Transition Path Theory for the undriven Duffing oscillator
In this example, we explore the application of Transition Path Theory to the undriven Duffing oscillator. We will compute various quantities of interest in Transition Path Theory (TPT), such as the Hamiltonian, committor functions, reactive currents, and reaction rates. These computations will be performed on a triangular mesh in the phase space, providing insights into the system's dynamics and transition paths between different states.
using CriticalTransitions
using CairoMakie
using OrdinaryDiffEq, DelaunayTriangulation, Contour
The Duffing oscillator is a simple model for a nonlinear oscillator with a double-well potential. The equation of motion for the Duffing oscillator under additive Gaussian noise is given by:
\[\dot{x} = p, \\ \dot{p} = -\gamma p - \nabla U + \sqrt{\frac{2\gamma}{\beta}} \dot{W},\]
with the potential energy $U(x) = \frac{1}{4}x^4 - \frac{1}{2}x^2$ and the kinetic energy $K(p) = p^2/2$. The parameters $\gamma$ and $\beta=1/k_b T$ control the strength of the dissipation and noise, respectively. $W$ is a Wiener process, and the noise term is scaled by $\sqrt{2\gamma/\beta}$ to ensure the correct temperature scaling for a Langevin type system defined by the Hamiltonian $H$.
beta = 20.0
gamma = 0.5
function Hamiltonian(x, y)
return 0.5 .* y .^ 2 .+ 0.25 .* x .^ 4 .- 0.5 .* x .^ 2
function KE(x)
return 0.5 .* (x[:, 2] .^ 2)
function divfree(x, y)
f1 = y
f2 = .-x .^ 3 .+ x
return f1, f2
function duffing(x, y)
f1 = y
f2 = .- gamma .* y .- x.^3 .+ x
return f1, f2
langevin_sys = Langevin(Hamiltonian, divfree, KE, gamma, beta)
Langevin{typeof(Main.Hamiltonian), typeof(Main.divfree), typeof(Main.KE), Float64}(Main.Hamiltonian, Main.divfree, Main.KE, 0.5, 20.0)
Phase space mesh
We can easily evaluate and visualize the Hamiltonian and equally spaced grid in phase space.
nx, ny = 41, 41
nxy = nx * ny
xmin, xmax = -2.0, 2.0
ymin, ymax = -2.0, 2.0
x1 = range(xmin, xmax, length=nx)
y1 = range(ymin, ymax, length=ny)
x_grid = [xx for yy in y1, xx in x1]
y_grid = [yy for yy in y1, xx in x1]
drift1, drift2 = duffing(x_grid, y_grid)
dnorm = sqrt.(drift1.^2 .+ drift2.^2 .+ 1e-12)
Hgrid = Hamiltonian(x_grid, y_grid)
41×41 Matrix{Float64}:
4.0 3.45303 3.0044 2.64303 2.3584 … 2.64303 3.0044 3.45303 4.0
3.805 3.25802 2.8094 2.44802 2.1634 2.44802 2.8094 3.25802 3.805
3.62 3.07302 2.6244 2.26302 1.9784 2.26302 2.6244 3.07302 3.62
3.445 2.89802 2.4494 2.08802 1.8034 2.08802 2.4494 2.89802 3.445
3.28 2.73302 2.2844 1.92302 1.6384 1.92302 2.2844 2.73302 3.28
3.125 2.57803 2.1294 1.76802 1.4834 … 1.76802 2.1294 2.57803 3.125
2.98 2.43302 1.9844 1.62302 1.3384 1.62302 1.9844 2.43302 2.98
2.845 2.29802 1.8494 1.48802 1.2034 1.48802 1.8494 2.29802 2.845
2.72 2.17302 1.7244 1.36302 1.0784 1.36302 1.7244 2.17302 2.72
2.605 2.05802 1.6094 1.24802 0.9634 1.24802 1.6094 2.05802 2.605
⋮ ⋱ ⋮
2.72 2.17302 1.7244 1.36302 1.0784 1.36302 1.7244 2.17302 2.72
2.845 2.29802 1.8494 1.48802 1.2034 1.48802 1.8494 2.29802 2.845
2.98 2.43302 1.9844 1.62302 1.3384 1.62302 1.9844 2.43302 2.98
3.125 2.57803 2.1294 1.76802 1.4834 … 1.76802 2.1294 2.57803 3.125
3.28 2.73302 2.2844 1.92302 1.6384 1.92302 2.2844 2.73302 3.28
3.445 2.89802 2.4494 2.08802 1.8034 2.08802 2.4494 2.89802 3.445
3.62 3.07302 2.6244 2.26302 1.9784 2.26302 2.6244 3.07302 3.62
3.805 3.25802 2.8094 2.44802 2.1634 2.44802 2.8094 3.25802 3.805
4.0 3.45303 3.0044 2.64303 2.3584 … 2.64303 3.0044 3.45303 4.0
fig = CairoMakie.contour(x1, y1, Hgrid', colormap = :viridis, levels=-1:0.4:2, linewidth = 2)
v(x::Point2) = Point2f(duffing(x[1], x[2])...)
