Probabilities API

The probabilities API is defined by

See also contingency tables for a multivariate version.

The probabilities API is re-exported from ComplexityMeasures.jl. Why? Most discrete information theoretic association measures are estimated using some sort of ProbabilitiesEstimators, because their formulas are simply functions of probability mass functions.



The supertype for all probabilities estimators.

In ComplexityMeasures.jl, probability mass functions are estimated from data by defining a set of possible outcomes $\Omega = \{\omega_1, \omega_2, \ldots, \omega_L \}$, and assigning to each outcome $\omega_i$ a probability $p(\omega_i)$, such that $\sum_{i=1}^N p(\omega_i) = 1$. It is the role of a ProbabilitiesEstimator to

  1. Define $\Omega$, the "outcome space", which is the set of all possible outcomes over which probabilities are estimated.
  2. Define how probabilities $p_i = p(\omega_i)$ are assigned to outcomes $\omega_i$ given input data.

In practice, probability estimation is done by calling probabilities with some input data and one of the implemented probabilities estimators. The result is a Probabilities p (Vector-like), where each element p[i] is the probability of the outcome ω[i]. Use probabilities_and_outcomes if you need both the probabilities and the outcomes, and use outcome_space to obtain $\Omega$ alone. The cardinality of $\Omega$ can be obtained using total_outcomes.

The element type of $\Omega$ varies between estimators, but it is guaranteed to be hashable and sortable. This allows for conveniently tracking the probability of a specific event across experimental realizations, by using the outcome as a dictionary key and the probability as the value for that key (or, alternatively, the key remains the outcome and one has a vector of probabilities, one for each experimental realization).

Some estimators can deduce $\Omega$ without knowledge of the input, such as SymbolicPermutation. For others, knowledge of input is necessary for concretely specifying $\Omega$, such as ValueHistogram with RectangularBinning. This only matters for the functions outcome_space and total_outcomes.

All currently implemented probability estimators are listed in a nice table in the probabilities estimators section of the online documentation.

probabilities(est::ProbabilitiesEstimator, x::Array_or_Dataset) → p::Probabilities

Compute a probability distribution over the set of possible outcomes defined by the probabilities estimator est, given input data x, which is typically an Array or a StateSpaceSet; see Input data for ComplexityMeasures.jl. Configuration options are always given as arguments to the chosen estimator.

To obtain the outcomes corresponding to these probabilities, use outcomes.

Due to performance optimizations, whether the returned probablities contain 0s as entries or not depends on the estimator. E.g., in ValueHistogram 0s are skipped, while in PowerSpectrum 0 are not, because we get them for free. Use the function allprobabilities for a version with all 0 entries that ensures that given an est, the indices of p will be independent of the input data x.

probabilities(x::Vector_or_Dataset) → p::Probabilities

Estimate probabilities by directly counting the elements of x, assuming that Ω = sort(unique(x)), i.e. that the outcome space is the unique elements of x. This is mostly useful when x contains categorical data.

See also: Probabilities, ProbabilitiesEstimator.

Probabilities <: AbstractArray
Probabilities(x) → p

Probabilities is a simple wrapper around x::AbstractArray{<:Real, N} that ensures its values sum to 1, so that p can be interpreted as N-dimensional probability mass function. In most use cases, p will be a vector. p behaves exactly like its contained data x with respect to indexing and iteration.



Here, we list probabilities estimators that are compatible with CausalityTools.jl. Note that not all probabilities estimators from ComplexityMeasures.jl are included. This is because for the information-based association measures here, the probabilities estimator must be compatible with multivariate data, or have an implementation for marginal_encodings, which discretizes each dimension of the multivariate input data separately.

ContingencyCount co-occurrences, optionally discretize first
CountOccurrencesCount of unique elements
ValueHistogramBinning (histogram)
TransferOperatorBinning (transfer operator)
NaiveKernelKernel density estimation
SymbolicPermutationOrdinal patterns
DispersionDispersion patterns


Contingency <: ProbabilitiesEstimator
Contingency(est::Union{ProbabilitiesEstimator, Nothing} = nothing)

Contingency is a probabilities estimator that transforms input data to a multidimensional probability mass function (internally represented as ContingencyMatrix.

It works directly on raw discrete/categorical data. Alternatively, if a ProbabilitiesEstimator est for which marginal_encodings is implemented is given, then input data are first discretized before creating the contingency matrix.


