractRNG
. For example a common RNG is Xoshiro
, and we give this to the model via the rng
using Random: Xoshiro # access the RNG object
schelling = StandardABM(
agent_step! = schelling_step!,
rng = Xoshiro(1234) # input number is the seed
StandardABM with 0 agents of type SchellingAgent
agents container: Dict
space: GridSpaceSingle with size (10, 10), metric=chebyshev, periodic=false
scheduler: Agents.Schedulers.ByProperty{Symbol}
properties: min_to_be_happy
Step 4: making the initialization a keyword-based function
It is recommended that model initialization is done through a function obtaining all initialization parameters as keywords. Inside this function the model should be populated by agents as well.
This has several advantages. First, it makes it easy to recreate the model and change its parameters. Second, because the function is defined based on keywords, it will be of further use in paramscan
as we will discuss below.
function initialize(; total_agents = 320, gridsize = (20, 20), min_to_be_happy = 3, seed = 125)
space = GridSpaceSingle(gridsize; periodic = false)
properties = Dict(:min_to_be_happy => min_to_be_happy)
rng = Xoshiro(seed)
model = StandardABM(
SchellingAgent, space;
agent_step! = schelling_step!, properties, rng,
container = Vector, # agents are not removed, so we us this
scheduler = Schedulers.Randomly() # all agents are activated once at random
# populate the model with agents, adding equal amount of the two types of agents
# at random positions in the model. At the start all agents are unhappy.
for n in 1:total_agents
add_agent_single!(model; mood = false, group = n < total_agents / 2 ? 1 : 2)
return model
schelling = initialize()
StandardABM with 320 agents of type SchellingAgent
agents container: Vector
space: GridSpaceSingle with size (20, 20), metric=chebyshev, periodic=false
scheduler: Agents.Schedulers.Randomly
properties: min_to_be_happy
Step 5: evolve the model
Alright, now that we have a model populated with agents we can evolve it forwards in time. This step is rather trivial. We simply call the step!
function on the model
StandardABM with 320 agents of type SchellingAgent
agents container: Vector
space: GridSpaceSingle with size (20, 20), metric=chebyshev, periodic=false
scheduler: Agents.Schedulers.Randomly
properties: min_to_be_happy
which progresses the simulation for one step. Or, we can progress for arbitrary many steps
step!(schelling, 3)
StandardABM with 320 agents of type SchellingAgent
agents container: Vector
space: GridSpaceSingle with size (20, 20), metric=chebyshev, periodic=false
scheduler: Agents.Schedulers.Randomly
properties: min_to_be_happy
or, we can progress until a provided function that inputs the model and the current model time evaluates to true
. For example, lets step until at least 90% of the agents are happy.
happy90(model, time) = count(a -> a.mood == true, allagents(model))/nagents(model) ≥ 0.9
step!(schelling, happy90)
StandardABM with 320 agents of type SchellingAgent
agents container: Vector
space: GridSpaceSingle with size (20, 20), metric=chebyshev, periodic=false
scheduler: Agents.Schedulers.Randomly
properties: min_to_be_happy
Note that in the above function we didn't actually utilize the time
argument. In a realistic setting it is strongly recommended to utilize it to put an additional condition bounding the total number of steps (such as if time > 1000; return true
), so that the time evolution does not fall into an infinite loop because the function never evaluates to true
In any case, we can see how many steps the model has taken so far with abmtime
Step 6: Visualizations
There is a dedicated tutorial for visualization, animation, and making custom interactive GUIs for agent based models. Here, we will use the the abmplot
function to plot the distribution of agents on a 2D grid at every step, using the Makie plotting ecosystem.
First, we load the plotting backend
using CairoMakie # choosing a plotting backend
and then we simply define functions that given an agent they return its color or marker. Let's color the two groups orange and blue and make one a square and the other a circle.
groupcolor(a) = a.group == 1 ? :blue : :orange
groupmarker(a) = a.group == 1 ? :circle : :rect
groupmarker (generic function with 1 method)
We pass those functions to abmplot
figure, _ = abmplot(schelling; agent_color = groupcolor, agent_marker = groupmarker, agent_size = 10)
figure # returning the figure displays it

The function abmvideo
can be used to save an animation of the ABM into a video.
schelling = initialize()
"schelling.mp4", schelling;
agent_color = groupcolor, agent_marker = groupmarker, as = 10,
framerate = 4, frames = 20,
title = "Schelling's segregation model"
┌ Warning: Keywords `as, am, ac` has been deprecated in favor of
│ `agent_size, agent_marker, agent_color`
└ @ AgentsVisualizations ~/work/Agents.jl/Agents.jl/ext/AgentsVisualizations/src/abmplot.jl:70
Step 7: data collection
Running the model and collecting data while the model runs is done with the run!
function. Besides run!