streamplot!(v, -2..2, -2..2, linewidth = 0.5, colormap = [:black, :black], gridsize = (40, 40), arrow_size = 8)
![Example block output](b25e61d4.png)
The undriven duffing oscillator, is autonomous and respect detailed balance. As such the maximum likelihood path is the path that is parallel to drift and can be computed with the string method. If one know the saddle point, one can easily compute the MLP by solving for the (reverse) flow/drift from the saddle point to the minima. As such, the maximum likelihood transition path from (-1,0) to (1,0) gives:
# Generate and plot the maximum likelihood transition path from (-1,0) to (1,0)
using OrdinaryDiffEq
function reverse_drift!(du, u, p, t)
du[1] = -u[2]
du[2] = -u[2] + u[1]*(u[1]^2 - 1)
function drift!(du, u, p, t)
du[1] = u[2]
du[2] = -u[2] - u[1]*(u[1]^2 - 1)
prob0 = ODEProblem(reverse_drift!, [-0.001, 0.0], (0.0, 100.0))
sol0 = solve(prob0, Tsit5(); abstol=1e-12, reltol=1e-12)
prob1 = ODEProblem(drift!, [0.001, 0.0], (0.0, 100.0))
sol1 = solve(prob1, Tsit5(); abstol=1e-12, reltol=1e-12)
fig = streamplot(v, -2..2, -2..2, linewidth = 0.5, colormap = [:gray, :gray], gridsize = (40, 40), arrow_size = 8)
y = sol0
lines!(y[1,:],y[2,:],linewidth = 2, color = :black)
y = sol1
lines!(y[1,:],y[2,:],linewidth = 2, color = :black)
![Example block output](f1ffc56c.png)
We have two minima in the potential landscape, such that the system under the drift will dissipate to these corresponding attractors close to $(-1.0, 0.0)$ and $(1.0, 0.0)$. Transition path theory investigates the "reaction" between two sets in phase space A and B, as such we define the two sets to be an ellipse around these minima:
point_a = (-1.0, 0.0)
point_b = (1.0, 0.0)
radii = (0.3, 0.4)
density = 0.04
Na = round(Int, π * sum(radii) / density) # the number of points on the A-circle
Nb = Na
ptsA = get_ellipse(point_a, radii, Na)
ptsB = get_ellipse(point_b, radii, Na);
55×2 Matrix{Float64}:
1.3 0.0
1.29804 0.0455966
1.2922 0.0905987
1.28255 0.13442
1.26922 0.176488
1.25238 0.216256
1.23224 0.253205
1.20908 0.286853
1.18319 0.316761
1.15492 0.34254
1.15492 -0.34254
1.18319 -0.316761
1.20908 -0.286853
1.23224 -0.253205
1.25238 -0.216256
1.26922 -0.176488
1.28255 -0.13442
1.2922 -0.0905987
1.29804 -0.0455966
We also compute an outer boundary of the phase space defined by the maximum value of the Hamiltonian: Hbdry=0.5
. For this, we use the contour package to compute the contour at the level Hbdry
. Just as the ellipse around the attractors, we also reparametrize the boundary to have a uniform grid spacing.
