Conditional entropy

Discrete: example from Cover & Thomas

This is essentially example 2.2.1 in Cover & Thomas (2006), where they use the following contingency table as an example. We'll take their example and manually construct a ContingencyMatrix that we can use to compute the conditional entropy. The ContingencyMatrix constructor takes the probabilities as the first argument and the raw frequencies as the second argument. Note also that Julia is column-major, so we need to transpose their example. Then their X is in the first dimension of our contingency matrix (along columns) and their Y is our second dimension (rows).

using CausalityTools
freqs_yx = [1//8 1//16 1//32 1//32;
    1//16 1//8  1//32 1//32;
    1//16 1//16 1//16 1//16;
    1//4  0//1  0//1  0//1];
freqs_xy = transpose(freqs_yx);
probs_xy = freqs_xy ./ sum(freqs_xy)
c_xy = ContingencyMatrix(probs_xy, freqs_xy)
4×4 ContingencyMatrix{Rational{Int64}, 2, Rational{Int64}}:
 1//8   1//16  1//16  1//4
 1//16  1//8   1//16  0//1
 1//32  1//32  1//16  0//1
 1//32  1//32  1//16  0//1

The marginal distribution for x (first dimension) is

probabilities(c_xy, 1)

The marginal distribution for y (second dimension) is

probabilities(c_xy, 2)

And the Shannon conditional entropy $H^S(X | Y)$

ce_x_given_y = entropy_conditional(CEShannon(), c_xy) |> Rational

This is the same as in their example. Hooray! To compute $H^S(Y | X)$, we just need to flip the contingency matrix.

probs_yx = freqs_yx ./ sum(freqs_yx);
c_yx = ContingencyMatrix(probs_yx, freqs_yx);
ce_y_given_x = entropy_conditional(CEShannon(), c_yx) |> Rational