Numerical Data
Numerical data in DynamicalSystems.jl is represented by a structure called Dataset
— Type.
Dataset{D, T} <: AbstractDataset{D,T}
A dedicated interface for datasets. It contains equally-sized datapoints of length D
, represented by SVector{D, T}
When indexed with 1 index, a dataset
is like a vector of datapoints.
When indexed with 2 indices it behaves like a matrix that has each of the columns be the timeseries of each of the dynamic variables.
Description of indexing
In the following let i, j
be integers, typeof(data) <: AbstractDataset
and v1, v2
be <: AbstractVector{Int}
(v1, v2
could also be ranges).
gives thei
th datapoint (returns anSVector
will return a vector of datapointsdata[v1, :]
using aColon
as a second index will return aDataset
of these pointsdata[:, j]
gives thej
th variable timeseries, asVector
data[v1, v2]
returns aDataset
with the appropriate entries (first indices being "time"/point index, while second being dynamic variables)data[i, j]
value of thej
th variable, at thei
th timepoint
Use Matrix(dataset)
or Dataset(matrix)
to convert. It is assumed that each column of the matrix
is one dynamic variable. If you have various timeseries vectors x, y, z, ...
pass them like Dataset(x, y, z, ...)
. You can use columns(dataset)
to obtain the reverse, i.e. all columns of the dataset in a tuple.
In essence a Dataset
is simply a container for a Vector
of SVector
s. However, it is visually represented as a matrix, similarly to how numerical data would be printed on a spreadsheet (with time being the column direction). It also offers a lot more functionality than just pretty-printing. Besides the examples in the documentation string, you can also do:
using DynamicalSystems hen = Systems.henon() data = trajectory(hen, 10000) # this returns a dataset for point in data # do stuff with each datapoint # (vector with as many elements as system dimension) end
All functions from DynamicalSystems.jl that manipulate and use data are expecting an AbstractDataset
subtype. This allows us to define efficient methods that coordinate well with other packages, like e.g. neighborhood
If given a matrix, we first convert to Dataset
. This means that you should first convert your data to a Dataset
if you want to call functions more than once, to avoid constantly converting.
Dataset Functions
Functions that operate on datasets.
— Function.
Return an SVector
that contains the minimum elements of each timeseries of the dataset.
— Function.
Return an SVector
that contains the maximum elements of each timeseries of the dataset.
— Function.
Return minima(dataset), maxima(dataset)
without doing the computation twice.
— Function.
columns(dataset) -> x, y, z, ...
Return the individual columns of the dataset.
Dataset I/O
Input/output functionality for an AbstractDataset
is already achieved using base Julia, specifically writedlm
and readdlm
The thing to note is that all data of an AbstractDataset
is contained within its field data
To write and read a dataset, simply do:
using DelimitedFiles data = Dataset(rand(1000, 2)) # I will write and read using delimiter ',' writedlm("data.txt",, ',') # Don't forget to convert the matrix to a Dataset when reading data = Dataset(readdlm("data.txt", ',', Float64))
Neighborhoods in a Dataset
Combining the excellent performance of NearestNeighbors.jl with the AbstractDataset
allows us to define a function that calculates a "neighborhood" of a given point, i.e. finds other points near it. The different "types" of the neighborhoods are subtypes of AbstractNeighborhood
— Function.
neighborhood(point, tree, ntype) neighborhood(point, tree, ntype, n::Int, w::Int = 1)
Return a vector of indices which are the neighborhood of point
in some data
, where the tree
was created using tree = KDTree(data [, metric])
. The ntype
is the type of neighborhood and can be any subtype of AbstractNeighborhood
Use the second method when the point
belongs in the data, i.e. point = data[n]
. Then w
stands for the Theiler window (positive integer). Only points that have index abs(i - n) ≥ w
are returned as a neighborhood, to exclude close temporal neighbors. The default w=1
is the case of excluding the point
simply interfaces the functions knn
and inrange
from NearestNeighbors.jl by using the argument ntype
— Type.
Supertype of methods for deciding the neighborhood of points for a given point.
Concrete subtypes:
: The neighborhood of a point consists of theK
nearest neighbors of the point.FixedSizeNeighborhood(ε::Real)
: The neighborhood of a point consists of all neighbors that have distance <ε
from the point.
See neighborhood
for more.