Comparison with traditional local continuation and bifurcation analysis software
This page continues after the end of the main Tutorial! Ensure you have gon through it first!
As we discussed in the subsection on global continuation, the approach of Attractors.jl is fundamentally different from traditional local continuation and bifurcation analysis software like AUTO, MatCont, or BifurcationKit.jl. Nevertheless in this page we will compare using BifurcationKit.jl to attempt to find and continue the limit cycle of the tutorial modified Lorenz-like system. We forfeit looking for the chaotic attractors, as to our knowledge there exists no software on dynamical systems beyond Attractors.jl can find chaotic attractors.
The goal of this comparison is to highlight the differences in usage complexity and overall capability when using Attractors.jl or traditional continuation tools to study complex dynamical systems.
BifurcationKit.jl version
To use BifurcationKit.jl (BK) for periodic orbits (POs) we need to choose one of its several Newton-based algorithms for POs, and in addition supply it with both an initial guess for the location of the periodic orbit, as well as a guess for the period. In this example we translate almost verbatim the example of the Periodic predator prey model). from the BK docs. Finding a periodic orbit this way is already considered an advanced use case in BK documentation, requiring "high level of knowledge of (numerical) bifurcation theory". For Attractors.jl on the other hand, this is as basic of a use-case as it can get, which highlights the simplicity of our computational approach.
To use BK we need to import it and initialize various continuation-related structures. The entire input BK requires to find a periodic orbit is:
- a periodic orbit problem like
(and its meta parameters) - a
- a
- an estimate of the period
- a
parameter container - a predictor for the continuation
- arguments for what aspect of the periodic orbit to record.
Some of this input isn't particularly important, but some of it is can be crucial and the values of the meta-parameters matter for whether the continuation will succeed or not.
Let's start with the bifurcation problem. This is basically the same thing as a DynamicalSystem
, but BK does not support efficient StaticVector
-based out of place format for low dimensional systems (see main tutorial of DynamicalSystems.jl if you don't understand what this means). So we have to re-create
# BK requires to modify the rule with t=0 as well
function modified_lorenz_rule!(du, u, p, t = 0)
x, y, z = u; a, b = p
du[1] = y - x
du[2] = - x*z + b*abs(z)
du[3] = x*y - a
return du
prange = 4.7:0.02:6
pidx = 1
p0 = [5.0, 0.1] # parameters
u0 = [-4.0, 5, 0] # state
3-element Vector{Float64}:
Now we can create the bifurcation problem
import BifurcationKit as BK
using OrdinaryDiffEqVerner
using CairoMakie
bf_prob = BK.BifurcationProblem(
modified_lorenz_rule!, u0, p0, (BK.@optic _[pidx])
┌─ Bifurcation Problem with uType Vector{Float64}
├─ Inplace: false
├─ Symmetric: false
└─ Parameter: p
and then a full solution structure from DifferentialEquations.jl, that must start on the periodic orbit. Requiring that the solution starts on the periodic orbit defeats the purpose of "wanting to find it", but oh well, we do as we must.
# This guess comes from the Attractors.jl main tutorial
point_on_lc = [
ode_prob = ODEProblem(modified_lorenz_rule!, point_on_lc, (0.0, 50.0), p0)
sol = OrdinaryDiffEqVerner.solve(ode_prob; alg = Vern9(), abstol = 1e-9, reltol = 1e-9)
j = length(sol)÷2
fig, ax = lines(sol.t[j:end], sol[1, j:end])
lines!(ax, sol.t[j:end], sol[2, j:end])
lines!(ax, sol.t[j:end], sol[3, j:end])

We need an estimate of the period besides providing the full DifferentialEquations.jl solution. From the figure this appears to be around 20.0 (note: the periodic orbit wraps around four times before repeating exactly).
Right, and lastly we need a continuation parameter container, which has some options regarding convergence and stability that one would need to fine tune to the problem at hand.