The Contingency estimator differs from other ProbabilitiesEstimators in that it's not compatible with probabilities and other methods. Instead, it is used to construct ContingencyMatrix, from which probabilities can be computed.


Count occurrences


A probabilities/entropy estimator based on straight-forward counting of distinct elements in a univariate time series or multivariate dataset. This is the same as giving no estimator to probabilities.

Outcome space

The outcome space is the unique sorted values of the input. Hence, input x is needed for a well-defined outcome_space.

Histograms (binning)

ValueHistogram(b::AbstractBinning) <: ProbabilitiesEstimator

A probability estimator based on binning the values of the data as dictated by the binning scheme b and formally computing their histogram, i.e., the frequencies of points in the bins. An alias to this is VisitationFrequency. Available binnings are subtypes of AbstractBinning.

The ValueHistogram estimator has a linearithmic time complexity (n log(n) for n = length(x)) and a linear space complexity (l for l = dimension(x)). This allows computation of probabilities (histograms) of high-dimensional datasets and with small box sizes ε without memory overflow and with maximum performance. For performance reasons, the probabilities returned never contain 0s and are arbitrarily ordered.


A convenience method that accepts same input as RectangularBinning and initializes this binning directly.


The outcome space for ValueHistogram is the unique bins constructed from b. Each bin is identified by its left (lowest-value) corner, because bins are always left-closed-right-open intervals [a, b). The bins are in data units, not integer (cartesian indices units), and are returned as SVectors, i.e., same type as input data.

For convenience, outcome_space returns the outcomes in the same array format as the underlying binning (e.g., Matrix for 2D input).

For FixedRectangularBinning the outcome_space is well-defined from the binning, but for RectangularBinning input x is needed as well.

RectangularBinning(ϵ, precise = false) <: AbstractBinning

Rectangular box partition of state space using the scheme ϵ, deducing the histogram extent and bin width from the input data.

RectangularBinning is a convenience struct. It is re-cast into FixedRectangularBinning once the data are provided, so see that docstring for info on the bin calculation and the meaning of precise.

Binning instructions are deduced from the type of ϵ as follows:

  1. ϵ::Int divides each coordinate axis into ϵ equal-length intervals that cover all data.
  2. ϵ::Float64 divides each coordinate axis into intervals of fixed size ϵ, starting from the axis minima until the data is completely covered by boxes.
  3. ϵ::Vector{Int} divides the i-th coordinate axis into ϵ[i] equal-length intervals that cover all data.
  4. ϵ::Vector{Float64} divides the i-th coordinate axis into intervals of fixed size ϵ[i], starting from the axis minima until the data is completely covered by boxes.

RectangularBinning ensures all input data are covered by extending the created ranges if need be.

FixedRectangularBinning <: AbstractBinning
FixedRectangularBinning(ranges::Tuple{<:AbstractRange...}, precise = false)

Rectangular box partition of state space where the partition along each dimension is explicitly given by each range ranges, which is a tuple of AbstractRange subtypes. Typically, each range is the output of the range Base function, e.g., ranges = (0:0.1:1, range(0, 1; length = 101), range(2.1, 3.2; step = 0.33)). All ranges must be sorted.

The optional second argument precise dictates whether Julia Base's TwicePrecision is used for when searching where a point falls into the range. Useful for edge cases of points being almost exactly on the bin edges, but it is exactly four times as slow, so by default it is false.

Points falling outside the partition do not contribute to probabilities. Bins are always left-closed-right-open: [a, b). This means that the last value of each of the ranges dictates the last right-closing value. This value does not belong to the histogram! E.g., if given a range r = range(0, 1; length = 11), with r[end] = 1, the value 1 is outside the partition and would not attribute any increase of the probability corresponding to the last bin (here [0.9, 1))!

Equivalently, the size of the histogram is histsize = map(r -> length(r)-1, ranges)!

FixedRectangularBinning leads to a well-defined outcome space without knowledge of input data, see ValueHistogram.

Transfer operator (binning)

TransferOperator <: ProbabilitiesEstimator

A probability estimator based on binning data into rectangular boxes dictated by the given binning scheme b, then approximating the transfer (Perron-Frobenius) operator over the bins, then taking the invariant measure associated with that transfer operator as the bin probabilities. Assumes that the input data are sequential (time-ordered).

