
Differential entropy: estimator comparison

Here, we'll test the different nearest-neighbor based differential entropy estimators on a three-dimensional normal distribution $\mathcal{N} (\mu, \Sigma)$ with zero means and covariance matrix $\Sigma = diag(r_1, r_2, r_3)$ with $r_1 = r_2 = r_3 = 0.5$. The analytical entropy for multivariate Gaussian is $H(\mathcal{N} (\mu, \Sigma)) = \dfrac{1}{2}\log(\det(2\pi e \Sigma))$. In our case, $\Sigma$ is diagonal, so $\det(\Sigma) = (0.5)^3$ and $H = 0.5\log(2\pi e (0.5)^3)\approx 3.217$.

Several of these estimators have been shown to convergence to the true entropy with an increasing number of samples. Therefore, we test the estimators on samples of increasing size $N$, where $N$ ranges from 1000 to 30000. Since we're estimating entropy from samples of a normal distribution, we don't expect the estimates to perfectly match the analytical entropy every time. On average, however, they should hit the target when the sample size gets large enough.

Analytical and estimated entropies

We'll first make two helper functions.

  • analytical_entropy(estimators, Ls; d::Int, r, base = 2): Computes the analytical Shannon differential entropy to the given base of a multivariate normal distribution with covariance matrix with diagonal elements r and zeros on the off-diagonal. Does so for each of the given estimators for each sample size in Ls.
  • mvnormal_entropies(; d::Int, r, base = 2, kwargs...): Estimates the Shannon entropy to the given base of samples from a multivariate normal distribution as specified as above.
using CausalityTools
using Distributions: MvNormal
using LinearAlgebra
using Statistics: quantile
using Random; rng = MersenneTwister(12345678)
using CairoMakie

analytical_entropy(; d::Int, r, base = 2) =
    0.5*log(det(2*pi*ℯ*diagm(repeat([r], d)))) / log(ℯ, base) # convert to desired base

function mvnormal_entropies(estimators, Ls;
        d = 3,
        base = 2,
        nreps = 50,
        r = 0.5,
    μ = zeros(d)
    Σ = diagm(repeat([r], d))
    N = MvNormal(μ, Σ)
    Hs = [[zeros(nreps) for L in Ls] for est in estimators]
    data = [StateSpaceSet([rand(rng, N) for i = 1:maximum(Ls)]) for i = 1:nreps]
    for (e, est) in enumerate(estimators)
        for (l, L) in enumerate(Ls)
            for i = 1:nreps
                Hs[e][l][i] = entropy(Shannon(; base), est, data[i][1:L])
    return Hs
mvnormal_entropies (generic function with 1 method)

We'll also need a function to summarize the estimates.

# A helper to get the estimator name for plotting.
getname(est::DifferentialEntropyEstimator) = typeof(est).name.name  |> string
function medians_and_quantiles(Hs, Ls; q = 0.95)
    medians = [zeros(length(Ls)) for est in estimators]
    lb = [zeros(length(Ls)) for est in estimators]
    ub = [zeros(length(Ls)) for est in estimators]

    for (e, est) in enumerate(estimators)
        for (l, L) in enumerate(Ls)
            ĥs = Hs[e][l] # nreps estimates for this combinations of e and l
            medians[e][l] = quantile(ĥs, 0.5)
            lb[e][l] = quantile(ĥs, (1 - q) / 2)
            ub[e][l] = quantile(ĥs, 1 - ((1 - q) / 2))

    return medians, lb, ub
medians_and_quantiles (generic function with 1 method)

Plotting utilities

Now, make some plotting helper functions.

struct Cyclor{T} <: AbstractVector{T}
Cyclor(c) = Cyclor(c, 0)

Base.length(c::Cyclor) = length(c.c)
Base.size(c::Cyclor) = size(c.c)
Base.iterate(c::Cyclor, state=1) = Base.iterate(c.c, state)
Base.getindex(c::Cyclor, i) = c.c[(i-1)%length(c.c) + 1]
Base.getindex(c::Cyclor, i::AbstractArray) = c.c[i]
function Base.getindex(c::Cyclor)
    c.n += 1
Base.iterate(c::Cyclor, i = 1) = iterate(c.c, i)

    "#D43F3AFF", "#EEA236FF", "#5CB85CFF", "#46B8DAFF",
    "#357EBDFF", "#9632B8FF", "#B8B8B8FF",

LINESTYLES = Cyclor(string.(["--", ".-", ".", "--.", "---..."]))
MARKERS = Cyclor(string.([:circle, :rect, :utriangle, :dtriangle, :diamond,
    :pentagon, :cross, :xcross]))

function plot_entropy_estimates(Hs, Ls, Htrue)
    # Summarize data (medians[e][l]) is the median of the e-th estimator for the
    # l-th sample size).
    medians, lbs, ubs = medians_and_quantiles(Hs, Ls);

    fig = Figure(resolution = (800, 1000))
    ymax = (vcat(Hs...) |> Iterators.flatten |> maximum) * 1.1
    ymin = (vcat(Hs...) |> Iterators.flatten |> minimum) * 0.9

    # We have 9 estimators, so place them on a 5-by-2 grid
    positions = (Tuple(c) for c in CartesianIndices((5, 2)))
    for (i, (est, c)) in enumerate(zip(estimators, positions))
        ax = Axis(fig[first(c), last(c)],
            xlabel = "Sample size (L)",
            ylabel = "Ĥ (bits)",
            title = getname(est)
        ylims!(ax, (ymin, ymax))
        # Ground truth
        hlines!(ax, [Htrue],
            linestyle = :dash,
            color = :black,
            linewidth = 2,
        # Estimates
        band!(ax, Ls, lbs[i], ubs[i], color = (COLORS[i], 0.5))
        lines!(ax, Ls, medians[i],
            label = getname(est),
            linestyle = LINESTYLES[i],
            color = COLORS[i],
            marker = MARKERS[i],
            linewidth = 2
plot_entropy_estimates (generic function with 1 method)


Now, we can finally run an ensemble of tests and plot the confidence bands against the ground truth. This

k = 4
estimators = [
    Kraskov(; k),
    Gao(; k),
    ZhuSingh(; k),
    Zhu(; k),
    Goria(; k),
    LeonenkoProzantoSavani(; k),
    Lord(; k = k*5)

Ls = [100:100:1000 |> collect; 2500:2500:5000 |> collect]
d = 3
r = 0.5
nreps = 30
Hs = mvnormal_entropies(estimators, Ls; d, r, nreps)
Htrue = analytical_entropy(; d, r)
plot_entropy_estimates(Hs, Ls, Htrue)