
Study this example to learn about

  • Simple agent properties with complex model interactions
  • Rolling your own plots
  • Collecting data with the low-level data collection API
  • Simultaneously plotting and collecting data
  • Analyzing the behavior of a model

Overview of Daisyworld

This model explores the Gaia hypothesis, which considers the Earth as a single, self-regulating system including both living and non-living parts.

Daisyworld is filled with black and white daisies. Their albedo's differ, with black daisies absorbing light and heat, warming the area around them; white daisies doing the opposite. Daisies can only reproduce within a certain temperature range, meaning too much (or too little) heat coming from the sun and/or surrounds will ultimately halt daisy propagation.

When the climate is too cold it is necessary for the black daisies to propagate in order to raise the temperature, and vice versa – when the climate is too warm, it is necessary for more white daisies to be produced in order to cool the temperature. The interplay of the living and non living aspects of this world manages to find an equilibrium over a wide range of parameter settings, although with enough external forcing, the daisies will not be able to self regulate the temperature of the planet and eventually go extinct.

Defining the agent type

The agent here is not so complex. We see it has three values (other than the required id and pos for an agent that lives on a GridSpace. Each daisy has an age, confined later by a maximum age set by the user, a breed (either :black or :white) and an associated albedo value, again set by the user.

using Agents, AgentsPlots, Plots
using Statistics: mean

mutable struct Daisy <: AbstractAgent
    albedo::Float64 # 0-1 fraction

World heating

The surface temperature of the world is heated by its sun, but daisies growing upon it absorb or reflect the starlight – altering the local temperature.

function suface_temperature!(node::Int, model::ABM{Daisy})
    ids = get_node_contents(node, model)
    absorbed_luminosity = if isempty(ids)
        # Set luminosity via surface albedo
        (1 - model.surface_albedo) * model.solar_luminosity
        # Set luminosity via daisy albedo
        (1 - model[ids[1]].albedo) * model.solar_luminosity
    # We expect local heating to be 80C for an absorbed luminosity of 1,
    # approximately 30 for 0.5 and approximately -273 for 0.01.
    local_heating = if absorbed_luminosity > 0
        72 * log(absorbed_luminosity) + 80
    # Surface temperature is the average of the current temperature and local heating.
    model.temperature[node] = (model.temperature[node] + local_heating) / 2

function diffuse_temperature!(node::Int, model::ABM{Daisy}; ratio = 0.5)
    neighbors = node_neighbors(node, model)
    model.temperature[node] =
        (1 - ratio) * model.temperature[node] +
        # Each neighbor is giving up 1/8 of the diffused
        # amount to each of *its* neighbors
        sum(model.temperature[neighbors]) * 0.125 * ratio

Initialising Daisyworld

Here, we construct a function to initialize a Daisyworld. We need to know how many daisies of each type to seed the planet with and what their albedo's are. The albedo of the planet, as well as how intense the world's star tends to be. Alternatively we can provide a scenario flag, which alters the stars luminosity in different ways.

function daisyworld(;
    griddims = (30, 30),
    max_age = 25,
    init_white = 20, # % cover of the world surface of white breed
    init_black = 20, # % cover of the world surface of black breed
    albedo_white = 0.75,
    albedo_black = 0.25,
    albedo_surface = 0.4,
    solar_luminosity = 0.8,
    scenario = :default,
    @assert scenario ∈ [
        :default, # User provided solar_luminosity
        :ramp, # Increase & decrease luminosity over an 850 year period
        :high, # White daisies will prefer this climate
        :low, # Black daisies will prefer this climate
        :ours, # The Sun's equivalent, achieving an equilibrium of daisies

    space = GridSpace(griddims, moore = true, periodic = true)
    luminosity = if scenario == :ramp
    elseif scenario == :high
    elseif scenario == :low
    elseif scenario == :ours

    properties = Dict(
        :max_age => max_age,
        :temperature => zeros(prod(griddims)),
        :surface_albedo => albedo_surface,
        :solar_luminosity => luminosity,
        :scenario => scenario,
        :tick => 0,
    model = ABM(Daisy, space; properties = properties)
    for _ in 1:(init_white * nv(space) / 100)
        add_agent_single!(model, :white, rand(0:max_age), albedo_white)
    for _ in 1:(init_black * nv(space) / 100)
        add_agent_single!(model, :black, rand(0:max_age), albedo_black)
    for n in nodes(model)
        suface_temperature!(n, model)
    return model

Model dynamics

The final piece of the puzzle is the life-cycle of each daisy. This method defines an optimal temperature for growth. If the temperature gets too hot or too cold, daisies will not wish to propagate and may even die out. So long as the temperature is favorable, daisies compete for land and attempt to spawn a new plant of their breed in locations close to them.

function propagate!(node::Int, model::ABM{Daisy})
    agents = get_node_agents(node, model)
    if !isempty(agents)
        agent = agents[1]
        temperature = model.temperature[node]
        # Set optimum growth rate to 22.5C, with bounds of [5, 40]C
        seed_threshold = (0.1457 * temperature - 0.0032 * temperature^2) - 0.6443
        if rand() < seed_threshold
            # Collect all adjacent cells that are empty
            empty_neighbors = Vector{Int}(undef, 0)
            neighbors = node_neighbors(node, model)
            for n in neighbors
                if isempty(get_node_contents(n, model))
                    push!(empty_neighbors, n)
            if !isempty(empty_neighbors)
                # Seed a new daisy in one of those cells
                seeding_place = rand(empty_neighbors)
                add_agent!(seeding_place, model, agent.breed, 0, agent.albedo)