This implementation follows the grid estimator approach in Diego et al. (2019)[Diego2019].

Outcome space

The outcome space for TransferOperator is the set of unique bins constructed from b. Bins are identified by their left (lowest-value) corners, are given in data units, and are returned as SVectors.

Bin ordering

Bins returned by probabilities_and_outcomes are ordered according to first appearance (i.e. the first time the input (multivariate) timeseries visits the bin). Thus, if

b = RectangularBinning(4)
est = TransferOperator(b)
probs, outcomes = probabilities_and_outcomes(x, est) # x is some timeseries

then probs[i] is the invariant measure (probability) of the bin outcomes[i], which is the i-th bin visited by the timeseries with nonzero measure.


The transfer operator $P^{N}$is computed as an N-by-N matrix of transition probabilities between the states defined by the partition elements, where N is the number of boxes in the partition that is visited by the orbit/points.

If $\{x_t^{(D)} \}_{n=1}^L$ are the $L$ different $D$-dimensional points over which the transfer operator is approximated, $\{ C_{k=1}^N \}$ are the $N$ different partition elements (as dictated by ϵ) that gets visited by the points, and $\phi(x_t) = x_{t+1}$, then

\[P_{ij} = \dfrac {\#\{ x_n | \phi(x_n) \in C_j \cap x_n \in C_i \}} {\#\{ x_m | x_m \in C_i \}},\]

where $\#$ denotes the cardinal. The element $P_{ij}$ thus indicates how many points that are initially in box $C_i$ end up in box $C_j$ when the points in $C_i$ are projected one step forward in time. Thus, the row $P_{ik}^N$ where $k \in \{1, 2, \ldots, N \}$ gives the probability of jumping from the state defined by box $C_i$ to any of the other $N$ states. It follows that $\sum_{k=1}^{N} P_{ik} = 1$ for all $i$. Thus, $P^N$ is a row/right stochastic matrix.

Invariant measure estimation from transfer operator

The left invariant distribution $\mathbf{\rho}^N$ is a row vector, where $\mathbf{\rho}^N P^{N} = \mathbf{\rho}^N$. Hence, $\mathbf{\rho}^N$ is a row eigenvector of the transfer matrix $P^{N}$ associated with eigenvalue 1. The distribution $\mathbf{\rho}^N$ approximates the invariant density of the system subject to binning, and can be taken as a probability distribution over the partition elements.

In practice, the invariant measure $\mathbf{\rho}^N$ is computed using invariantmeasure, which also approximates the transfer matrix. The invariant distribution is initialized as a length-N random distribution which is then applied to $P^{N}$. The resulting length-N distribution is then applied to $P^{N}$ again. This process repeats until the difference between the distributions over consecutive iterations is below some threshold.

See also: RectangularBinning, invariantmeasure.

Utility methods/types

For explicit estimation of the transfer operator, see ComplexityMeasures.jl.

invariantmeasure(x::AbstractStateSpaceSet, binning::RectangularBinning) → iv::InvariantMeasure

Estimate an invariant measure over the points in x based on binning the data into rectangular boxes dictated by the binning, then approximate the transfer (Perron-Frobenius) operator over the bins. From the approximation to the transfer operator, compute an invariant distribution over the bins. Assumes that the input data are sequential.

Details on the estimation procedure is found the TransferOperator docstring.


using DynamicalSystems
henon_rule(x, p, n) = SVector{2}(1.0 - p[1]*x[1]^2 + x[2], p[2]*x[1])
henon = DeterministicIteratedMap(henon_rule, zeros(2), [1.4, 0.3])
orbit, t = trajectory(ds, 20_000; Ttr = 10)

# Estimate the invariant measure over some coarse graining of the orbit.
iv = invariantmeasure(orbit, RectangularBinning(15))

# Get the probabilities and bins

Probabilities and bin information

invariantmeasure(iv::InvariantMeasure) → (ρ::Probabilities, bins::Vector{<:SVector})

From a pre-computed invariant measure, return the probabilities and associated bins. The element ρ[i] is the probability of visitation to the box bins[i]. Analogous to binhist.

Transfer operator approach vs. naive histogram approach

Why bother with the transfer operator instead of using regular histograms to obtain probabilities?

