The Maier-Stein model.

using CriticalTransitions

using CairoMakie
using CairoMakie.Makie.MathTeXEngine: get_font
font = (;
    regular=get_font(:regular), bold=get_font(:bold),
    italic=get_font(:italic), bold_italic=get_font(:bolditalic)
(regular = FTFont (family = NewComputerModern Math, style = Regular), bold = FTFont (family = NewComputerModern, style = 10 Bold), italic = FTFont (family = NewComputerModern, style = 10 Italic), bold_italic = FTFont (family = NewComputerModern, style = 10 Bold Italic))

Let us explore the features of CriticalTransitions.jl with Maier-Stein model.

Maier-stein model

The Maier-Stein model (J. Stat. Phys 83, 3–4 (1996)) is commonly used in the field of nonlinear dynamics for benchmarking Large Deviation Theory (LDT) techniques, e.g., stoachastic transitions between different stable states. It is a simple model that describes the dynamics of a system with two degrees of freedom $u$ and $v$, and is given by the following set of ordinary differential equations:

\[\begin{aligned} \dot{u} &= u-u^3 - \beta*u*v^2\\ \dot{v} &= -\alpha (1+u^2)*v \end{aligned}\]

The parameter $\alpha>0$ controls the strength of the drift field and $\beta>0$ represents the softening of that drift field.

function meier_stein!(du, u, p, t) # in-place
    x, y = u
    du[1] = x - x^3 - 10 * x * y^2
    du[2] = -(1 + x^2) * y
function meier_stein(u, p, t) # out-of-place
    x, y = u
    dx = x - x^3 - 10 * x * y^2
    dy = -(1 + x^2) * y
    SA[dx, dy]
σ = 0.25
sys = CoupledSDEs(meier_stein, zeros(2), (); noise_strength=σ)
2-dimensional CoupledSDEs
 deterministic: false
 discrete time: false
 in-place:      false
 dynamic rule:  meier_stein
 SDE solver:    SOSRA
 SDE kwargs:    (abstol = 0.01, reltol = 0.01, dt = 0.1)
 Noise type:    (additive = true, autonomous = true, linear = true, invertible = true)
 parameters:    ()
 time:          0.0
 state:         [0.0, 0.0]

A good reference to read about the large deviations methods is this or this blog post by Tobias Grafke.


We start by investigating the deterministic dynamics of the Maier-Stein model.

The function fixed points return the attractors, their eigenvalues and stability within the state space volume defined by bmin and bmax.

using ChaosTools

u_min = -1.1;
u_max = 1.1;
v_min = -0.4;
v_max = 0.4;
bmin = [u_min, v_min];
bmax = [u_max, v_max];
fp, eig, stab = fixedpoints(sys, bmin, bmax)
stable_fp = fp[stab]
2-dimensional StateSpaceSet{Float64} with 2 points
 -1.0  -5.87747e-39
  1.0  -4.70198e-38
using LinearAlgebra: norm
res = 100
u_range = range(u_min, u_max, length=res)
v_range = range(v_min, v_max, length=res)

du(u, v) = u - u^3 - 10 * u * v^2
dv(u, v) = -(1 + u^2) * v
odeSol(u, v) = Point2f(du(u, v), dv(u, v))

z = [norm([du(x, y), dv(x, y)]) for x in u_range, y in v_range]
zmin, zmax = minimum(z), maximum(z)

fig = Figure(size=(600, 400), fontsize=13)
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel="u", ylabel="v", aspect=1.4,
    xgridcolor=:transparent, ygridcolor=:transparent,

hm = heatmap!(ax, u_range, v_range, z, colormap=:Blues, colorrange=(zmin, zmax))
Colorbar(fig[1, 2], hm; label="", width=15, ticksize=15, tickalign=1)
streamplot!(ax, odeSol, (u_min, u_max), (v_min, v_max);
    gridsize=(20, 20), arrow_size=10, stepsize=0.01,
    colormap=[:black, :black]
colgap!(fig.layout, 7)
limits!(u_min, u_max, v_min, v_max)