Now, we need to write the model and agent step functions for Agents.jl to advance Daisyworld's dynamics. Since we have constructed a number of helper functions, these methods are quite straightforward.

function solar_activity!(model::ABM{Daisy})
    if model.scenario == :ramp
        if model.tick > 200 && model.tick <= 400
            model.solar_luminosity += 0.005
        if model.tick > 500 && model.tick <= 750
            model.solar_luminosity -= 0.0025

function model_step!(model::ABM{Daisy})
    for n in nodes(model)
        suface_temperature!(n, model)
        diffuse_temperature!(n, model)
        propagate!(n, model)
    model.tick += 1

function agent_step!(agent::Daisy, model::ABM{Daisy})
    agent.age += 1
    agent.age >= model.max_age && kill_agent!(agent, model)

Look at the pretty flowers!

Lets run the model for a bit and see what our world looks like when the solar activity is similar to that of our own:

model = daisyworld(scenario = :ours)
step!(model, agent_step!, model_step!, 100)
daisycolor(a) = a.breed
plotabm(model; ac = daisycolor, as = 5)

We can see that this world achieves quasi-equilibrium, where one breed does not totally dominate the other.

sum(map(a -> [a.breed == :white, a.breed == :black], allagents(model)))
2-element Array{Int64,1}:

Now we'll take a look at some of the complex dynamics this world can manifest. Some of these methods are, for the moment, not implemented in AgentsPlots, although this does give us an opportunity to test out some of the new data collection features in Agents.jl v3.0. Think you have a nice recipe for a plot that would help others? Send us a pull request or open an issue.

First, our fluctuating solar luminosity scenario.

model = daisyworld(scenario = :ramp)
AgentBasedModel with 360 agents of type Daisy
 space: GridSpace with 900 nodes and 3600 edges
 scheduler: fastest
 properties: Dict{Symbol,Any}(:temperature => [21.610277544424342, 21.610277544424342, -17.939764847627607, -17.939764847627607, 13.577109697112785, -17.939764847627607, 21.610277544424342, -17.939764847627607, 21.610277544424342, 13.577109697112785  …  -17.939764847627607, 13.577109697112785, 13.577109697112785, 13.577109697112785, 13.577109697112785, 13.577109697112785, -17.939764847627607, 13.577109697112785, 13.577109697112785, 13.577109697112785],:solar_luminosity => 0.8,:max_age => 25,:surface_albedo => 0.4,:tick => 0,:scenario => :ramp)

Then, let us initialize some dataframes for our model and agents. We are interested in the global surface temperature, the current solar luminosity and populations of each daisy breed. Notice that we made sure that sum has been given a default value since this model is using kill_agent! (see run! for more details).

global_temperature(model) = mean(model.temperature)
mdata = [global_temperature, :solar_luminosity]
model_df = init_model_dataframe(model, mdata)

white(agent) = agent.breed == :white
black(agent) = agent.breed == :black
total(v) = length(v) == 0 ? 0.0 : sum(v)
adata = [(white, total), (black, total)]
agent_df = init_agent_dataframe(model, adata)

Now we can evolve our model and observe what happens

anim = @animate for t in 1:900
    step!(model, agent_step!, model_step!, 1)
    collect_model_data!(model_df, model, mdata, t)
    collect_agent_data!(agent_df, model, adata, t)
        transpose(reshape(model.temperature, model.space.dimensions));
        clims = (-50, 110),
        colorbar_title = "Temperature",
        [a.pos for a in allagents(model)];
        marker = (:circle, 5),
        markercolor = [a.breed for a in allagents(model)],
        label = :none,
        showaxis = false,
gif(anim, "daisyworld.gif", fps = 10)

Very interesting! But why is this all happening? Luckily we have collected some useful data, so now if we plot our different properties over the same time period, we can see how each of the values effect Daisyworld as a whole.

p1 = plot(model_df[!, :solar_luminosity], legend = false, ylabel = "Solar Luminosity")
p2 = plot(model_df[!, :global_temperature], legend = false, ylabel = "Global Temperature")
p3 = plot(
    [agent_df[!, aggname(white, total)], agent_df[!, aggname(black, total)]],
    legend = false,
    ylabel = "Population",
plot(p1, p2, p3, layout = (3, 1), size = (500, 800))

We observe an initial period of low solar luminosity which favors a large population of black daisies. The population however is kept in check by competition from white daisies and a semi-stable global temperature regime is reached, fluctuating between ~32 and 41 degrees.

An increase in solar luminosity forces a population inversion, then a struggle for survival for the black daisies – which ultimately leads to their extinction. At extremely high solar output the white daisies dominate the landscape, leading to a uniform surface temperature.

Finally, as the sun fades back to normal levels, both the temperature and white daisy population struggle to find equilibrium. The counterbalancing force of the black daisies being absent, Daisyworld is plunged into a chaotic regime – indicating the strong role biodiversity has to play in stabilizing climate.