opts_br = BK.ContinuationPar(
p_min = prange[1], p_max = prange[end],
ds = 0.002, dsmax = 0.01, dsmin = 1e-6, n_inversion = 6,
detect_bifurcation = 3, max_bisection_steps = 50, nev = 4,
max_steps = 2000, tol_stability = 1e-3,
BifurcationKit.ContinuationPar{Float64, BifurcationKit.DefaultLS, BifurcationKit.DefaultEig{typeof(real)}}
dsmin: Float64 1.0e-6
dsmax: Float64 0.01
ds: Float64 0.002
a: Float64 0.5
p_min: Float64 4.7
p_max: Float64 6.0
max_steps: Int64 2000
newton_options: BifurcationKit.NewtonPar{Float64, BifurcationKit.DefaultLS, BifurcationKit.DefaultEig{typeof(real)}}
η: Float64 150.0
save_to_file: Bool false
save_sol_every_step: Int64 1
nev: Int64 4
save_eig_every_step: Int64 1
save_eigenvectors: Bool true
plot_every_step: Int64 10
tol_stability: Float64 0.001
detect_fold: Bool true
detect_bifurcation: Int64 3
dsmin_bisection: Float64 1.0e-16
n_inversion: Int64 6
max_bisection_steps: Int64 50
tol_bisection_eigenvalue: Float64 1.0e-16
detect_event: Int64 0
tol_param_bisection_event: Float64 1.0e-16
detect_loop: Bool false
We now create a periodic orbit problem type, by choosing a periodic orbit finding algorithm. Here we will use an optimized Jacobian for a collocation problem (advised via BifurcationKit.jl)
periodic_orbit_algo = BK.PeriodicOrbitOCollProblem(40, 4; jacobian = BK.DenseAnalyticalInplace())
┌─ Collocation functional for periodic orbits
├─ type : Vector{Float64}
├─ time slices (Ntst) : 40
├─ degree (m) : 4
├─ dimension (N) : 0
├─ inplace : false
├─ update section : 1
├─ jacobian : BifurcationKit.DenseAnalyticalInplace()
├─ mesh adaptation : false
└─ # unknowns (without phase condition) : 0
and creating the problem type giving the period guess 19.0
probpo, cish = BK.generate_ci_problem(
periodic_orbit_algo, bf_prob, sol, 19.0
(┌─ Collocation functional for periodic orbits
├─ type : Vector{Float64}
├─ time slices (Ntst) : 40
├─ degree (m) : 4
├─ dimension (N) : 3
├─ inplace : false
├─ update section : 1
├─ jacobian : BifurcationKit.DenseAnalyticalInplace()
├─ mesh adaptation : false
└─ # unknowns (without phase condition) : 483
, [-1.622956992666447, -4.527917984019188, -5.178825669659272, -1.9956767173621606, -5.5118753488592604, -4.706284366608484, -2.4400965192472053, -6.555318679124743, -3.731114021104332, -2.9442814228906706 … -1.0433693396242911, -3.025602252523616, -5.072664120850538, -1.2950909301494282, -3.664046532764437, -5.2010493840600605, -1.598669948532075, -4.4708860215171615, -5.100420067247113, 18.598994974874373])
To call the continuation we need to also tell it what aspects of the periodic orbit to record, so we define
argspo = (record_from_solution = (x, p; k...) -> begin
xtt = BK.get_periodic_orbit(p.prob, x, p.p)
return (max = maximum(xtt[1,:]),
min = minimum(xtt[1,:]),
period = BK.getperiod(p.prob, x, p.p),
p = p.p,)
(record_from_solution = Main.var"#1#3"(),)
we also define the predictor
predictor = BK.PALC(tangent = BK.Bordered())
BifurcationKit.PALC{BifurcationKit.Bordered, BifurcationKit.MatrixBLS{Nothing}, Float64, BifurcationKit.DotTheta{BifurcationKit.var"#409#411", BifurcationKit.var"#410#412"}}
tangent: BifurcationKit.Bordered BifurcationKit.Bordered()
θ: Float64 0.5
_bothside: Bool false
bls: BifurcationKit.MatrixBLS{Nothing}
dotθ: BifurcationKit.DotTheta{BifurcationKit.var"#409#411", BifurcationKit.var"#410#412"}
and finally call the continuation from BK
@time branch = BK.continuation(probpo, cish, predictor, opts_br;
verbosity = 0, plot = false,
linear_algo = BK.COPBLS(), # faster linear solver
bothside = true,
┌─ Curve type: PeriodicOrbitCont
├─ Number of points: 207
├─ Type of vectors: Vector{Float64}
├─ Parameter p starts at 4.7, ends at 4.7
├─ Algo: PALC
└─ Special points:
- # 1, endpoint at p ≈ +4.70000000, step = 0
- # 2, bp at p ≈ +4.96550671 ∈ (+4.96550671, +4.96550741), |δp|=7e-07, [converged], δ = (-1, 0), step = 23
- # 3, bp at p ≈ +5.57879264 ∈ (+5.57878613, +5.57879264), |δp|=7e-06, [converged], δ = ( 1, 0), step = 94
- # 4, bp at p ≈ +5.63806398 ∈ (+5.63806046, +5.63806398), |δp|=4e-06, [converged], δ = (-1, 0), step = 109
- # 5, ns at p ≈ +5.64171905 ∈ (+5.64171902, +5.64171905), |δp|=4e-08, [converged], δ = ( 2, 2), step = 113
- # 6, nd at p ≈ +5.63814650 ∈ (+5.63814650, +5.63815663), |δp|=1e-05, [converged], δ = (-1, -2), step = 119
- # 7, endpoint at p ≈ +4.70000000, step = 206
The converges within about 2 seconds, ignoring compilation time. Let's plot the result:
stability = branch.stable
fig, ax = scatter(
branch.branch.p[stability], branch.branch.min[stability];
label = "stable PO", color = "black", marker = :circle
branch.branch.p[.!stability], branch.branch.min[.!stability];
label = "unstable PO", color = "red", marker = :x

Even the previous version that did work, did not find a stable limit cycle for parameter less than 5.0, In the main Tutorial we see that there is a limit cycle for parameter value down to 4.7. Here we see that the limit cycle is actually unstable. So the attractor found in the main Tutorial could be a weakly chaotic attractor with MLE almost 0. Or maybe it is a quasiperiodic attractor. Or maybe it is an alternative limit cycle close to the one tracked here by BifurcationKit.jl. One needs to analyze further!
