Delay Coordinates
A timeseries recorded in some manner from a dynamical system can be used to gain information about the dynamics of the entire phase-space of the system. This can be done by reconstructing a new phase-space from the timeseries. One method that can do this is what is known as delay coordinates embedding or delay coordinates reconstruction.
This is done through the reconstruct
— Function.
reconstruct(s, D, τ)
Reconstruct s
using the delay coordinates embedding with D
temporal neighbors and delay τ
and return the result as a Dataset
Single Timeseries
If τ
is an integer, then the n-th entry of the embedded space is
If instead τ
is a vector of integers, so that length(τ) == D
, then the n-th entry is
The reconstructed dataset can have same invariant quantities (like e.g. lyapunov exponents) with the original system that the timeseries were recorded from, for proper D
and τ
[1, 2]. The case of different delay times allows reconstructing systems with many time scales, see [3].
Notice - The dimension of the returned dataset is D+1
Multiple Timeseries
To make a reconstruction out of a multiple timeseries (i.e. trajectory) the number of timeseries must be known by type, so s
can be either:
s::SizedAray{A, B}
If the trajectory is for example (x, y) and τ
is integer, then the n-th entry of the embedded space is
If τ
is an AbstractMatrix{Int}
, so that size(τ) == (D, B)
, then we have
Notice - The dimension of the returned dataset is (D+1)*B
[1] : F. Takens, Detecting Strange Attractors in Turbulence — Dynamical Systems and Turbulence, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 366, Springer (1981)
[2] : T. Sauer et al., J. Stat. Phys. 65, pp 579 (1991)
[3] : K. Judd & A. Mees, Physica D 120, pp 273 (1998)
Here are some examples of reconstruct
ing a 3D continuous chaotic system:
using DynamicalSystems, PyPlot ds = Systems.gissinger(ones(3)) data = trajectory(ds, 1000.0, dt = 0.05) xyz = columns(data) figure(figsize = (12,10)) k = 1 for i in 1:3 for τ in [5, 30, 100] R = reconstruct(xyz[i], 1, τ) ax = subplot(3,3,k) plot(R[:, 1], R[:, 2], color = "C$(k-1)", lw = 0.8) title("var = $i, τ = $τ") global k+=1 end end tight_layout() suptitle("2D reconstructed space") subplots_adjust(top=0.9)
and dt
Keep in mind that whether a value of τ
is "reasonable" for continuous systems depends on dt
. In the above example the value τ=30
is good, only for the case of using dt = 0.05
. For shorter/longer dt
one has to adjust properly τ
so that their product τ*dt
is the same.
You can also reconstruct
multidimensional timeseries. For this to be possible, the number of timeseries must be known by Type:
using StaticArrays: Size a = rand(1000, 3) # my trajectory A = Size(1000, 3)(a) # create array with the size as Type information R = reconstruct(A, 2, 2) #aaaall good
9-dimensional Dataset{Float64} with 996 points 0.0333477 0.967267 0.162712 … 0.194024 0.169191 0.252666 0.630255 0.222639 0.755131 0.94983 0.455341 0.346721 0.521731 0.709986 0.639572 0.569019 0.154882 0.747215 0.332819 0.842421 0.717376 0.409041 0.749972 0.311119 0.194024 0.169191 0.252666 0.234317 0.24932 0.938725 0.94983 0.455341 0.346721 … 0.705545 0.595288 0.440244 0.569019 0.154882 0.747215 0.874132 0.5615 0.165738 0.409041 0.749972 0.311119 0.215505 0.942835 0.905429 0.234317 0.24932 0.938725 0.465969 0.0103991 0.422649 0.705545 0.595288 0.440244 0.452805 0.725377 0.0549314 ⋮ ⋱ 0.352406 0.302666 0.000731456 0.379557 0.766445 0.6546 0.370318 0.445704 0.176596 0.76893 0.477902 0.903401 0.194646 0.639107 0.192121 0.852681 0.265334 0.349134 0.328198 0.330089 0.605354 0.762692 0.0287925 0.699436 0.379557 0.766445 0.6546 … 0.931412 0.702562 0.146645 0.76893 0.477902 0.903401 0.852133 0.324826 0.0784649 0.852681 0.265334 0.349134 0.641115 0.688045 0.331545 0.762692 0.0287925 0.699436 0.855515 0.271941 0.0331421 0.931412 0.702562 0.146645 0.0861718 0.380648 0.398455
ds = Systems.towel(); tr = trajectory(ds, 10000) R = reconstruct(tr, 2, 2) # Dataset size is also known by Type!
9-dimensional Dataset{Float64} with 9997 points 0.085 -0.121 0.075 … 0.837347 0.0372633 0.555269 0.285813 -0.0675286 0.238038 0.51969 0.0616256 0.940906 0.76827 -0.038933 0.672094 0.966676 -0.00171595 0.2225 0.681871 0.0508933 0.825263 0.112748 0.0674955 0.653573 0.837347 0.0372633 0.555269 0.386547 -0.0886542 0.869349 0.51969 0.0616256 0.940906 … 0.910741 -0.0316828 0.411607 0.966676 -0.00171595 0.2225 0.306095 0.0689305 0.909129 0.112748 0.0674955 0.653573 0.824263 -0.056185 0.326064 0.386547 -0.0886542 0.869349 0.545332 0.0508239 0.819404 0.910741 -0.0316828 0.411607 0.954994 0.00453815 0.569534 ⋮ ⋱ 0.914702 -0.0315439 0.294266 0.90246 0.0242141 0.539502 0.289932 0.0641239 0.778698 0.335976 0.0735803 0.943945 0.793854 -0.0552801 0.664223 0.86657 -0.0497658 0.214728 0.62671 0.0557527 0.832001 0.430816 0.0535742 0.62743 0.90246 0.0242141 0.539502 … 0.936955 -0.0200112 0.894333 0.335976 0.0735803 0.943945 0.237481 0.0983265 0.353212 0.86657 -0.0497658 0.214728 0.681538 -0.0476555 0.883219 0.430816 0.0535742 0.62743 0.836353 0.0363264 0.380351 0.936955 -0.0200112 0.894333 0.515471 0.0534613 0.898152