Define a CoupledSDEs system
— TypeCoupledSDEs(ds::CoupledODEs, p; kwargs...)
Converts a CoupledODEs
system into a CoupledSDEs
Note that nonlinear mixings of the Noise Process $\mathcal{W}$ fall into the class of random ordinary differential equations (RODEs) which have a separate set of solvers. See this example of DifferentialEquations.jl.
Examples: Defining stochastic dynamics
Let's look at some examples of the different types of stochastic systems that can be defined.
For simplicity, we choose a slow exponential growth in 2 dimensions as the deterministic dynamics f
using DynamicalSystemsBase, StochasticDiffEq, DiffEqNoiseProcess
using CairoMakie
f!(du, u, p, t) = du .= 1.01u # deterministic part
function plot_trajectory(Y, t)
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1,1]; xlabel = "time", ylabel = "variable")
for var in columns(Y)
lines!(ax, t, var)
plot_trajectory (generic function with 1 method)
Additive noise
When $g(u, p, t)$ is independent of the state $u$, the noise is called additive; otherwise, it is multiplicative. We can define a simple additive noise system as follows:
sde = CoupledSDEs(f!, zeros(2));
2-dimensional CoupledSDEs
deterministic: false
discrete time: false
in-place: true
dynamic rule: f!
SDE solver: SOSRA
SDE kwargs: (abstol = 0.01, reltol = 0.01, dt = 0.1)
Noise type: (additive = true, autonomous = true, linear = true, invertible = true)
parameters: SciMLBase.NullParameters()
time: 0.0
state: [0.0, 0.0]
which is equivalent to
t0 = 0.0; W0 = zeros(2);
W = WienerProcess(t0, W0, 0.0)
sde = CoupledSDEs(f!, zeros(2);
noise_process=W, covariance=[1 0; 0 1], noise_strength=1.0
2-dimensional CoupledSDEs
deterministic: false
discrete time: false
in-place: true
dynamic rule: f!
SDE solver: SOSRA
SDE kwargs: (abstol = 0.01, reltol = 0.01, dt = 0.1)
Noise type: (additive = true, autonomous = true, linear = true, invertible = true)
parameters: SciMLBase.NullParameters()
time: 0.0
state: [0.0, 0.0]
We defined a Wiener process W
, whose increments are vectors of normally distributed random numbers of length matching the output of g
. The noise is applied element-wise, i.e., g.*dW
. Since the noise processes are uncorrelated, meaning the covariance matrix is diagonal, this type of noise is referred to as diagonal.
We can sample a trajectory from this system using the trajectory
function also used for the deterministic systems:
tr = trajectory(sde, 1.0)
![Example block output](94fec393.png)
Correlated noise
In the case of correlated noise, the random numbers in a vector increment dW
are correlated. This can be achieved by specifying the covariance matrix $\Sigma$ via the covariance
ρ = 0.3
Σ = [1 ρ; ρ 1]
diffeq = (alg = LambaEM(), dt=0.1)
sde = CoupledSDEs(f!, zeros(2); covariance=Σ, diffeq=diffeq)
2-dimensional CoupledSDEs
deterministic: false
discrete time: false
in-place: true
dynamic rule: f!
SDE solver: LambaEM
SDE kwargs: (dt = 0.1,)
Noise type: (additive = true, autonomous = true, linear = true, invertible = true)
parameters: SciMLBase.NullParameters()
time: 0.0
state: [0.0, 0.0]
Alternatively, we can parametrise the covariance matrix by defining the diffusion function $g$ ourselves:
g!(du, u, p, t) = (du .= [1 p[1]; p[1] 1]; return nothing)
sde = CoupledSDEs(f!, zeros(2), (ρ); g=g!, noise_prototype=zeros(2, 2))
2-dimensional CoupledSDEs
deterministic: false
discrete time: false
in-place: true
dynamic rule: f!
SDE solver: SOSRA
SDE kwargs: (abstol = 0.01, reltol = 0.01, dt = 0.1)
Noise type: (additive = true, autonomous = true, linear = true, invertible = true)
parameters: 0.3
time: 0.0
state: [0.0, 0.0]
Here, we had to provide noise_prototype
to indicate that the diffusion function g
will output a 2x2 matrix.
