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Attractors.jl is a Julia package for

  • Finding all attractors, and all types of attractors, of arbitrary dynamical systems. An extendable interface allows for new algorithms for finding attractors.
  • Finding their basins of attraction or the state space fractions of the basins. This includes finding exit basins (divergence to infinity).
  • Analyzing nonlocal stability of attractors (also called global stability or resilience).
  • Performing global continuation of attractors and their basins (or other measures of stability), over a parameter range. Global continuation is a new, cutting-edge type of continuation that offers several advantages over traditional local continuation (AUTO, MatCont, BifurcationKit.jl, etc.), see the comparison in our docs.
  • Finding the basin boundaries and edges states and analyzing their fractal properties.
  • Tipping points related functionality for systems with known dynamic rule.
  • And more!

It can be used as a standalone package, or as part of DynamicalSystems.jl.

To install it, run import Pkg; Pkg.add("Attractors").

All further information is provided in the documentation, which you can either find online or build locally by running the docs/make.jl file.

Previously, Attractors.jl was part of ChaosTools.jl


Latest news

  • Global continuation can now be performed across any arbitrary curve in parameter space.
  • See the (at the GitHub repo) for more!

Getting started

Start by having a look at the tutorial, after which you can consult individual library functions in API. Many more examples can be found in the dedicated examples page.