Defining your own Obstacles

In this tutorial we will go through the processes of creating a new obstacle type, a Semicircle. This type is already used in the billiard_bunimovich and billiard_mushroom functions.

Everything uses `SVector{2}`

Fields of Particles and Obstacles contain all their information in 2-dimensional static vectors from module StaticArrays. This is important to keep in mind when extending new methods.

Extends internal APIs

Notice that implementing your own obstacle requires you to extend methods that do not belong to the public API.

See also the `Ellipse` PR

Pull Request #159 implements the Ellipse obstacle, step by step, by following the tutorial of this page. All commits are commented and it can be a second helpful guide on how to implement an obstacle.

Type Definition

The first thing you have to do is make your new type a sub-type of Obstacle{T} (or any other abstract sub-type of it). We will do:

struct Semicircle{T<:AbstractFloat} <: Circular{T} # <: Obstacle{T}
    c::SVector{2,T} # this MUST be a static vector
    facedir::SVector{2,T} # this MUST be a static vector
    name::String # this is an OPTIONAL field

c is the center and r is the radius of the full circle. facedir is the direction which the semicircle is facing, which is also the direction of its "open" face.

name is an optional field, that allows one to easily identify which obstacle is which. It is also used when printing a Billiard. If not used, then string(typeof(obstacle)) is used instead.

Notice that the struct must be parameterized by T<:AbstractFloat (see the Numerical Precision page for more).

For convenience, we will also define:

function Semicircle(
    c::AbstractVector{T}, r::Real, facedir, name = "Semicircle") where {T<:Real}
    S = T <: Integer ? Float64 : T
    return Semicircle{S}(SVector{2,S}(c), convert(S, abs(r)), name)

so that constructing a Semicircle is possible from arbitrary vectors.

Necessary Methods

The following functions must obtain methods for Semicircle (or any other custom Obstacle) in order for it to work with DynamicalBilliards:

  1. DynamicalBilliards.normalvec
  2. DynamicalBilliards.distance (with arguments (position, obstacle))
  3. DynamicalBilliards.collision with Particle

Assuming that upon collision a specular reflection happens, then you don't need to define a method for DynamicalBilliards.specular!. You can however define custom methods for DynamicalBilliards.specular!, which is what we have done e.g. for RandomDisk.

The first method is very simple. (Remember that in Julia to extend a function with a new method you must preface it with the parent module)

DynamicalBilliards.normalvec(d::Semicircle, pos) = normalize(d.c - pos)

Since the function is only used during distance and DynamicalBilliards.resolvecollision! and since we will be writing explicit methods for the first, we don't have to care about what happens when the particle is far away from the boundary.

The distance method is a bit tricky. Since the type already subtypes Circular, the following definition from DynamicalBilliards applies:

distance(pos::AbstractVector, d::Circular) = norm(pos - d.c) - d.r

However, the method must be expanded. That is because when the particle is on the "open" half of the disk, the distance is not correct. We write:

SV = SVector{2} #convenience
function DynamicalBilliards.distance(pos::AbstractVector{T}, s::Semicircle{T}) where {T}
    # Check on which half of circle is the particle
    v1 = pos .- s.c
    nn = dot(v1, s.facedir)
    if nn ≤ 0 # I am "inside semicircle"
        return s.r - norm(pos - s.c)
    else # I am on the "other side"
        end1 = SV(s.c[1] + s.r*s.facedir[2], s.c[2] - s.r*s.facedir[1])
        end2 = SV(s.c[1] - s.r*s.facedir[2], s.c[2] + s.r*s.facedir[1])
        return min(norm(pos - end1), norm(pos - end2))

Notice that this definition always returns positive distance when the particle is on the "other side".

Finally, the method for collision is by far the most trickiest. But, with pen, paper and a significant amount of patience, one can find a way:

function DynamicalBilliards.collision(p::Particle{T}, d::Semicircle{T})::T where {T}

    dc = p.pos - d.c
    B = dot(p.vel, dc)         #velocity towards circle center: B > 0
    C = dot(dc, dc) - d.r*d.r    #being outside of circle: C > 0
    Δ = B^2 - C

    Δ ≤ 0 && return DynamicalBilliards.nocollision(T)
    sqrtD = sqrt(Δ)

    nn = dot(dc, d.facedir)
    if nn ≥ 0 # I am NOT inside semicircle
        # Return most positive time
        t = -B + sqrtD
    else # I am inside semicircle:
        t = -B - sqrtD
        # these lines make sure that the code works for ANY starting position:
        if t ≤ 0 || distance(p, d) ≤ accuracy(T)
            t = -B + sqrtD
    # This check is necessary to not collide with the non-existing side
    newpos = p.pos + p.vel * t
    if dot(newpos - d.c, d.facedir) ≥ 0 # collision point on BAD HALF;
        return DynamicalBilliards.nocollision(T)
    # If collision time is negative, return Inf:
    t ≤ 0.0 ? DynamicalBilliards.nocollision(T) : (t, p.pos + t*p.vel)

And that is all. The obstacle now works perfectly fine for straight propagation.