, there is also the paramscan
function that performs data collection while scanning ranges of the parameters of the model, and the ensemblerun!
that performs ensemble simulations and data collection.
The run!
function has been designed for maximum flexibility: practically all scenarios of data collection are possible, whether you need agent data, model data, aggregated data, or arbitrary combinations.
To use run!
we simply provide a vector of what agent properties to collect as data. The adata
keyword corresponds to the "agent data", and there is the mdata
keyword for model data.
For example, specifying the properties as Symbol
s means to collect the named properties
adata = [:pos, :mood, :group]
schelling = initialize()
adf, mdf = run!(schelling, 5; adata) # run for 5 steps
adf[end-10:end, :] # display only the last few rows
Row | time | id | pos | mood | group |
Int64 | Int64 | Tuple… | Bool | Int64 | |
1 | 5 | 310 | (10, 16) | true | 2 |
2 | 5 | 311 | (19, 10) | true | 2 |
3 | 5 | 312 | (1, 11) | true | 2 |
4 | 5 | 313 | (20, 10) | true | 2 |
5 | 5 | 314 | (12, 2) | true | 2 |
6 | 5 | 315 | (2, 15) | true | 2 |
7 | 5 | 316 | (20, 11) | true | 2 |
8 | 5 | 317 | (12, 10) | true | 2 |
9 | 5 | 318 | (20, 15) | true | 2 |
10 | 5 | 319 | (13, 4) | true | 2 |
11 | 5 | 320 | (19, 9) | true | 2 |
collects data in the form of a DataFrame
which is Julia's premier format for tabular data (and you probably need to learn how to use it independently of Agents.jl if you don't know it yet, see the documentation of DataFrames.jl to do so). Above, data were collected for each agent and for each step of the simulation.
Besides Symbol
s, we can specify functions as agent data to collect
x(agent) = agent.pos[1]
schelling = initialize()
adata = [x, :mood, :group]
adf, mdf = run!(schelling, 5; adata)
adf[end-10:end, :] # display only the last few rows
Row | time | id | x | mood | group |
Int64 | Int64 | Int64 | Bool | Int64 | |
1 | 5 | 310 | 10 | true | 2 |
2 | 5 | 311 | 19 | true | 2 |
3 | 5 | 312 | 1 | true | 2 |
4 | 5 | 313 | 20 | true | 2 |
5 | 5 | 314 | 12 | true | 2 |
6 | 5 | 315 | 2 | true | 2 |
7 | 5 | 316 | 20 | true | 2 |
8 | 5 | 317 | 12 | true | 2 |
9 | 5 | 318 | 20 | true | 2 |
10 | 5 | 319 | 13 | true | 2 |
11 | 5 | 320 | 19 | true | 2 |
With the above adata
vector, we collected all agent's data. We can instead collect aggregated data for the agents. For example, let's only get the number of happy individuals, and the average of the "x" (not very interesting, but anyway!). To do this, make adata
a vector of Tuple
s, where the first entry of the tuple is the data to collect, and the second how to aggregate it over agents.
using Statistics: mean
schelling = initialize();
adata = [(:mood, sum), (x, mean)]
adf, mdf = run!(schelling, 5; adata)
Row | time | sum_mood | mean_x |
Int64 | Int64 | Float64 | |
1 | 0 | 0 | 10.3281 |
2 | 1 | 199 | 10.3469 |
3 | 2 | 259 | 10.275 |
4 | 3 | 284 | 10.3562 |
5 | 4 | 302 | 10.3531 |
6 | 5 | 311 | 10.325 |
Other examples in the documentation are more realistic, with more meaningful collected data. You should consult the documentation of run!
for more power over data collection.
And this concludes the main tutorial!
Multiple agent types in Agents.jl
In realistic modelling situations it is often the case the the ABM is composed of different types of agents. Agents.jl supports two approaches for multi-agent ABMs. The first uses the Union
type from Base Julia, and the second uses the @multiagent
command that we have developed to accelerate handling different types. The @multiagent
approach is recommended as default, because in many cases it will have performance advantages over the Union
approach without having tangible disadvantages. However, we strongly recommend you to read through the comparison of the two approaches.
Note that using multiple agent types is a possibility entirely orthogonal to the type of AgentBasedModel
or the type of space. Everything we describe here works for any Agents.jl simulation.
