Version history


(2020-09-11) v0.3.0 was a significant improvement over 0.2.0 with a name change, multi-threading, resource handling and a streamlined documentation (announcement on Julia discourse).

Breaking Name Changes

  • following the advice on discourse and in issue #13 Simulate.jl was renamed to DiscreteEvents.jl. Github maintains and forwards the links.
  • there are further renamings to make the API more consistent:
    • Simfunctionfun, SF is no longer defined,
    • SimProcessPrc, SP is no longer defined,
    • SimEventDiscreteEvent,
    • SimCondDiscreteCond,
    • sample!periodic!, was a name collision with Distributions.jl.
    • reset!resetClock!, was a name collision with DataStructures.jl

Streamlined Documentation

  • the documentation has been reduced to minimal introductory examples and API documentation,
  • everything else (explanations, further examples, notebooks, benchmarks) has been moved to a companion site: DiscreteEventsCompanion.

New Functionality in v0.3.0

  • Action is introduced as synonym for Union{Function,Expr,Tuple},
  • thereby in addition to fun, you can now schedule arbitrary function closures as events,
  • periodic! takes an Action as argument,
  • you can pass also symbols, expressions or other funs or function closures as arguments to fun. They get evaluated at event time before being passed to the event function,
  • DiscreteEvents.version gives now the package version,
  • DiscreteEvents.jl is now much faster due to optimizations,
  • onthread allows simulations with asynchronous tasks (processes and actors) to run much faster on threads other than 1,
  • Resource provides an API for modeling limited resources,
  • you can now create a real time clock RTClock and schedule events to it (experimental),
  • actors can register their message channels to the clock.channels vector and the clock will not proceed before they are empty,
  • processes and actors (asynchronous tasks) can transfer IO-operations to the clock with now! or print directly via the clock,
  • event! and delay! now also accept stochastic time variables (a Distribution),
  • there is a n keyword parameter for the number of repeat event!s,
  • you can seed the thread-specific RNGs with pseed!.

Multi-Threading (Experimental)

  • The data structure of Clock has been changed, it now has a field ac providing channels to parallel clocks,
  • PClock sets up a clock with parallel active clocks on each available thread,
  • with pclock all parallel clocks can be accessed and referenced,
  • process! can now start tasks on parallel threads,
  • event! can now schedule events for execution on parallel threads,
  • periodic! can now register sampling functions or expressions to parallel clocks,
  • if setup with parallel clocks, Clock becomes the master to drive them and synchronize with them at each Δt time step,

Other Breaking Changes in v0.3.0

  • τ as an alias for tau is no longer defined.
  • The macros @tau, @val, @SF, @SP are no longer defined.
  • Logging functions have been removed (they were not useful enough).
  • A function f given to Prc must now take a Clock-variable as its first argument.
  • The first ::Clock-argument to delay! and wait! and now! can no longer be omitted. Since the task function has now a Clock-variable available (see above), it must provide it to delay!, wait! and now.
  • event! no longer accepts a Vector as argument.
  • Clk as alias of 𝐶 is no longer provided.
  • event! now returns nothing.
  • event! and periodic! now doesn't take anymore the scope as an argument. Symbols or expressions given to them or included in funs are only evaluated in Main scope: this feature therefore can be used only by end users but not by any packages using DiscreteEvents.jl.

Deprecated functionality in v0.3.0

  • Evaluating expressions or symbols at global scope is much slower than using functions and gives now a one time warning. This functionality may be removed entirely in a future version. (Please write an issue if you want to keep it.)


(2019-12-03) This is the first version fully supporting three modeling schemes: events, processes and sampling.

  • now! for IO-operations of processes,
  • functions and macros for defining conditions,
  • conditional wait!,
  • conditional events with event!(sim, ex, cond),
  • most functions can be called without the first clock argument, default to 𝐶,
  • event! takes an expression or a SimFunction or a tuple or an array of them,
  • introduced aliases: SF for SimFunction and SP for SimProcess
  • introduced process-based simulation: SimProcess and process! and delay!,
  • extensive documentation,
  • more examples.


First registration 2019-11-04:

  • event-/activity-/state-based simulation with SimFunction and event! based on Julia functions and expressions,
  • introduced a central clock variable 𝐶,
  • Clock state machine with init!, run!, incr!, stop!, resume!,
  • Logger and logging functions,
  • first documentation,
  • first examples,
  • CI and development setup.