[scatter!(ax, Point(fp[i]), color=stab[i] > 0 ? :red : :dodgerblue,
    markersize=10) for i in eachindex(fp)]
Example block output

We can simulate a stochastic trajectory using the function trajectory.

tr, ts  = trajectory(sys, 1000)

fig = Figure(size=(1000, 400), fontsize=13)
ax1 = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel="t", ylabel="u", aspect=1.2,
    xgridcolor=:transparent, ygridcolor=:transparent,
ax2 = Axis(fig[1, 2], xlabel="u", ylabel="v", aspect=1.2,
    xgridcolor=:transparent, ygridcolor=:transparent,

lines!(ax1, ts, first.(tr); linewidth=2, color=:black)

hm = heatmap!(ax2, u_range, v_range, z, colormap=:Blues, colorrange=(zmin, zmax))
Colorbar(fig[1, 3], hm; label="", width=15, ticksize=15, tickalign=1)
streamplot!(ax2, odeSol, (u_min, u_max), (v_min, v_max);
    gridsize=(20, 20), arrow_size=10, stepsize=0.01,
    colormap=[:white, :white]
colgap!(fig.layout, 7)
limits!(u_min, u_max, v_min, v_max)

[scatter!(ax2, Point(fp[i]), color=stab[i] > 0 ? :red : :dodgerblue,
    markersize=10) for i in eachindex(fp)]

lines!(ax2, reduce(hcat, tr), linewidth=1, color=(:black, 0.2))
Example block output


We can quickly find a path which computes a transition from one attractor to another using the function `transition.

paths_ends = (fp[stab][1], fp[stab][2])
path, time, succes = transition(sys, paths_ends...);
(2-dimensional StateSpaceSet{Float64} with 826 points, [641.661431097004, 641.6755720716076, 641.6887585950604, 641.703593433945, 641.7175174476325, 641.7314157246484, 641.7449045351237, 641.7582698528363, 641.7720925891036, 641.7853655971595  …  649.8282143642343, 649.8365102907239, 649.8455611331893, 649.8550918505754, 649.8655332817708, 649.8753877193974, 649.8861236551193, 649.8965773770167, 649.9077623328228, 649.9077623328228], true)
fig = Figure(size=(600, 400), fontsize=13)
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel="u", ylabel="v", aspect=1.4,
    xgridcolor=:transparent, ygridcolor=:transparent,

hm = heatmap!(ax, u_range, v_range, z, colormap=:Blues, colorrange=(zmin, zmax))
Colorbar(fig[1, 2], hm; label="", width=15, ticksize=15, tickalign=1)
streamplot!(ax, odeSol, (u_min, u_max), (v_min, v_max);
    gridsize=(20, 20), arrow_size=10, stepsize=0.01,
    colormap=[:white, :white]
colgap!(fig.layout, 7)
limits!(u_min, u_max, v_min, v_max)

[scatter!(ax, Point(fp[i]), color=stab[i] > 0 ? :red : :dodgerblue,
    markersize=10) for i in eachindex(fp)]

lines!(ax, path, color=:black)
Example block output

If we want to compute many: transitions is the function to use.

tt = transitions(sys, paths_ends..., 3; tmax=1e3);
Transition path ensemble of 3 samples
           - sampling success rate:  1.0
           - mean residence time:    97.8
           - mean transition time:   4.65
           - rareness:               21.0
fig = Figure(size=(600, 400), fontsize=13)
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel="u", ylabel="v", aspect=1.4,
    xgridcolor=:transparent, ygridcolor=:transparent,

hm = heatmap!(ax, u_range, v_range, z, colormap=:Blues, colorrange=(zmin, zmax))
Colorbar(fig[1, 2], hm; label="", width=15, ticksize=15, tickalign=1)
streamplot!(ax, odeSol, (u_min, u_max), (v_min, v_max);
    gridsize=(20, 20), arrow_size=10, stepsize=0.01,
    colormap=[:black, :black]
colgap!(fig.layout, 7)
limits!(u_min, u_max, v_min, v_max)

[scatter!(ax, Point(fp[i]), color=stab[i] > 0 ? :red : :dodgerblue,
    markersize=10) for i in eachindex(fp)]

for i in 1:length(tt.paths)
    lines!(ax, tt.paths[i])
Example block output

Large deviation theory

In the context of nonlinear dynamics, Large Deviation Theory provides tools to quantify the probability of rare events that deviate significantly from the system's typical behavior. These rare events might be extreme values of a system's output, sudden transitions between different states, or other phenomena that occur with very low probability but can have significant implications for the system's overall behavior.

