Independence testing

For practical applications, it is often useful to determine whether variables are independent, possible conditioned upon another set of variables. One way of doing so is to utilize an association measure, and perform some sort of randomization-based independence testing.

For example, to test the dependence between time series, time series surrogates testing is used. Many other frameworks for independence exist too. Here, we've collected some independence testing frameworks, and made sure that they are compatible with as many of the implemented association measures as possible.

Independence testing API

The independence test API is defined by


SurrogateAssociationTest <: IndependenceTest
    nshuffles::Int = 100,
    surrogate = RandomShuffle(),
    rng = Random.default_rng(),
    show_progress = false,

A surrogate-data based generic (conditional) independence test for assessing whether the association between variables X and Y are independent, potentially conditioned on a third variable Z.

Compatible estimators and measures

  • Compatible with AssociationMeasures that measure some sort of pairwise or conditional association.

You must yourself determine whether using a particular measure is meaningful, and what it means.


If used with a TransferEntropy measure such as TEShannon, then the source variable is always shuffled, and the target and conditional variable are left unshuffled.



This is a generic one-sided hypothesis test that checks whether x and y are independent (given z, if provided) based on resampling from a null distribution assumed to represent independence between the variables. The null distribution is generated by repeatedly shuffling the input data in some way that is intended to break any dependence between the input variables.

The test first estimates the desired statistic using est_or_measure on the input data. Then, the first input variable is shuffled nshuffled times according to the given surrogate method (each type of surrogate represents a distinct null hypothesis). For each shuffle, est_or_measure is recomputed and the results are stored.


SurrogateAssociationTestResult(m, m_surr, pvalue)

Holds the result of a SurrogateAssociationTest. m is the measure computed on the original data. m_surr is a vector of the measure computed on permuted data, where m_surr[i] is the measure compute on the i-th permutation. pvalue is the one-sided p-value for the test.



LocalPermutationTest <: IndependenceTest
LocalPermutationTest(measure, [est];
    kperm::Int = 5,
    nshuffles::Int = 100,
    rng = Random.default_rng(),
    replace = true,
    w::Int = 0,
    show_progress = false)

LocalPermutationTest is a generic conditional independence test (Runge, 09–11 Apr 2018) for assessing whether two variables X and Y are conditionally independendent given a third variable Z (all of which may be multivariate).

When used with independence, a LocalPermutationTestResult is returned.


This is a generic one-sided hypothesis test that checks whether X and Y are independent (given Z, if provided) based on resampling from a null distribution assumed to represent independence between the variables. The null distribution is generated by repeatedly shuffling the input data in some way that is intended to break any dependence between x and y, but preserve dependencies between x and z.

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Compute the original conditional independence statistic I(X; Y | Z).
  2. Allocate a scalar valued vector with space for nshuffles elements.
  3. For k ∈ [1, 2, …, nshuffles], repeat
    • For each zᵢ ∈ Y, let nᵢ be time indices of the kperm nearest neighbors of zᵢ, excluding the w nearest neighbors of zᵢ from the neighbor query (i.e w is the Theiler window).
    • Let xᵢ⋆ = X[j], where j is randomly sampled from nᵢ with replacement. This way, xᵢ is replaced with xⱼ only if zᵢ ≈ zⱼ (zᵢ and zⱼ are close). Repeat for i = 1, 2, …, n and obtain the shuffled X̂ = [x̂₁, x̂₂, …, x̂ₙ].
    • Compute the conditional independence statistic Iₖ(X̂; Y | Z).
    • Let Î[k] = Iₖ(X̂; Y | Z).
  4. Compute the p-value as count(Î[k] .<= I) / nshuffles).

In additional to the conditional variant from Runge (2018), we also provide a pairwise version, where the shuffling procedure is identical, except neighbors in Y are used instead of Z and we I(X; Y) and Iₖ(X̂; Y) instead of I(X; Y | Z) and Iₖ(X̂; Y | Z).