Attractors.jl version
We have already seen the code for this version in the main Tutorial, but here we copy it again using exactly the same input as that given to BK. To make the comparison explicit, let's also make an enumerated list for the Attractors.jl info:
- A
, - an
instance (and its meta parameters). For the mapper used here,AttractorsViaRecurrences
, the meta parameters are:- A state space tesselation
- A recurrence threshold
- A lost iterations threshold
- a global continuation algorithm, and optionally a matcher for it.
- a sampler to sample initial conditions in the state space.
using Attractors
ds = CoupledODEs(modified_lorenz_rule!, u0, p0;
diffeq = (alg = Vern9(), abstol = 1e-9, reltol = 1e-9)
grid = (
range(-15.0, 15.0; length = 200), # x
range(-20.0, 20.0; length = 200), # y
range(-20.0, 20.0; length = 200), # z
mapper = AttractorsViaRecurrences(ds, grid;
consecutive_recurrences = 1000,
consecutive_lost_steps = 100,
sampler, = statespace_sampler(grid)
algo = AttractorSeedContinueMatch(mapper)
fractions_cont, attractors_cont = global_continuation(
algo, prange, pidx, sampler; samples_per_parameter = 1_000
attractors_cont, A -> minimum(A[:, 1]), prange,

This code takes about 15 seconds to run. This number however is for 1000 initial conditions, not one (i.e., the one branch generated during the traditional continuation).
Discussion and comparison
Attractors.jl found not only a single limit cycle, but also all system attractors, including chaotic or quasiperiodic ones. It didn't require any initial guess regarding the limit cycle or its period, but only a state space box that may contain attractors. Attractors.jl is extremely robust w.r.t. to its input parameters: the state space box can be arbitrarily large, as long as it is large enough. Similarly, all meta parameters of AttractorsViaRecurrences
only need to be large enough; the larger, the more accurate the result. These algorithms are also robust in the sense of working well for many different types of dynamical systems, including discrete ones, see (Datseris and Wagemakers, 2022) for a demonstration. And finally, Attractors.jl estimates a more general nonlocal measure of stability, in the sense that if a set is nonlocally stable, it is guaranteed to be locally stable, however the other way around isn't guaranteed. The global continuation of Attractors.jl continues the whole of a multistable state space across an arbitrary parameter curve. It finds all attractors that exist at each parameter combination and matches them to previous ones to establish continuity. It is completely fine for some attractors to stop existing during the global continuation.
Local continuation tracks a single and specific fixed point or limit cycle within a specified parameter range. The continuation will stop if the object stops existing all-together. But the local continuation can continue to track the object if it becomes unstable. Local continuation also automatically detects and labels local bifurcations. In our experience having the local bifurcations is always useful. Now, whether the unstable branches of a limit cycle are useful or not, depends on the research question and whether the analysis is done for some sort of real world understanding (unstable limit cycles / fixed points don't actually exist in the real world). Beyond this however, BifurcationKit.jl is also optimised for PDE systems, while Attractors.jl isn't.
To be transparent, the biggest downside of local continuation software (and not a particular downside of BifurcationKit.jl specifically), is that it can take a lot of effort or a lot of expertise to make them work. At least, a lot of effort compared with the effort it took to make the Attractors.jl version work, which was simply "increase the recurrences threshold", which is standard practice when dealing with chaotic systems (Datseris and Wagemakers, 2022). For example, any other of the periodic orbit algorithms of BifurcationKit.jl (such as shooting or trapezoid) fails unless its parameters are adjusted. Using alternative specifications for the Jacobian or the linear solving algorithm can also lead to failure. Using an incorrect initial period guess can also lead to failure. We imagine that this sensitivity would apply also to some other of the several meta-parameters that enter a traditional continuation routine, for example the thresholds and accuracy parameters related to Newton convergence, but we didn't check further. This is exactly what we were alluding to in the comparison we did in (Datseris et al., 2023), that traditional local continuation "requires expertise and constant interventions". See (Datseris et al., 2023) for a more thorough comparison (that was based on and older and less powerful version of Attractors.jl).