ComplexityMeasures.jl Dev Docs

Good practices in developing a code base apply in every Pull Request. The Good Scientific Code Workshop is worth checking out for this.

Adding a new ProbabilitiesEstimator

Mandatory steps

  1. Decide on the outcome space and how the estimator will map probabilities to outcomes.
  2. Define your type and make it subtype ProbabilitiesEstimator.
  3. Add a docstring to your type following the style of the docstrings of other estimators.
  4. If suitable, the estimator may be able to operate based on Encodings. If so, it is preferred to implement an Encoding subtype and extend the methods encode and decode. This will allow your probabilities estimator to be used with a larger span of entropy and complexity methods without additional effort. Have a look at the file defining SymbolicPermutation for an idea of how this works.
  5. Implement dispatch for probabilities_and_outcomes and your probabilities estimator type.
  6. Implement dispatch for outcome_space and your probabilities estimator type.
  7. Add your probabilities estimator type to the table list in the documentation page of probabilities. If you made an encoding, also add it to corresponding table in the encodings section.

Optional steps

You may extend any of the following functions if there are potential performance benefits in doing so:

  1. probabilities. By default it calls probabilities_and_outcomes and returns the first value.
  2. outcomes. By default calls probabilities_and_outcomes and returns the second value.
  3. total_outcomes. By default it returns the length of outcome_space. This is the function that most typically has performance benefits if implemented explicitly, so most existing estimators extend it by default.


You also need to add tests for all functions that you explicitly extended. Non-extended functions do not need to be tested.

Adding a new DifferentialEntropyEstimator

Mandatory steps

  1. Define your type and make it subtype DifferentialEntropyEstimator.
  2. Add a docstring to your type following the style of the docstrings of other estimators. This docstring should contain the formula(s)/integral(s) which it estimates, and a reference to relevant EntropyDefinition(s).
  3. Implement dispatch for entropy with the relevant EntropyDefinition. If your estimator works for multiple entropies, implement one method for entropy for each of them.


You need to add tests verifying that your estimator actually convergences, within some reasonable tolerance (that you define), to the true entropy of data from some known distribution. Have a look in the tests for existing estimators for inspiration (you can just copy-paste one of the existing tests, or make them more elaborate if you want to).

Adding a new EntropyDefinition

Mandatory steps

  1. Define your entropy definition type and make it subtype EntropyDefinition.
  2. Implement dispatch for entropy(def::YourType, p::Probabilities)
  3. Add a docstring to your type following the style of the docstrings of other entropy definitions, and should include the mathematical definition of the entropy.
  4. Add your entropy definition type to the list of definitions in the docs/src/ documentation page.
  5. Add a reference to your entropy definition in the docstring for EntropyDefinition.

Optional steps

  1. If the maximum value of your entropy type is analytically computable for a probability distribution with a known number of elements, implementing dispatch for entropy_maximum automatically enables entropy_normalized for your type.


You also need to add tests for all functions that you explicitly extended. Non-extended functions do not need to be tested.