Bacterial Growth
Bacterial colonies are a prime example for growing active matter, where systems are driven out of equilibrium by proliferation. This model is a simplified version of unpublished work by Yoav G. Pollack and Philip Bittihn; similar models can be found in literature. Here, a bacterium is modelled by two soft disk "nodes" linked by a spring, whose rest length grows with a constant growth rate. When it has reached its full extension, the cell divides into two daughter cells with the same orientation.
This example is a showcase of a complex continuous system. Agents will be splitting into more agents, thus having agent generation in continuous space. The model also uses advanced agent movement in continuous space, where a specialized "move_agent
" function is created. Advanced plotting is also done, since each agent is a specialized shape. It is also available from the Models
module as Models.growing_bacteria
using Agents, LinearAlgebra
using Random
@agent struct SimpleCell(ContinuousAgent{2, Float64})
# node positions/forces
function SimpleCell(id, pos, l, φ, g, γ)
a = SimpleCell(id, pos, (0.0, 0.0), l, φ, g, γ, (0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0), (0.0, 0.0))
return a
In this model, the agents have to store their state in two redundant ways: the cell coordinates (position, length, orientation) are required for the equations of motion, while the positions of the disk-shaped nodes are necessary for calculating mechanical forces between cells. To transform from one set of coordinates to the other, we need to write a function
function update_nodes!(a::SimpleCell)
offset = 0.5 * a.length .* unitvector(a.orientation)
a.p1 = a.pos .+ offset
a.p2 = a.pos .- offset
update_nodes! (generic function with 1 method)
Some geometry convenience functions
unitvector(φ) = reverse(sincos(φ))
cross2D(a, b) = a[1] * b[2] - a[2] * b[1]
cross2D (generic function with 1 method)
Stepping functions
function model_step!(model)
for a in allagents(model)
if a.growthprog ≥ 1
# When a cell has matured, it divides into two daughter cells on the
# positions of its nodes.
add_agent!(a.p1, model, 0.0, a.orientation, 0.0, 0.1 * rand(abmrng(model)) + 0.05)
add_agent!(a.p2, model, 0.0, a.orientation, 0.0, 0.1 * rand(abmrng(model)) + 0.05)
remove_agent!(a, model)
# The rest lengh of the internal spring grows with time. This causes
# the nodes to physically separate.
uv = unitvector(a.orientation)
internalforce = model.hardness * (a.length - a.growthprog) .* uv
a.f1 = -1 .* internalforce
a.f2 = internalforce
# Bacteria can interact with more than on other cell at the same time, therefore,
# we need to specify the option `:all` in `interacting_pairs`
for (a1, a2) in interacting_pairs(model, 2.0, :all)
interact!(a1, a2, model)
model_step! (generic function with 1 method)
Here we use a custom move_agent!
function, because the agents have several moving parts. Notice that the first derivatives of all degrees of freedom is directly proportional to the force applied to them. This overdamped approximation is valid for small length scales, where viscous forces dominate over inertia.
function agent_step!(agent::SimpleCell, model::ABM)
fsym, compression, torque = transform_forces(agent)
direction = model.dt * model.mobility .* fsym
walk!(agent, direction, model)
agent.length += model.dt * model.mobility .* compression
agent.orientation += model.dt * model.mobility .* torque
agent.growthprog += model.dt * agent.growthrate
return agent.pos
agent_step! (generic function with 1 method)
Helper functions
function interact!(a1::SimpleCell, a2::SimpleCell, model)
n11 = noderepulsion(a1.p1, a2.p1, model)
n12 = noderepulsion(a1.p1, a2.p2, model)
n21 = noderepulsion(a1.p2, a2.p1, model)
n22 = noderepulsion(a1.p2, a2.p2, model)
a1.f1 = @. a1.f1 + (n11 + n12)
a1.f2 = @. a1.f2 + (n21 + n22)
a2.f1 = @. a2.f1 - (n11 + n21)
a2.f2 = @. a2.f2 - (n12 + n22)
function noderepulsion(p1::SVector{2,Float64}, p2::SVector{2,Float64}, model::ABM)
delta = p1 .- p2
distance = norm(delta)
if distance ≤ 1
uv = delta ./ distance
return (model.hardness * (1 - distance)) .* uv
return (0, 0)
function transform_forces(agent::SimpleCell)
# symmetric forces (CM movement)
fsym = agent.f1 .+ agent.f2
# antisymmetric forces (compression, torque)
fasym = agent.f1 .- agent.f2
uv = unitvector(agent.orientation)
compression = dot(uv, fasym)
torque = 0.5 * cross2D(uv, fasym)
return fsym, compression, torque
transform_forces (generic function with 1 method)
Animating bacterial growth
Okay, we can now initialize a model and see what it does.
space = ContinuousSpace((14, 9); spacing=1.0, periodic = false)
model = StandardABM(SimpleCell, space; agent_step!, model_step!,
properties = Dict(:dt => 0.005, :hardness => 1e2, :mobility => 1.0),
rng = MersenneTwister(1680))
StandardABM with 0 agents of type SimpleCell
agents container: Dict
space: continuous space with [14.0, 9.0] extent and spacing=1.0
scheduler: fastest
properties: hardness, dt, mobility
Let's start with just two agents.
add_agent!(SVector(6.5, 4.0), model, 0.0, 0.3, 0.0, 0.1)
add_agent!(SVector(7.5, 4.0), model, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1)
Main.SimpleCell(2, [7.5, 4.0], [0.0, 0.0], 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, [7.5, 4.0], [7.5, 4.0], [0.0, 0.0], [0.0, 0.0])
The model has several parameters, and some of them are of interest. We could e.g. define
adata = [:pos, :length, :orientation, :growthprog, :p1, :p2, :f1, :f2]
8-element Vector{Symbol}:
and then run!
the model. But we'll animate the model directly.
Here we once again use the huge flexibility provided by plotabm
to plot the bacteria cells. We define a function that creates a custom Shape
based on the agent:
using CairoMakie # choose plotting backend
function cassini_oval(agent)
t = LinRange(0, 2π, 50)
a = agent.growthprog
b = 1
m = @. 2 * sqrt((b^4 - a^4) + a^4 * cos(2 * t)^2) + 2 * a^2 * cos(2 * t)
C = sqrt.(m / 2)
x = C .* cos.(t)
y = C .* sin.(t)
uv = reverse(sincos(agent.orientation))
θ = atan(uv[2], uv[1])
R = [cos(θ) -sin(θ); sin(θ) cos(θ)]
bacteria = R * permutedims([x y])
coords = [Point2f(x/2, y/2) for (x, y) in zip(bacteria[1, :], bacteria[2, :])]
cassini_oval (generic function with 1 method)
set up some nice colors
bacteria_color(b) = RGBf( * 3.14 % 1, 0.2, 0.2)
bacteria_color (generic function with 1 method)
and proceed with the animation
"bacteria.mp4", model;
agent_marker = cassini_oval, agent_color = bacteria_color,
spf = 50, framerate = 30, frames = 100,
title = "Growing bacteria"
┌ Warning: keyword `spf` is deprecated in favor of `dt`.
└ @ AgentsVisualizations ~/.julia/packages/Agents/eKASH/ext/AgentsVisualizations/src/convenience.jl:102