Scalar noise
If all state variables are forced by the same single random variable, we have scalar noise. To define scalar noise, one has to give an one-dimensional noise process to the noise_process
keyword of the CoupledSDEs
t0 = 0.0; W0 = 0.0;
noise = WienerProcess(t0, W0, 0.0)
sde = CoupledSDEs(f!, rand(2)/10; noise_process=noise)
tr = trajectory(sde, 1.0)
![Example block output](33cc938b.png)
We can see that noise applied to each variable is the same.
Multiplicative and time-dependent noise
In the SciML ecosystem, multiplicative noise is defined through the condition $g_i(t, u)=a_i u$. However, in the literature the name is more broadly used for any situation where the noise is non-additive and depends on the state $u$, possibly also in a non-linear way. When defining a CoupledSDEs
, we can make the noise term time- and state-dependent by specifying an explicit time- or state-dependence in the noise function g
, just like we would define f
. For example, we can define a system with temporally decreasing multiplicative noise as follows:
function g!(du, u, p, t)
du .= u ./ (1+t)
return nothing
sde = CoupledSDEs(f!, rand(2)./10; g=g!)
2-dimensional CoupledSDEs
deterministic: false
discrete time: false
in-place: true
dynamic rule: f!
SDE solver: SOSRA
SDE kwargs: (abstol = 0.01, reltol = 0.01, dt = 0.1)
Noise type: (additive = false, autonomous = false, linear = true, invertible = false)
parameters: SciMLBase.NullParameters()
time: 0.0
state: [0.07752822361739639, 0.0597275434811622]
Non-diagonal noise
Non-diagonal noise allows for the terms to be linearly mixed (correlated) via g
being a matrix. Suppose we have two Wiener processes and two state variables such that the output of g
is a 2x2 matrix. Therefore, we have
\[du_1 = f_1(u,p,t)dt + g_{11}(u,p,t)dW_1 + g_{12}(u,p,t)dW_2 \\ du_2 = f_2(u,p,t)dt + g_{21}(u,p,t)dW_1 + g_{22}(u,p,t)dW_2\]
To indicate the structure that g
should have, we must use the noise_prototype
keyword. Let us define a special type of non-diagonal noise called commutative noise. For this we can utilize the RKMilCommute
algorithm which is designed to utilize the structure of commutative noise.
σ = 0.25 # noise strength
function g!(du, u, p, t)
du[1,1] = σ*u[1]
du[2,1] = σ*u[2]
du[1,2] = σ*u[1]
du[2,2] = σ*u[2]
return nothing
diffeq = (alg = RKMilCommute(), reltol = 1e-3, abstol = 1e-3, dt=0.1)
sde = CoupledSDEs(f!, rand(2)./10; g=g!, noise_prototype = zeros(2, 2), diffeq = diffeq)
2-dimensional CoupledSDEs
deterministic: false
discrete time: false
in-place: true
dynamic rule: f!
SDE solver: RKMilCommute
SDE kwargs: (reltol = 0.001, abstol = 0.001, dt = 0.1)
Noise type: (additive = false, autonomous = true, linear = true, invertible = false)
parameters: SciMLBase.NullParameters()
time: 0.0
state: [0.03806281791672672, 0.09681978040051963]
Non-diagonal problems need specific solvers. See the SciML recommendations.
Interface to DynamicalSystems.jl
Converting between CoupledSDEs
and CoupledODEs
The deterministic part of a CoupledSDEs
system can easily be extracted as a CoupledODEs
, a common subtype of a ContinuousTimeDynamicalSystem
in DynamicalSystems.jl.
extracts the deterministic part ofsde
as aCoupledODEs
.CoupledSDEs(ode::CoupledODEs; kwargs)
into aCoupledSDEs
— TypeCoupledODEs(ds::CoupledSDEs; kwargs...)
Converts a CoupledSDEs
into a CoupledODEs
by extracting the deterministic part of ds
For example, the Lyapunov spectrum of a CoupledSDEs
in the absence of noise, here exemplified by the FitzHugh-Nagumo model, can be computed by typing:
using CriticalTransitions
using DynamicalSystems: lyapunovspectrum
function fitzhugh_nagumo(u, p, t)
x, y = u
ϵ, β, α, γ, κ, I = p
dx = (-α * x^3 + γ * x - κ * y + I) / ϵ
dy = -β * y + x
return SA[dx, dy]
p = [1.,3.,1.,1.,1.,0.]
sys = CoupledSDEs(fitzhugh_nagumo, zeros(2), p; noise_strength=0.1)
ls = lyapunovspectrum(CoupledODEs(sys), 10000)