In fact, the naive histogram approach and the transfer operator approach are equivalent in the limit of long enough time series (as $n \to \intfy$), which is guaranteed by the ergodic theorem. There is a crucial difference, however:

The naive histogram approach only gives the long-term probabilities that orbits visit a certain region of the state space. The transfer operator encodes that information too, but comes with the added benefit of knowing the transition probabilities between states (see transfermatrix).

See also: InvariantMeasure.

transfermatrix(iv::InvariantMeasure) → (M::AbstractArray{<:Real, 2}, bins::Vector{<:SVector})

Return the transfer matrix/operator and corresponding bins. Here, bins[i] corresponds to the i-th row/column of the transfer matrix. Thus, the entry M[i, j] is the probability of jumping from the state defined by bins[i] to the state defined by bins[j].

See also: TransferOperator.

Symbolic permutations

SymbolicPermutation <: ProbabilitiesEstimator
SymbolicPermutation(; m = 3, τ = 1, lt::Function = ComplexityMeasures.isless_rand)

A probabilities estimator based on ordinal permutation patterns.

When passed to probabilities the output depends on the input data type:

  • Univariate data. If applied to a univariate timeseries (AbstractVector), then the timeseries is first embedded using embedding delay τ and dimension m, resulting in embedding vectors $\{ \bf{x}_i \}_{i=1}^{N-(m-1)\tau}$. Then, for each $\bf{x}_i$, we find its permutation pattern $\pi_{i}$. Probabilities are then estimated as the frequencies of the encoded permutation symbols by using CountOccurrences. When giving the resulting probabilities to entropy, the original permutation entropy is computed [BandtPompe2002].
  • Multivariate data. If applied to a an D-dimensional StateSpaceSet, then no embedding is constructed, m must be equal to D and τ is ignored. Each vector $\bf{x}_i$ of the dataset is mapped directly to its permutation pattern $\pi_{i}$ by comparing the relative magnitudes of the elements of $\bf{x}_i$. Like above, probabilities are estimated as the frequencies of the permutation symbols. The resulting probabilities can be used to compute multivariate permutation entropy[He2016], although here we don't perform any further subdivision of the permutation patterns (as in Figure 3 of[He2016]).

Internally, SymbolicPermutation uses the OrdinalPatternEncoding to represent ordinal patterns as integers for efficient computations.

See SymbolicWeightedPermutation and SymbolicAmplitudeAwarePermutation for estimators that not only consider ordinal (sorting) patterns, but also incorporate information about within-state-vector amplitudes. For a version of this estimator that can be used on spatial data, see SpatialSymbolicPermutation.

Handling equal values in ordinal patterns

In Bandt & Pompe (2002), equal values are ordered after their order of appearance, but this can lead to erroneous temporal correlations, especially for data with low amplitude resolution [Zunino2017]. Here, by default, if two values are equal, then one of the is randomly assigned as "the largest", using lt = ComplexityMeasures.isless_rand. To get the behaviour from Bandt and Pompe (2002), use lt = Base.isless.

Outcome space

The outcome space Ω for SymbolicPermutation is the set of length-m ordinal patterns (i.e. permutations) that can be formed by the integers 1, 2, …, m. There are factorial(m) such patterns.

For example, the outcome [2, 3, 1] corresponds to the ordinal pattern of having the smallest value in the second position, the next smallest value in the third position, and the next smallest, i.e. the largest value in the first position. See also [OrdinalPatternEncoding(@ref).

In-place symbolization

SymbolicPermutation also implements the in-place probabilities! for StateSpaceSet input (or embedded vector input) for reducing allocations in looping scenarios. The length of the pre-allocated symbol vector must be the length of the dataset. For example

using ComplexityMeasures
m, N = 2, 100
est = SymbolicPermutation(; m, τ)
x = StateSpaceSet(rand(N, m)) # some input dataset
πs_ts = zeros(Int, N) # length must match length of `x`
p = probabilities!(πs_ts, est, x)

Dispersion patterns

Dispersion(; c = 5, m = 2, τ = 1, check_unique = true)

A probability estimator based on dispersion patterns, originally used by Rostaghi & Azami, 2016[Rostaghi2016] to compute the "dispersion entropy", which characterizes the complexity and irregularity of a time series.

Recommended parameter values[Li2018] are m ∈ [2, 3], τ = 1 for the embedding, and c ∈ [3, 4, …, 8] categories for the Gaussian symbol mapping.