import Contour as CTR
Hbdry = 0.5
cont = CTR.contour(x1, y1, Hgrid, Hbdry)
yc, xc = coordinates(CTR.lines(cont)[1])
p_outer = [xc yc]
pts_outer = reparametrization(p_outer,density);
Nouter = size(pts_outer, 1)
Nfix = Na+Nb+Nouter
fig = scatter(ptsA[:,1], ptsA[:,2], label="A points")
scatter!(ptsB[:,1], ptsB[:,2], label="B points")
scatter!(pts_outer[:,1], pts_outer[:,2], label="Outer points")
![Example block output](06bf0cd7.png)
We would like to compute the committor, the reactive current, and the reaction rate for the Duffing oscillator with additive Gaussian noise. We compute these quantities on a triangular mesh between the before computed boundaries.
box = [xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax]
pfix = zeros(Nfix, 2)
pfix[1:Na, :] .= ptsA
pfix[Na+1:Na+Nb, :] .= ptsB
pfix[Na+Nb+1:Nfix, :] .= pts_outer
function dfunc(p)
d0 = Hamiltonian(p[:, 1], p[:, 2])
dA = dellipse(p, point_a, radii)
dB = dellipse(p, point_b, radii)
d = ddiff(d0 .- Hbdry, dunion(dA, dB))
return d
mesh = distmesh2D(dfunc, huniform, density, box, pfix)
pts, tri = mesh.pts, mesh.tri
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1])
for i in 1:size(tri,1)
lines!(ax, [pts[tri[i,j],1] for j in [1,2,3,1]],
[pts[tri[i,j],2] for j in [1,2,3,1]],
color=:black, linewidth=0.1)
![Example block output](9b42947d.png)
Committor functions
A committor measures the probability that a system, starting at a given point in phase space, will reach one designated region before another. Formally, for two disjoint sets A and B, the forward committor $q_+(x, p)$ from A to B gives the likelihood that a trajectory initiated at x will reach B before A under the system’s dynamics. The committor boundary-value problem for a Langevin system is given by:
\[ p \frac{\mathrm{d}q}{\mathrm{d}x} - U'(x) \frac{\mathrm{d}q}{\mathrm{d}p} + \gamma [-p \frac{\mathrm{d}q}{\mathrm{d}p} + \beta^{-1} \frac{\mathrm{d}^2 q}{\mathrm{d}p^2}] = 0,\]
for $(x,p) \in (A\cup B)^c$, with boundary conditions $q(\partial A) = 0$, $q(\partial B) = 1$, and $\nabla \nabla q = 0$ on the outer boundary ${(x,p) : H(x,p) = \mathrm{Hbdry}}$. The homogeneous Neumann boundary condition $\nabla \nabla q = 0$ means that the trajectory reflects from the outer boundary whenever it reaches it. We can compute the committor function for the Duffing oscillator using the committor
_, Aind = find_boundary(mesh.pts, point_a, radii, density)
_, Bind = find_boundary(mesh.pts, point_b, radii, density)
q = committor(langevin_sys, mesh, Aind, Bind)
@show extrema(q)
tricontourf(Triangulation(mesh.pts', mesh.tri'), q)
![Example block output](c0e4d919.png)
We can also compute the backward committor $q_{-}(x, p)$ from A to B, which is the probability that a trajectory initiated at x will reach A before B under the system’s dynamics. Hence, we must reverse the drift function in the Langevin system and swap the boundaries A and B in the committor function
function divfree1(x,y)
f1,f2 = divfree(x,y)
return -f1,-f2
langevin_sys_reverse = CriticalTransitions.Langevin(Hamiltonian, divfree1, KE, gamma, beta)
qminus = committor(langevin_sys_reverse, mesh, Bind, Aind)
@show extrema(qminus)
tricontourf(Triangulation(mesh.pts', mesh.tri'), qminus)
![Example block output](ee55bef1.png)
For non-equilibrium processes, such as the transitions in the double-well of the Duffing, we have that the $q_{-}\neq 1-q_+$. In particular, for Langevin systems of the form in the system above time reversal involves a momentum flip such that $q_{-}(x, p)= 1-q_+(x, -p)$.
