

As this module is not published yet, there are two ways to access it:

  • Option 1 (recommended): Install from GitHub
    1. Enter the Julia package manager by typing ] in the REPL: julia> ]
    2. type add https://github.com/juliadynamics/CriticalTransitions.jl.git
  • Option 2: Load module locally
    1. Clone the repo: git clone https://github.com/juliadynamics/CriticalTransitions.jl.git
    2. In Julia, include the module file: include("PATH/src/CriticalTransitions.jl"), where PATH is the relative path to the repo you just cloned
    3. Load the module: using .CriticalTransitions

Basic usage

The general workflow of CriticalTransitions essentially follows two steps:

  1. Define your system (see Define a CoupledSDEs system)
  2. Investigate the system by calling methods (see Methods)
New system type: RateSystem

We are planning to introduce the the struct RateSystem along CoupledSDEs. In a RateSystem, the time dependence of parameters can conveniently be specified, laying the foundation for a toolbox to study rate-induced tipping, or R-tipping.


Currently the following functions are implemented to analyze a CoupledSDEs and corresponding sample transition paths.