To give you an idea of how our package works, this tutorial provides some example code with explanations.
Example: FitzHugh-Nagumo model
Let's consider a simple 2-dimensional dynamical system - the FitzHugh-Nagumo model:
\[\begin{aligned} \frac{du}{dt} &= \frac{1}{\epsilon} \left( -\alpha u^3 + \gamma u - \kappa v + I \right) \\ \frac{dv}{dt} &= -\beta v + u \ , \end{aligned}\]
where $\epsilon$ is the parameter of time scale separation between the state variables $u$ and $v$. The parameters $\alpha >0$, $\beta >1$, $\gamma>0$, and $\kappa>0$ are real constants, and $I$ denotes a driving term.
Let's investigate this system under stochastic forcing.
System definition
First, we need to translate the system equations above into Julia code.
This works exactly as in DynamicalSystems.jl by defining a function f(u,p,t)
which takes as input a vector u
of state variables ($u$,$v$), a vector p
of parameters, and time t
. The function must return an array of flow increments ($\text{d}u$, $\text{d}v$). For performance reasons, it is advisable to return a StaticArray SA[du, dv]
rather than just a Vector [du, dv]
using CriticalTransitions
function fitzhugh_nagumo(u,p,t)
u, v = u
ϵ, β, α, γ, κ, I = p
du = (-α*u^3 + γ*u - κ*v + I)/ϵ
dv = -β*v + u
SA[du, dv]
fitzhugh_nagumo (generic function with 1 method)
The function fitzhugh_nagumo(u,p,t)
is defined out-of-place. It is also possible to define the system in-place as fitzhugh_nagumo!(du,u,p,t)
. For more info, see here.
Next, we construct a stochastic system with the fitzhugh_nagumo
equation as the deterministic part. Suppose we would like to force both state variables $u$ and $v$ with additive, uncorrelated Gaussian noise of intensity $\sigma$. This is the default case. We simply write
p = [1., 3., 1., 1., 1., 0.] # Parameters (ϵ, β, α, γ, κ, I)
σ = 0.2 # noise strength
# CoupledSDE
sys = CoupledSDEs(fitzhugh_nagumo, zeros(2), p; noise_strength=σ)
2-dimensional CoupledSDEs
deterministic: false
discrete time: false
in-place: false
dynamic rule: fitzhugh_nagumo
SDE solver: SOSRA
SDE kwargs: (abstol = 0.01, reltol = 0.01, dt = 0.1)
Noise type: (additive = true, autonomous = true, linear = true, invertible = true)
parameters: [1.0, 3.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0]
time: 0.0
state: [0.0, 0.0]
Here the first field fitzhugh_nagumo
specifies the deterministic dynamics f
(see Define a CoupledSDEs system). We have chosen zeros(2)
as the initial state of the system, which is the second field. The length of this vector must match the system's dimensionality. In the (optional) third field, we specify the parameter vector p
, which includes the parameters of f
followed by the parameters of g
(in this case, there are no parameters for g
). Lastly, noise_strength
sets the noise strength. Since we have not specified a noise process, the default case of an uncorrelated Wiener process is used.
Of course, it is also possible to define more complicated noise processes than simple additive white noise. This is done by specifying a custom noise function and covariance matrix in the CoupledSDEs
definition. For more info, see Define a CoupledSDEs system.
That's it! Now we can apply the toolbox of CriticalTransitions
to our stochastic FitzHugh-Nagumo system sys
Find stable equilibria
For the parameters chosen above, the FitzHugh-Nagumo system is bistable. Let's compute the fixed points using the fixedpoints
function. This function is borrowed from ChaosTools.jl and is loaded as an extension when we write using ChaosTools
using ChaosTools
# Calculate fixed points and store the stable ones
eqs, eigs, stab = fixedpoints(sys, [-2,-2], [2,2])
fp1, fp2 = eqs[stab]
2-dimensional StateSpaceSet{Float64} with 2 points
-0.816497 -0.272166
0.816497 0.272166
Stochastic simulation
Using the trajectory
function, we now run a simulation of our system for 100
time units starting out from the fixed point fp1
sim = trajectory(sys, 100, fp1)
(2-dimensional StateSpaceSet{Float64} with 1001 points, 0.0:0.1:100.0)
In the keyword arguments, we have specified at which interval the solution is saved. Further keyword arguments can be used to change the solver (the default is SOSRA()
for stochastic integration) and other settings.
The simulated trajectory is stored in sim
in the usual output format of the solve
method of DifferentialEquations.jl, including the solution sim.u
and the vector of time points sim.t
. The solution can also be accessed as a matrix sim[i, t]
, where i
is the i
-th component of u
and t
the time index.
Let's plot the result. Did the trajectory transition to the other attractor?
using Plots
plt = plot(sim[1][:,1], sim[1][:,2]; xlabel="u", ylabel="v", legend=false)
scatter!([fp1[1], fp2[1]], [fp1[2], fp2[2]], color=:red, markersize=4)
xlims!(-1.2, 1.2)
ylims!(-0.6, 0.6)
Hopefully, this helped you to get started. For more info, check out the Manual section of these docs.