
ConcurrentSim is a discrete-event process-oriented simulation framework written in Julia inspired by the Python library SimPy. Its process dispatcher is based on semi-coroutines scheduling as implemented in ResumableFunctions or ResumableFunctions. A Process in ConcurrentSim is defined by a @resumable function yielding Events. ConcurrentSim provides three types of shared resources to model limited capacity congestion points: Resources, Containers and Stores. The API is modeled after the SimPy API but some specific Julia semantics are used.

The documentation contains a tutorial, topical guides explaining key concepts, a number of examples and the API reference. The tutorial, the topical guides and some examples are borrowed from SimPy to allow a direct comparison and an easy migration path for users. The differences between ConcurrentSim and SimPy are clearly documented.

ConcurrentSim.jl used to be known as SimJulia.jl until 2023. It is one of the longest-lived Julia packages.


A short example simulating two clocks ticking in different time intervals looks like this:

julia> using ResumableFunctions

julia> using ConcurrentSim

julia> @resumable function clock(sim::Simulation, name::String, tick::Float64)
         while true
           println(name, " ", now(sim))
           @yield timeout(sim, tick)
clock (generic function with 1 method)

julia> sim = Simulation()
ConcurrentSim.Simulation time: 0.0 active_process: nothing

julia> @process clock(sim, "fast", 0.5)
ConcurrentSim.Process 1

julia> @process clock(sim, "slow", 1.0)
ConcurrentSim.Process 3

julia> run(sim, 2)
fast 0.0
slow 0.0
fast 0.5
slow 1.0
fast 1.0
fast 1.5