Zombie Outbreak

This model showcases an ABM running on a map, using OpenStreetMapSpace.

Constructing the end of days

using Agents

We'll simulate a zombie outbreak in a city. To do so, we start with an agent which satisfies the OSMSpace conditions of having a position of type Tuple{Int,Int,Float64}, a route vector and a destination with the same type as pos. For simplicity though we shall build this with the @agent macro.

@agent Zombie OSMAgent begin

The model constructor we build consists of a map, and 100 agents scattered randomly around it. They have their own agenda and need to travel to some new destination. Unfortunately one of the population has turned and will begin infecting anyone who comes close.

function initialise(; map_path = TEST_MAP)
    model = ABM(Zombie, OpenStreetMapSpace(map_path))

    for _ in 1:100
        start = random_position(model) # At an intersection
        finish = osm_random_road_position(model) # Somewhere on a road
        route = osm_plan_route(start, finish, model)
        add_agent!(start, model, route, finish, false)

    # We'll add patient zero at a specific (latitude, longitude)
    start = osm_road((39.534773980413505, -119.78937575923226), model)
    finish = osm_intersection((39.52530416953533, -119.76949287425508), model)
    route = osm_plan_route(start, finish, model)
    add_agent!(start, model, route, finish, true)
    return model
initialise (generic function with 1 method)

In our model, zombies are seemingly oblivious to their state, since they keep going about their business, but start eating people along the way. Perhaps they can finally express their distaste for city commuting.

function agent_step!(agent, model)
    # Each agent will progress 25 meters along their route
    move_agent!(agent, model, 25)

    if osm_is_stationary(agent) && rand() < 0.1
        # When stationary, give the agent a 10% chance of going somewhere else
        osm_random_route!(agent, model)
        # Start on new route
        move_agent!(agent, model, 25)

    if agent.infected
        # Agents will be infected if they get within 50 meters of a zombie.
        map(i -> model[i].infected = true, nearby_ids(agent, model, 50))
agent_step! (generic function with 1 method)

Visualising the fall of humanity

Plotting this space in a seamless manner is a work in progress. For now we use OpenStreetMapXPlot and a custom routine.

using OpenStreetMapXPlot
using Plots

ac(agent) = agent.infected ? :green : :black
as(agent) = agent.infected ? 6 : 5

function plotagents(model)
    # Essentially a cut down version on plotabm
    ids = model.scheduler(model)
    colors = [ac(model[i]) for i in ids]
    sizes = [as(model[i]) for i in ids]
    markers = :circle
    pos = [osm_map_coordinates(model[i], model) for i in ids]

        markercolor = colors,
        markersize = sizes,
        markershapes = markers,
        label = "",
        markerstrokewidth = 0.5,
        markerstrokecolor = :black,
        markeralpha = 0.7,
plotagents (generic function with 1 method)

Let's see how this plays out!

model = initialise()

frames = @animate for i in 0:200
    i > 0 && step!(model, agent_step!, 1)

gif(frames, "outbreak.gif", fps = 15)