Opinion spread

This is a simple model of how an opinion spreads through a community. Each individual has a number of opinions as a list of integers. They can change their opinion by changing the numbers in the list.

Agents can change their opinion at each step. They choose one of their neighbors randomly, and adopt one of the neighbor's opinion. They are more likely to adopt their neighbors opinion if the share more opinions with each other.

using Agents
using AgentsPlots
using Random

Building the model

1. Model creation

mutable struct Citizen <: AbstractAgent
	pos::Tuple{Int, Int}
	opinion::Array{Int, 1}
	prev_opinion::Array{Int, 1}

function create_model(;dims=(10, 10), nopinions=3, levels_per_opinion=4)
	space = GridSpace(dims, periodic=true, moore=true)
	properties = Dict(:nopinions=>nopinions)
	model = AgentBasedModel(Citizen, space, scheduler=random_activation, properties=properties)
	for cell in 1:nv(model)
		add_agent!(cell, model, false, rand(1:levels_per_opinion, nopinions), rand(1:levels_per_opinion, nopinions))
	return model
create_model (generic function with 1 method)

2. Stepping functions

function adopt!(agent, model)
	neighbor = rand(space_neighbors(agent, model))
	matches = model[neighbor].opinion .== agent.opinion
	nmatches = count(matches)
	if nmatches < model.nopinions && rand() < nmatches/model.nopinions
		switchId = rand(findall(x-> x==false, matches))
		agent.opinion[switchId] = model[neighbor].opinion[switchId]

function update_prev_opinion!(agent, model)
	for i in 1:model.nopinions
		agent.prev_opinion[i] = agent.opinion[i]

function is_stabilized!(agent, model)
	if agent.prev_opinion == agent.opinion
		agent.stabilized = true
		agent.stabilized = false

function agent_step!(agent, model)
	update_prev_opinion!(agent, model)
	adopt!(agent, model)
	is_stabilized!(agent, model)
agent_step! (generic function with 1 method)

Running the model

model = create_model(nopinions=3,levels_per_opinion=levels_per_opinion)

"run the model until all agents stabilize"
rununtil(model, s) = count(getproperty.(values(model.agents), :stabilized)) == prod(model.space.dimensions)

agentdata, _ = run!(model, agent_step!, dummystep, rununtil, adata=[(:stabilized, count)])
(250×2 DataFrame
│ Row │ step  │ count_stabilized │
│     │ Int64 │ Int64            │
│ 1   │ 0     │ 0                │
│ 2   │ 1     │ 83               │
│ 3   │ 2     │ 68               │
│ 4   │ 3     │ 75               │
│ 5   │ 4     │ 80               │
│ 6   │ 5     │ 70               │
│ 7   │ 6     │ 74               │
│ 243 │ 242   │ 97               │
│ 244 │ 243   │ 95               │
│ 245 │ 244   │ 98               │
│ 246 │ 245   │ 98               │
│ 247 │ 246   │ 99               │
│ 248 │ 247   │ 98               │
│ 249 │ 248   │ 95               │
│ 250 │ 249   │ 100              │, 0×0 DataFrame


The plot shows the number of stable agents, that is, number of agents whose opinions don't change from one step to the next. Note that the number of stable agents can fluctuate before the final convergence.

plot(1:size(agentdata, 1), agentdata.count_stabilized, legend=false, xlabel="generation", ylabel="# of stabilized agents")


Here is an animation that shows change of agent opinions over time. The first three opinions of an agent determines its color in RGB.

levels_per_opinion = 3
ac(agent) = RGB((agent.opinion[1:3] ./ levels_per_opinion)...)
model = create_model(nopinions=3, levels_per_opinion=levels_per_opinion)
anim = @animate for sp in 1:500
  step!(model, agent_step!)
  p = plotabm(model, ac=ac, as=12, am=:square)
  title!(p, "Step $(sp)")
  if rununtil(model, 1)
gif(anim, "opinion.gif")