Large deviation theory applies principles from probability theory and statistical mechanics to develop a rigorous mathematical description of these rare events. It uses the concept of a rate function, which measures the exponential decay rate of the probability of large deviations from the mean or typical behavior. This rate function plays a crucial role in quantifying the likelihood of rare events and understanding their impact on the system.

For example, in a system exhibiting chaotic behavior, LDT can help quantify the probability of sudden large shifts in the system's trajectory. Similarly, in a system with multiple stable states, it can provide insight into the likelihood and pathways of transitions between these states under fluctuations. In the context of the Minimum Action Method (MAM) and the Geometric Minimum Action Method (gMAM), Large Deviation Theory is used to handle the large deviations action functional on the space of curves. This is a key part of how these methods analyze dynamical systems.

The Maier-Stein model is a typical benchmark to test such LDT techniques. Let us try to reproduce the following figure from Tobias Grafke's blog post:


Let us first make an initial path:

xx = range(-1.0, 1.0, length=100)
yy = 0.3 .* (-xx .^ 2 .+ 1)
init = Matrix([xx yy]')
2×100 Matrix{Float64}:
 -1.0  -0.979798   -0.959596   -0.939394   …  0.959596   0.979798   1.0
  0.0   0.0119988   0.0237527   0.0352617     0.0237527  0.0119988  0.0

geometric_min_action_method computes the minimizer of the Freidlin-Wentzell action using the geometric minimum action method (gMAM), to find the minimum action path (instanton) between an initial state xi and final state xf. The Minimum Action Method (MAM) is a more traditional approach, while the Geometric Minimum Action Method (gMAM) is a blend of the original MAM and the string method.

gm = geometric_min_action_method(sys, init, maxiter=500; show_progress=false)
MLP = gm.path
2-dimensional StateSpaceSet{Float64} with 100 points
 -1.0       0.0
 -0.990337  0.0204269
 -0.979724  0.0403763
 -0.969929  0.06074
 -0.957791  0.0798003
 -0.945051  0.0984636
 -0.930694  0.115913
 -0.915702  0.132821
 -0.899524  0.148598
 -0.882817  0.163812
  0.81924   0.00242748
  0.841835  0.00209587
  0.86443   0.00177715
  0.887024  0.00146091
  0.909619  0.00115645
  0.932214  0.000855435
  0.95481   0.000564778
  0.977405  0.000278295
  1.0       0.0
fig = Figure(size=(600, 400), fontsize=13)
ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel="u", ylabel="v", aspect=1.4,
    xgridcolor=:transparent, ygridcolor=:transparent,

hm = heatmap!(ax, u_range, v_range, z, colormap=:Blues, colorrange=(zmin, zmax))
Colorbar(fig[1, 2], hm; label="", width=15, ticksize=15, tickalign=1)
streamplot!(ax, odeSol, (u_min, u_max), (v_min, v_max);
    gridsize=(20, 20), arrow_size=10, stepsize=0.01,
    colormap=[:black, :black]
colgap!(fig.layout, 7)
limits!(u_min, u_max, v_min, v_max)

[scatter!(ax, Point(fp[i]), color=stab[i] > 0 ? :red : :dodgerblue,
    markersize=10) for i in eachindex(fp)]

lines!(ax, init, linewidth=3, color=:black, linestyle=:dash)
lines!(ax, MLP, linewidth=3, color=:orange)
Example block output

Author: Orjan Ameye ( Date: 13 Feb 2024