We demonstrate the simple geometric minimum action method (sgMAM) on the Kerr parametric oscillator (KPO). The method computes the optimal path between two attractors in the phase space that minimizes the action of the system. It is a simplification of the geometric minimum action method (gMAM) by avoiding the computation of the second order derivatives of the extended Hamiltonian of the optimisation problem.

using CriticalTransitions, CairoMakie

The KPO equation is a nonlinear ordinary differential equation that describes the response of the nonlinear parametrically driven resonator at its dominant resonant condition. The equation of motion are of the form:

\[\dot{\mathbf{x}} = \mathbf{f}(\mathbf{x}) + \sigma\mathbf{ξ}(t)\]

where f is an autonemous drift function and and we have brownian noise ξ with intensity σ.

Here we define the define the drift of each seperable variable u and v. In addition, we hard-code the Jacobian of the drift function.

const λ = 3 / 1.21 * 2 / 295
const ω0 = 1.000
const ω = 1.000
const γ = 1 / 295
const η = 0
const α = -1

function fu(u, v)
    return (-4 * γ * ω * u - 2 * λ * v - 4 * (ω0 - ω^2) * v - 3 * α * v * (u^2 + v^2)) /
           (8 * ω)
function fv(u, v)
    return (-4 * γ * ω * v - 2 * λ * u + 4 * (ω0 - ω^2) * u + 3 * α * u * (u^2 + v^2)) /
           (8 * ω)
stream(u,v) =  Point2f(fu(u, v), fv(u, v))
dfvdv(u, v) = (-4 * γ * ω + 6 * α * u * v) / (8 * ω)
dfudu(u, v) = (-4 * γ * ω - 6 * α * u * v) / (8 * ω)
dfvdu(u, v) = (-2 * λ + 4 * (ω0 - ω^2) + 9 * α * u^2 + 3 * α * v^2) / (8 * ω)
dfudv(u, v) = (-2 * λ - 4 * (ω0 - ω^2) - 3 * α * u^2 - 9 * α * v^2) / (8 * ω)
dfudv (generic function with 1 method)

The optimisation is performed in a doubled phase space, i.e., every variable of the SDE system is considered as a generelised coordinate $\mathbf{x}$ and gets a corresponding generalised momentum $\mathbf{p}$. The makes it that also systems with dissipative flow can be solved. As such, we extend the phase space by defining the hamiltionian

\[H = \sum_i \frac{p_i^2}{2} + f_i(\mathbf{x})p_i\]

Hence, to use the sgMAM method, we need to define the derivatives of the Hamiltonian with respect to the phase space coordinates and the generalised momentum:

function H_x(x, p) # ℜ² → ℜ²
    u, v = eachrow(x)
    pu, pv = eachrow(p)

    H_u = @. pu * dfudu(u, v) + pv * dfvdu(u, v)
    H_v = @. pu * dfudv(u, v) + pv * dfvdv(u, v)
    return Matrix([H_u H_v]')
function H_p(x, p) # ℜ² → ℜ²
    u, v = eachrow(x)
    pu, pv = eachrow(p)

    H_pu = @. pu + fu(u, v)
    H_pv = @. pv + fv(u, v)
    return Matrix([H_pu H_pv]')

sys = SgmamSystem{false, 2}(H_x, H_p)
Doubled 2-dimensional phase space containing out-of-place functions

We saved this function in the SgmamSystem struct. We want to find the optimal path between two attractors in the phase space. We define the initial trajectory as wiggle between the two attractors.

# setup
Nt = 500  # number of discrete time steps
s = collect(range(0; stop=1, length=Nt))

xa = [-0.0208, 0.0991]
xb = -xa
xsaddle = [0.0, 0.0]

# Initial trajectory
xx = @. (xb[1] - xa[1]) * s + xa[1] + 4 * s * (1 - s) * xsaddle[1]
yy = @. (xb[2] - xa[2]) * s + xa[2] + 4 * s * (1 - s) * xsaddle[2] + 0.01 * sin(2π * s)
x_initial = Matrix([xx yy]')
2×500 Matrix{Float64}:
 -0.0208  -0.0207166  -0.0206333  …   0.0206333   0.0207166   0.0208
  0.0991   0.0988287   0.0985574     -0.0985574  -0.0988287  -0.0991

The optimisation is the performed by the sgmam function:

MLP = sgmam(
    sys, x_initial; iterations=1_000, ϵ=10e2, show_progress=false
x_min = MLP.path;
2-dimensional StateSpaceSet{Float64} with 500 points
 -0.0208      0.0991
 -0.021538    0.0985597
 -0.0223821   0.0989292
 -0.022817    0.0997471
 -0.0229126   0.10067
 -0.0227553   0.101584
 -0.0223962   0.102439
 -0.0218693   0.103203
 -0.0212019   0.103847
 -0.02042     0.104346
  0.0251715  -0.0972957
  0.0248728  -0.098174
  0.0244271  -0.0989877
  0.0238378  -0.0997041
  0.0231083  -0.100277
  0.0222503  -0.100629
  0.0213246  -0.100612
  0.0206353  -0.100001
  0.0208     -0.0991

The function returns the optimal path x_min, the minmal action S_min, the Lagrange multipliers lambda associated with the optimal path, the optimal generalised momentum p, and the time derivative of the optimal path xdot. We can plot the initial trajectory and the optimal path:

fig, ax, _ = lines(x_initial[1, :], x_initial[2, :]; label="init", linewidth=3, color=:black)
lines!(x_min[:, 1], x_min[:, 2]; label="MLP", linewidth=3, color=:red)
streamplot!(ax, stream, (-0.08, 0.08), (-0.15, 0.15);
    gridsize=(20, 20), arrow_size=10, stepsize=0.001,
    colormap=[:gray, :gray]
Example block output