Probability Density of Reactive Trajectories
In general, we are interested in reactive trajectories that start in A and ends in B without going back to A. The probability density of finding a reactive trajectory at a point in phase space is given by:
\[\rho_R(x, p) = \rho(x, p) q₊(x, p) q₋(x, p),\]
where $\rho(x, p)$ is the probability density of finding a trajectory at $(x,p)$, $\rho(x, p)$ is also called the invariant probability density of the system. For an overdamped Langevin system the invariant probability density:
\[\rho(x, p) \approx exp(-\beta H(x,p))/Z\]
with $Z=\int exp(-\beta H(x,p)) \mathrm{d}x \mathrm{d}p$ the normalization. We can compute the integrated invariant probability density Z
for the mesh using the invariant_pdf
function dfuncA(p)
return dellipse(p, point_a, radii)
function dfuncB(p)
return dellipse(p, point_b, radii)
xa, ya = point_a
xb, yb = point_b
rx, ry = radii
bboxA = [xa - rx, xa + rx, ya - ry, ya + ry]
Amesh = distmesh2D(dfuncA, huniform, density, bboxA, ptsA)
bboxB = [xb - rx, xb + rx, yb - ry, yb + ry]
Bmesh = distmesh2D(dfuncB, huniform, density, bboxB, ptsB)
Z = invariant_pdf(langevin_sys, mesh, Amesh, Bmesh)
@show Z
Hence, the probability density of a reactive trajectory is given by:
# probability density of reactive trajectories
mu = exp.(-beta * Hamiltonian(pts[:,1], pts[:,2])) / Z
muAB = mu .* q .* qminus
tricontourf(Triangulation(mesh.pts', mesh.tri'), muAB)
![Example block output](4ed54dc5.png)
The current of reactive trajectories is given by:
\[J_R = \frac{e^{-\beta H} q_{+} q_{-}}{Z}\binom{p}{-\nabla U}+k_B T \gamma Z^{-1} e^{-\beta H}\binom{0}{q_{-} \frac{\partial q_{+}}{\partial p}-q_{+} \frac{\partial q_{-}}{\partial p}}\]
and the transition rate:
\[v_R=k_B T \gamma Z_H^{-1} \int \sum_{i=1}^d m_i\left(\frac{\partial q_{+}}{\partial p_i}\right)^2 e^{-\beta H({x}, p)} d {x} d {p}\]
These can be computed using the reactive_current
Rcurrent, Rrate = reactive_current(langevin_sys, mesh, q, qminus, Z)
@show Rrate
Plotting the current norm reveals that the current is the strongest around the saddle point.
ARcurrent = vec(sqrt.(sum(Rcurrent.^2, dims=2)))
ARCmax = maximum(ARcurrent)
tricontourf(Triangulation(mesh.pts', mesh.tri'), ARcurrent)
![Example block output](7dfb615b.png)
The transition current has a direction from A to B.
c =ARcurrent./ARCmax
arrows(pts[:,1], pts[:,2], Rcurrent[:,1]./ARCmax, Rcurrent[:,2]./ARCmax, arrowsize = c*10, lengthscale = 0.1, arrowcolor = c, linecolor = c)
![Example block output](130294b5.png)
prob_reactive = probability_reactive(langevin_sys, mesh, q, qminus, Z)
print("Probability that a trajectory is reactive at a randomly picked time: ",prob_reactive)
Probability that a trajectory is reactive at a randomly picked time: 0.004106222190078054
prob_lastA = probability_last_A(langevin_sys, mesh, Amesh, qminus, Z)
print("Probability that a trajectory last visited A: ", prob_lastA)
Probability that a trajectory last visited A: 0.5000044440739986