Assume we have a univariate time series $X = \{x_i\}_{i=1}^N$. First, this time series is encoded into a symbol timeseries $S$ using the Gaussian encoding GaussianCDFEncoding with empirical mean μ and empirical standard deviation σ (both determined from $X$), and c as given to Dispersion.

Then, $S$ is embedded into an $m$-dimensional time series, using an embedding lag of $\tau$, which yields a total of $N - (m - 1)\tau$ delay vectors $z_i$, or "dispersion patterns". Since each element of $z_i$ can take on c different values, and each delay vector has m entries, there are c^m possible dispersion patterns. This number is used for normalization when computing dispersion entropy.

The returned probabilities are simply the frequencies of the unique dispersion patterns present in $S$ (i.e., the CountOccurences of $S$).

Outcome space

The outcome space for Dispersion is the unique delay vectors whose elements are the the symbols (integers) encoded by the Gaussian CDF, i.e., the unique elements of $S$.

Data requirements and parameters

The input must have more than one unique element for the Gaussian mapping to be well-defined. Li et al. (2018) recommends that x has at least 1000 data points.

If check_unique == true (default), then it is checked that the input has more than one unique value. If check_unique == false and the input only has one unique element, then a InexactError is thrown when trying to compute probabilities.

Why 'dispersion patterns'?

Each embedding vector is called a "dispersion pattern". Why? Let's consider the case when $m = 5$ and $c = 3$, and use some very imprecise terminology for illustration:

When $c = 3$, values clustering far below mean are in one group, values clustered around the mean are in one group, and values clustering far above the mean are in a third group. Then the embedding vector $[2, 2, 2, 2, 2]$ consists of values that are close together (close to the mean), so it represents a set of numbers that are not very spread out (less dispersed). The embedding vector $[1, 1, 2, 3, 3]$, however, represents numbers that are much more spread out (more dispersed), because the categories representing "outliers" both above and below the mean are represented, not only values close to the mean.

For a version of this estimator that can be used on high-dimensional arrays, see SpatialDispersion.

Kernel density

NaiveKernel(ϵ::Real; method = KDTree, w = 0, metric = Euclidean()) <: ProbabilitiesEstimator

Estimate probabilities/entropy using a "naive" kernel density estimation approach (KDE), as discussed in Prichard and Theiler (1995) [PrichardTheiler1995].

Probabilities $P(\mathbf{x}, \epsilon)$ are assigned to every point $\mathbf{x}$ by counting how many other points occupy the space spanned by a hypersphere of radius ϵ around $\mathbf{x}$, according to:

\[P_i( X, \epsilon) \approx \dfrac{1}{N} \sum_{s} B(||X_i - X_j|| < \epsilon),\]

where $B$ gives 1 if the argument is true. Probabilities are then normalized.

Keyword arguments

  • method = KDTree: the search structure supported by Neighborhood.jl. Specifically, use KDTree to use a tree-based neighbor search, or BruteForce for the direct distances between all points. KDTrees heavily outperform direct distances when the dimensionality of the data is much smaller than the data length.
  • w = 0: the Theiler window, which excludes indices $s$ that are within $|i - s| ≤ w$ from the given point $x_i$.
  • metric = Euclidean(): the distance metric.

Outcome space

The outcome space Ω for NaiveKernel are the indices of the input data, eachindex(x). Hence, input x is needed for a well-defined outcome_space. The reason to not return the data points themselves is because duplicate data points may not get assigned same probabilities (due to having different neighbors).


WaveletOverlap([wavelet]) <: ProbabilitiesEstimator

Apply the maximal overlap discrete wavelet transform (MODWT) to a signal, then compute probabilities as the (normalized) energies at different wavelet scales. These probabilities are used to compute the wavelet entropy, according to Rosso et al. (2001)[Rosso2001]. Input timeseries x is needed for a well-defined outcome space.

By default the wavelet Wavelets.WT.Daubechies{12}() is used. Otherwise, you may choose a wavelet from the Wavelets package (it must subtype OrthoWaveletClass).

Outcome space

The outcome space for WaveletOverlap are the integers 1, 2, …, N enumerating the wavelet scales. To obtain a better understanding of what these mean, we prepared a notebook you can view online. As such, this estimator only works for timeseries input and input x is needed for a well-defined outcome_space.