Compatible measures

MeasurePairwiseConditionalRequires estNote
TEShannonYesPairwise tests not possible with TransferEntropyEstimators, only lower-level estimators, e.g. FPVP, GaussianMI or Kraskov

The LocalPermutationTest is only defined for conditional independence testing. Exceptions are for measures like TEShannon, which use conditional measures under the hood even for their pairwise variants, and are therefore compatible with LocalPermutationTest.

The nearest-neighbor approach in Runge (2018) can be reproduced by using the CMIShannon measure with the FPVP estimator.


LocalPermutationTestResult(m, m_surr, pvalue)

Holds the result of a LocalPermutationTest. m is the measure computed on the original data. m_surr is a vector of the measure computed on permuted data, where m_surr[i] is the measure compute on the i-th permutation. pvalue is the one-sided p-value for the test.



JointDistanceDistributionTest <: IndependenceTest
JointDistanceDistributionTest(measure::JointDistanceDistribution; rng = Random.default_rng())

An independence test for two variables based on the JointDistanceDistribution (Amigó and Hirata, 2018).

When used with independence, a JDDTestResult is returned.


The joint distance distribution (labelled Δ in their paper) is used by Amigó & Hirata (2018) to detect directional couplings of the form $X \to Y$ or $Y \to X$. JointDistanceDistributionTest formulates their method as an independence test.

Formally, we test the hypothesis $H_0$ (the variables are independent) against $H_1$ (there is directional coupling between the variables). To do so, we use a right-sided/upper-tailed t-test to check mean of Δ is skewed towards positive value, i.e.

  • $H_0 := \mu(\Delta) = 0$
  • $H_1 := \mu(\Delta) > 0$.

When used with independence, a JDDTestResult is returned, which contains the joint distance distribution and a p-value. If you only need Δ, use association with a JointDistanceDistribution instance directly.


  • Example 1. Detecting (in)dependence in bidirectionally coupled logistic maps.


CorrTest <: IndependenceTest

An independence test based correlation (for two variables) and partial correlation (for three variables) (Levy and Narula, 1978); as described in Schmidt et al. (2018).

Uses PearsonCorrelation and PartialCorrelation internally.

Assumes that the input data are (multivariate) normally distributed. Then ρ(X, Y) = 0 implies X ⫫ Y and ρ(X, Y | 𝐙) = 0 implies X ⫫ Y | 𝐙.


The null hypothesis is H₀ := ρ(X, Y | 𝐙) = 0. We use the approach in Levy & Narula (1978)(Levy and Narula, 1978) and compute the Z-transformation of the observed (partial) correlation coefficient $\hat{\rho}_{XY|\bf{Z}}$:

\[Z(\hat{\rho}_{XY|\bf{Z}}) = \log\dfrac{1 + \hat{\rho}_{XY|\bf{Z}}}{1 - \hat{\rho}_{XY|\bf{Z}}}.\]

To test the null hypothesis against the alternative hypothesis H₁ := ρ(X, Y | 𝐙) > 0, calculate

\[\hat{Z} = \dfrac{1}{2}\dfrac{Z(\hat{\rho}_{XY|\bf{Z}}) - Z(0)}{\sqrt{1/(n - d - 3)}},\]

and compute the two-sided p-value (Schmidt et al., 2018)

\[p(X, Y | \bf{Z}) = 2(1 - \phi(\sqrt{n - d - 3}Z(\hat{\rho}_{XY|\bf{Z}}))),\]

where $d$ is the dimension of $\bf{Z}$ and $n$ is the number of samples. For the pairwise case, the procedure is identical, but set $\bf{Z} = \emptyset$.


  • Example 1. Pairwise and conditional tests for independence on coupled noise processes.
CorrTestResult(pvalue, ρ, z)

A simple struct that holds the results of a CorrTest test: the (partial) correlation coefficient ρ, Fisher's z, and pvalue - the two-sided p-value for the test.
