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Features Overview

The features offered in this documentation section come from the package ChaosTools.jl. If you are encountering an issue with some of the methods, you can report/open a new issue at the GitHub Issues page.

Orbit Diagrams

  1. Orbit diagrams (aka bifurcation diagrams) of maps: orbitdiagram.
  2. Poincaré surfaces of section for continuous systems: poincaresos.
  3. Automated production of orbit diagrams for continuous systems: produce_orbitdiagram.

Lyapunov Exponents

The following treat systems where the equations of motion are known:

  1. Maximum Lyapunov exponent for both discrete and continuous systems: lyapunov.
  2. Lyapunov spectrum for both discrete and continuous systems: lyapunovs.

Entropies and Dimensions

  1. Generalized (Renyi) entropy: genentropy.
  2. Permutation entropy: permentropy.
  3. Fast and cheap (memory-wise) method for computing entropies of large datasets.
  4. Generalized dimensions (e.g. capacity dimension, information dimension, etc.): generalized_dim.
  5. Kaplan-Yorke dimension: kaplanyorke_dim.
  6. Automated detection of best algorithmic parameters for calculating attractor dimensions.

And, in order to automatically deduce dimensions, we also offer methods for:

  • Partitioning a function y(x) vs. x into regions where it is approximated by a straight line, using a flexible algorithm with a lot of control over the outcome. See linear_regions.
  • Detection of largest linear region of a function y(x) vs. x and extraction of the slope of this region.

Nonlinear Timeseries Analysis

  1. Methods for estimating good reconstruct parameters.
  2. Broomhead-King coordinates: broomhead_king.
  3. Numerically determining the maximum Lyapunov exponent of a (e.g. experimentally) measured timeseries: numericallyapunov.


  1. Numerical method to find unstable and stable fixed points of any ordern of a discrete map (of any dimensionality): periodicorbits.

    • Convenience functions for defining and realizing all possible combinations of \mathbf{\Lambda}_k matrices required in the above method.

Chaos Detection

  1. The Generalized Alignment Index: \text{GALI}_k : gali.

    • Implemented for both discrete and continuous systems.