PowerSpectrum() <: ProbabilitiesEstimator

Calculate the power spectrum of a timeseries (amplitude square of its Fourier transform), and return the spectrum normalized to sum = 1 as probabilities. The Shannon entropy of these probabilities is typically referred in the literature as spectral entropy, e.g. [Llanos2016],[Tian2017].

The closer the spectrum is to flat, i.e., white noise, the higher the entropy. However, you can't compare entropies of timeseries with different length, because the binning in spectral space depends on the length of the input.

Outcome space

The outcome space Ω for PowerSpectrum is the set of frequencies in Fourier space. They should be multiplied with the sampling rate of the signal, which is assumed to be 1. Input x is needed for a well-defined outcome_space.


Diversity(; m::Int, τ::Int, nbins::Int)

A ProbabilitiesEstimator based on the cosine similarity. It can be used with entropy to compute the diversity entropy of an input timeseries[Wang2020].

The implementation here allows for τ != 1, which was not considered in the original paper.


Diversity probabilities are computed as follows.

  1. From the input time series x, using embedding lag τ and embedding dimension m, construct the embedding $Y = \{\bf x_i \} = \{(x_{i}, x_{i+\tau}, x_{i+2\tau}, \ldots, x_{i+m\tau - 1}\}_{i = 1}^{N-mτ}$.
  2. Compute $D = \{d(\bf x_t, \bf x_{t+1}) \}_{t=1}^{N-mτ-1}$, where $d(\cdot, \cdot)$ is the cosine similarity between two m-dimensional vectors in the embedding.
  3. Divide the interval [-1, 1] into nbins equally sized subintervals (including the value +1).
  4. Construct a histogram of cosine similarities $d \in D$ over those subintervals.
  5. Sum-normalize the histogram to obtain probabilities.

Outcome space

The outcome space for Diversity is the bins of the [-1, 1] interval, and the return configuration is the same as in ValueHistogram (left bin edge).



outcomes(est::ProbabilitiesEstimator, x)

Return all (unique) outcomes contained in x according to the given estimator. Equivalent with probabilities_and_outcomes(x, est)[2], but for some estimators it may be explicitly extended for better performance.

outcome_space(est::ProbabilitiesEstimator, x) → Ω

Return a sorted container containing all possible outcomes of est for input x.

For some estimators the concrete outcome space is known without knowledge of input x, in which case the function dispatches to outcome_space(est). In general it is recommended to use the 2-argument version irrespectively of estimator.

total_outcomes(est::ProbabilitiesEstimator, x)

Return the length (cardinality) of the outcome space $\Omega$ of est.

For some estimators the concrete outcome space is known without knowledge of input x, in which case the function dispatches to total_outcomes(est). In general it is recommended to use the 2-argument version irrespectively of estimator.


Some probability estimators first "encode" input data into an intermediate representation indexed by the positive integers. This intermediate representation is called an "encoding".

The encodings API is defined by:

encode(c::Encoding, χ) -> i::Int

Encode an element χ ∈ x of input data x (those given to probabilities) using encoding c.

The special value of -1 is reserved as a return value for inappropriate elements χ that cannot be encoded according to c.

decode(c::Encoding, i::Int) -> ω

Decode an encoded element i into the outcome ω ∈ Ω it corresponds to.

Ω is the outcome_space of a probabilities estimator that uses encoding c.

Available encodings

OrdinalPatternEncoding <: Encoding
OrdinalPatternEncoding(m::Int, lt = ComplexityMeasures.isless_rand)

An encoding scheme that encodes length-m vectors into their permutation/ordinal patterns and then into the integers based on the Lehmer code. It is used by SymbolicPermutation and similar estimators, see that for a description of the outcome space.

The ordinal/permutation pattern of a vector χ is simply sortperm(χ), which gives the indices that would sort χ in ascending order.


The Lehmer code, as implemented here, is a bijection between the set of factorial(m) possible permutations for a length-m sequence, and the integers 1, 2, …, factorial(m). The encoding step uses algorithm 1 in Berger et al. (2019)[Berger2019], which is highly optimized. The decoding step is much slower due to missing optimizations (pull requests welcomed!).


julia> using ComplexityMeasures

julia> χ = [4.0, 1.0, 9.0];

julia> c = OrdinalPatternEncoding(3);

julia> i = encode(c, χ)

julia> decode(c, i)
3-element SVector{3, Int64} with indices SOneTo(3):

If you want to encode something that is already a permutation pattern, then you can use the non-exported permutation_to_integer function.