Ray-Splitting support

Supporting ray-splitting for your custom obstacle is very easy. The first step is to give it a field called pflag, which is a Bool. The second step is to ensure that collisiontime works properly for particles coming from both directions of the obstacle! Both inside or outside! This is implemented for Ellipse in Pull Request #159.

Optional Methods

  1. DynamicalBilliards.cellsize : Enables randominside with this obstacle.
  2. collision with MagneticParticle : enables magnetic propagation
  3. bdplot with obstacle : enables plotting and animating
  4. DynamicalBilliards.specular! with offset : Allows lyapunovspectrum to be computed.
  5. to_bcoords : Allows the boundarymap and boundarymap_portion to be computed.
  6. from_bcoords : Allows phasespace_portion to be computed.

The DynamicalBilliards.cellsize method is kinda trivial:

function DynamicalBilliards.cellsize(a::Semicircle{T}) where {T}
    xmin, ymin = a.c - a.r
    xmax, ymax = a.c + a.r
    return xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax

The collision method for MagneticParticle is also tricky, however it is almost identical with the method for the general Circular obstacle:

function DynamicalBilliards.collision(p::MagneticParticle{T}, o::Semicircle{T})::T where {T}
    ω =
    pc, rc = cyclotron(p)
    p1 = o.c
    r1 = o.r
    d = norm(p1-pc)
    if (d >= rc + r1) || (d <= abs(rc-r1))
        return nocollision(T)
    # Solve quadratic:
    a = (rc^2 - r1^2 + d^2)/2d
    h = sqrt(rc^2 - a^2)
    # Collision points (always 2):
    I1 = SVector{2, T}(
        pc[1] + a*(p1[1] - pc[1])/d + h*(p1[2] - pc[2])/d,
        pc[2] + a*(p1[2] - pc[2])/d - h*(p1[1] - pc[1])/d
    I2 = SVector{2, T}(
        pc[1] + a*(p1[1] - pc[1])/d - h*(p1[2] - pc[2])/d,
        pc[2] + a*(p1[2] - pc[2])/d + h*(p1[1] - pc[1])/d
    # Only consider intersections on the "correct" side of Semicircle:
    cond1 = dot(I1-o.c, o.facedir) < 0
    cond2 = dot(I2-o.c, o.facedir) < 0
    # Collision time, equiv. to arc-length until collision point:
    θ, I = nocollision(T)
    if cond1 || cond2
        for (Y, cond) in ((I1, cond1), (I2, cond2))
            if cond
                φ = realangle(p, o, Y)
                φ < θ && (θ = φ; I = Y)
    # Collision time = arc-length until collision point
    return θ*rc, I

Then, we add swag by writing a method for bdplot:

using PyPlot # brings plot(::Obstacle; kwargs...) into scope

function DynamicalBilliards.bdplot!(ax::Axis, d::Semicircle; kwargs...)
    theta1 = atan(d.facedir[2], d.facedir[1])*180/π + 90
    # ...

To enable computation of Lyapunov exponents in billiards with your obstacle, you have to write another method for specular! that also handles the evolution of perturbation vectors in tangent space. For this, the method has to accept an argument of type Vector{SVector{4, T}}, which contains the four perturbation vectors corresponding to the four Lyapunov exponents.

Finding a formula for the evolution of the perturbations requires some tricky calculations. Fortunately for us, the results for general circular obstacles were already determined by Dellago, Posch and Hoover [1] – we just have to implement them.

function DynamicalBilliards.specular!(p::Particle{T}, o::Circular{T},
	offset::Vector{SVector{4, T}}) where {T<:AbstractFloat}

    n = normalvec(o, p.pos)
    ti = SV{T}(-p.vel[2],p.vel[1])

    cosa = -dot(n, p.vel)
    p.vel = p.vel + 2*cosa*n

    tf = SV{T}(-p.vel[2], p.vel[1])

    for k in 1:4
        δqprev = offset[k][δqind]
        δpprev = offset[k][δpind]
        # Formulas from Dellago, Posch and Hoover, PRE 53, 2, 1996: 1485-1501 (eq. 27)
        # with norm(p) = 1
        δq  = δqprev - 2*dot(δqprev,n)*n
        δp  = δpprev - 2*dot(δpprev,n)*n - curvature(o)*2/o.r*dot(δqprev,ti)/cosa*tf
        offset[k] = vcat(δq, δp)

@inline curvature(::Semicircle) = -1
@inline curvature(::Disk) = +1

Note that calculating Lyapunov exponents for magnetic particles requires a separate method, as the formulas are different for magnetic propagation.

Finally, we also add a methods for to_bcoords and from_bcoords. For them, see the relevant source file (use @edit).


[1]: Dellago et al., Phys. Rev. E 53, 1485 (1996).