Multiple agent types with Union
The simplest way to add more agent types is to make more of them with @agent
and then give a Union
of agent types as the agent type when making the AgentBasedModel
For example, let's say that a new type of agent enters the simulation; a politician that would "attract" a preferred demographic. We then would make
@agent struct Politician(GridAgent{2})
When defining the agent stepping function, it would (likely) act differently depending on the agent type. This could be done by utilizing Julia's Multiple Dispatch to add a method to the agent stepping function depending on the type
function agent_step!(agent::Schelling, model)
# stuff.
function agent_step!(agent::Politician, model)
# other stuff.
agent_step! (generic function with 2 methods)
When making the model we specify the Union
type for the agents
model = StandardABM(
Union{Schelling, Politician}, # type of agents
space; # space they live in
model = StandardABM(
Union{Schelling, Politician}, # type of agents
space; # space they live in
StandardABM with 0 agents of type Union{Main.Politician, Main.Schelling}
agents container: Dict
space: GridSpaceSingle with size (10, 10), metric=chebyshev, periodic=false
scheduler: fastest
When adding agents to the model example, we can explicitly make agents with their constructors and add them. However, it is recommended to use the automated add_agent!
function and provide as a first argument the type of agent to add. For example
add_agent_single!(Schelling, model; group = 1, mood = true)
Main.Schelling(1, (3, 7), true, 1)
add_agent_single!(Politician, model; preferred_demographic = 1)
StandardABM with 2 agents of type Union{Main.Politician, Main.Schelling}
agents container: Dict
space: GridSpaceSingle with size (10, 10), metric=chebyshev, periodic=false
scheduler: fastest
Multiple agent types with @multiagent
By using @multiagent
it is often possible to improve the computational performance of simulations requiring multiple types, while almost everything works the same. First we make a multi-agent type from existing agent types
@multiagent MultiSchelling(Schelling, Politician) <: AbstractAgent
This MultiSchelling
is not a union type; it is an advanced construct that wraps multiple types. When making a multi-agent directly (although it is not recommended, use add_agent!
instead), we can wrap the agent type in the multiagent type like so
p = MultiSchelling(Politician(; id = 1, pos = random_position(model), preferred_demographic = 1))
Main.MultiSchelling(Main.Politician(1, (8, 3), 1))
h = MultiSchelling(Schelliing(; id = 1, pos = random_position(model), mood = true, group = 1))
As you can tell, both of these are of the same Type
typeof(p), typeof(h)
and hence you can't use typeof
to differentiate them. But you can use
variantof(p), variantof(h)
instead. Hence, the agent stepping function should become something like
agent_step!(agent, model) = agent_step!(agent, model, variant(agent))
function agent_step!(agent, model, ::Schelling)
# stuff.
function agent_step!(agent, model, ::Politician)
# other stuff.
agent_step! (generic function with 5 methods)
to utilize Julia's dispatch system.
When constructing the model, we must give the multi-type as the agent type, akin to giving the Union
as the type before
model = StandardABM(
MultiSchelling, # the multiagent type is given as the type
StandardABM with 0 agents of type MultiSchelling
agents container: Dict
space: GridSpaceSingle with size (10, 10), metric=chebyshev, periodic=false
scheduler: fastest
Now, when it comes to adding agents to the model, we use the same approach as with the Union
types but we pass a constructor function as a first argument to add_agent!
. The "type" here must actually be the constructor
add_agent_single!(constructor(MultiSchelling, Schelling), model; group = 1)
Main.MultiSchelling(Main.Schelling(1, (6, 4), false, 1))
Thankfully, Julia's function composition ∘
simplifies this, and we can do instead
add_agent_single!(MultiSchelling ∘ Schelling, model; group = 1)
Main.MultiSchelling(Main.Schelling(2, (6, 9), false, 1))
add_agent_single!(MultiSchelling ∘ Politician, model; preferred_demographic = 1)
Main.MultiSchelling(Main.Politician(3, (3, 6), 1))
and we see
3-element Vector{Main.MultiSchelling}:
Main.MultiSchelling(Main.Schelling(2, (6, 9), false, 1))
Main.MultiSchelling(Main.Politician(3, (3, 6), 1))
Main.MultiSchelling(Main.Schelling(1, (6, 4), false, 1))
Because the ∘
is more elegant, we will be using it when using @multiagent
And that's the end of the tutorial!!! You can visit other examples to see other types of usage of Agents.jl, or go into the API to find the functions you need to make your own ABM!