GaussianCDFEncoding <: Encoding
GaussianCDFEncoding(; μ, σ, c::Int = 3)

An encoding scheme that encodes a scalar value into one of the integers sᵢ ∈ [1, 2, …, c] based on the normal cumulative distribution function (NCDF), and decodes the sᵢ into subintervals of [0, 1] (with some loss of information).

Notice that the decoding step does not yield an element of any outcome space of the estimators that use GaussianCDFEncoding internally, such as Dispersion. That is because these estimators additionally delay embed the encoded data.


GaussianCDFEncoding first maps an input point $x$ (scalar) to a new real number $y_ \in [0, 1]$ by using the normal cumulative distribution function (CDF) with the given mean μ and standard deviation σ, according to the map

\[x \to y : y = \dfrac{1}{ \sigma \sqrt{2 \pi}} \int_{-\infty}^{x} e^{(-(x - \mu)^2)/(2 \sigma^2)} dx.\]

Next, the interval [0, 1] is equidistantly binned and enumerated $1, 2, \ldots, c$, and $y$ is linearly mapped to one of these integers using the linear map $y \to z : z = \text{floor}(y(c-1)) + 1$.

Because of the floor operation, some information is lost, so when used with decode, each decoded sᵢ is mapped to a subinterval of [0, 1].


julia> using ComplexityMeasures, Statistics

julia> x = [0.1, 0.4, 0.7, -2.1, 8.0];

julia> μ, σ = mean(x), std(x); encoding = GaussianCDFEncoding(; μ, σ, c = 5)

julia> es = encode.(Ref(encoding), x)
5-element Vector{Int64}:

julia> decode(encoding, 3)
2-element SVector{2, Float64} with indices SOneTo(2):
  • Diego2019Diego, D., Haaga, K. A., & Hannisdal, B. (2019). Transfer entropy computation using the Perron-Frobenius operator. Physical Review E, 99(4), 042212.
  • BandtPompe2002Bandt, Christoph, and Bernd Pompe. "Permutation entropy: a natural complexity measure for timeseries." Physical review letters 88.17 (2002): 174102.
  • Zunino2017Zunino, L., Olivares, F., Scholkmann, F., & Rosso, O. A. (2017). Permutation entropy based timeseries analysis: Equalities in the input signal can lead to false conclusions. Physics Letters A, 381(22), 1883-1892.
  • He2016He, S., Sun, K., & Wang, H. (2016). Multivariate permutation entropy and its application for complexity analysis of chaotic systems. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 461, 812-823.
  • Rostaghi2016Rostaghi, M., & Azami, H. (2016). Dispersion entropy: A measure for time-series analysis. IEEE Signal Processing Letters, 23(5), 610-614.
  • Li2018Li, G., Guan, Q., & Yang, H. (2018). Noise reduction method of underwater acoustic signals based on CEEMDAN, effort-to-compress complexity, refined composite multiscale dispersion entropy and wavelet threshold denoising. EntropyDefinition, 21(1), 11.
  • PrichardTheiler1995Prichard, D., & Theiler, J. (1995). Generalized redundancies for time series analysis. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 84(3-4), 476-493.
  • Rosso2001Rosso et al. (2001). Wavelet entropy: a new tool for analysis of short duration brain electrical signals. Journal of neuroscience methods, 105(1), 65-75.
  • Llanos2016Llanos et al., Power spectral entropy as an information-theoretic correlate of manner of articulation in American English, The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 141, EL127 (2017)
  • Tian2017Tian et al, Spectral EntropyDefinition Can Predict Changes of Working Memory Performance Reduced by Short-Time Training in the Delayed-Match-to-Sample Task, Front. Hum. Neurosci.
  • Wang2020Wang, X., Si, S., & Li, Y. (2020). Multiscale diversity entropy: A novel dynamical measure for fault diagnosis of rotating machinery. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 17(8), 5419-5429.
  • Berger2019Berger et al. "Teaching Ordinal Patterns to a Computer: Efficient Encoding Algorithms Based on the Lehmer Code." Entropy 21.10 (2019): 1023.