Animation illustrating AttractorsViaRecurrences
The following Julia script inputs a 2D continuous time dynamical system and animates its time evolution while illustrating how AttractorsViaRecurrences
using Attractors, CairoMakie
using PredefinedDynamicalSystems
using OrdinaryDiffEqVerner
# Set up dynamical system: bi-stable predator pray
function predator_prey_rule(u, p, t)
r, c, μ, ν, α, β, χ, δ = p
N, P = u
common = α*N*P/(β+N)
dN = r*N*(1 - (c/r)*N)*((N-μ)/(N+ν)) - common
dP = χ*common - δ*P
return SVector(dN, dP)
u0 = SVector(8.0, 0.01)
r = 2.0
# r, c, μ, ν, α, β, χ, δ = p
p = [r, 0.19, 0.03, 0.003, 800, 1.5, 0.004, 2.2]
diffeq = (alg = Rodas5P(), abstol = 1e-9, rtol = 1e-9)
ds = CoupledODEs(predator_prey_rule, u0, p; diffeq)
u0s = [ # animation will start from these initial conditions
[10, 0.012],
[15, 0.02],
[12, 0.01],
[13, 0.015],
[5, 0.02],
density = 31
xg = range(-0.1, 20; length = density)
yg = range(-0.001, 0.03; length = density)
Δt = 0.1
grid = (xg, yg)
mapper = AttractorsViaRecurrences(ds, grid;
Δt, consecutive_attractor_steps = 10, consecutive_basin_steps = 10, sparse = false,
consecutive_recurrences = 100, attractor_locate_steps = 100,
function animate_attractors_via_recurrences(
mapper::AttractorsViaRecurrences, u0s;
colors = ["#FFFFFF", "#7143E0","#0A9A84","#AF9327","#791457", "#6C768C", "#4287f5",],
filename = "recurrence_algorithm.mp4",
grid_nfo = mapper.bsn_nfo.grid_nfo
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1,1])
# Populate the grid with poly! rectangle plots. However! The rectangles
# correspond to the same "cells" of the grid. Additionally, all
# rectangles are colored with an _observable_, that can be accessed
# later using the `basin_cell_index` function. The observable
# holds the face color of the rectangle!
# Only 6 colors; need 3 for base, and extra 2 for each attractor.
# will choose initial conditions that are only in the first 2 attractors
COLORS = map(c -> Makie.RGBA(Makie.RGB(to_color(c)), 0.9), colors)
function initialize_cells2!(ax, grid; kwargs...)
# These are all possible outputs of the `basin_cell_index` function
idxs = all_cartesian_idxs(grid)
color_obs = Matrix{Any}(undef, size(idxs)...)
# We now need to reverse-engineer
for i in idxs
rect = cell_index_to_rect(i, grid)
color = Observable(COLORS[1])
color_obs[i] = color
poly!(ax, rect; color = color, strokecolor = :black, strokewidth = 0.5)
# Set the axis limits better
mini, maxi = Attractors.minmax_grid_extent(grid)
xlims!(ax, mini[1], maxi[1])
ylims!(ax, mini[2], maxi[2])
return color_obs
all_cartesian_idxs(grid::Attractors.RegularGrid) = CartesianIndices(length.(grid.grid))
# Given a cartesian index, the output of `basin_cell_index`, create
# a `Rect` object that corresponds to that grid cell!
function cell_index_to_rect(n::CartesianIndex, grid::Attractors.RegularGrid)
x = grid.grid[1][n[1]]
y = grid.grid[2][n[2]]
dx = grid.grid_steps[1]
dy = grid.grid_steps[2]
rect = Rect(x - dx/2, y - dy/2, dx, dy)
return rect
color_obs = initialize_cells2!(ax, grid_nfo)
# plot the trajectory
state2marker = Dict(
:att_search => :circle,
:att_found => :dtriangle,
:att_hit => :rect,
:lost => :star5,
:bas_hit => :xcross,
# This function gives correct color to search, recurrence, and
# the individual attractors. Ignores the lost state.
function update_current_cell_color!(cellcolor, bsn_nfo)
# We only alter the cell color at specific situations
state = bsn_nfo.state
if state == :att_search
if cellcolor[] == COLORS[1] # empty
cellcolor[] = COLORS[2] # visited
elseif cellcolor[] == COLORS[2] # visited
cellcolor[] = COLORS[3] # recurrence
elseif state == :att_found
attidx = (bsn_nfo.current_att_label ÷ 2)
attlabel = (attidx - 1)*2 + 1
cellcolor[] = COLORS[3+attlabel]
# Iteration and labelling
ds = mapper.ds
bsn_nfo = mapper.bsn_nfo
u0 = current_state(ds)
traj = Observable(SVector{2, Float64}[u0])
point = Observable([u0])
marker = Observable(:circle)
lines!(ax, traj; color = :black, linewidth = 1)
scatter!(ax, point; color = (:black, 0.5), markersize = 20, marker, strokewidth = 1.0, strokecolor = :black)
stateobs = Observable(:att_search)
consecutiveobs = Observable(0)
labeltext = @lift("state: $($(stateobs))\nconsecutive: $($(consecutiveobs))")
Label(fig[0, 1][1,1], labeltext; justification = :left, halign = :left, tellwidth = false)
# add text with options
kwargstext = prod("$(p[1])=$(p[2])\n" for p in mapper.kwargs)
Label(fig[0, 1][1, 2], kwargstext; justification = :right, halign = :right, tellwidth = false)
# make legend
entries = [PolyElement(color = c) for c in COLORS[2:end]]
labels = ["visited", "recurrence", "attr. 1", "basin 1", "attr. 2", "basin 2"]
Legend(fig[:, 2][1, 1], entries, labels)
# %% loop
# The following code is similar to the source code of `recurrences_map_to_label!`
cell_label = 0
record(fig, filename) do io
for u0 in u0s
reinit!(ds, copy(u0))
traj[] = [copy(u0)]
while cell_label == 0
step!(ds, bsn_nfo.Δt)
u = current_state(ds)
# update FSM
n = Attractors.basin_cell_index(u, bsn_nfo.grid_nfo)
cell_label = Attractors.finite_state_machine!(bsn_nfo, n, u; mapper.kwargs...)
state = bsn_nfo.state
if cell_label ≠ 0 # FSM terminated; we assume no lost/divergence in the system
stateobs[] = :terminated
# color-code initial condition if we converged to attractor
# or to basin (even or odd cell label)
u0n = Attractors.basin_cell_index(u0, bsn_nfo.grid_nfo)
basidx = (cell_label - 1)
color_obs[u0n][] = COLORS[3+basidx]
# Clean up: all "visited" cells become white again
visited_idxs = findall(v -> (v[] == COLORS[2] || v[] == COLORS[3]), color_obs)
for n in visited_idxs
color_obs[n][] = COLORS[1] # empty
# clean up trajectory line
traj[] = []
for i in 1:15; recordframe!(io); end
cell_label = 0
# update visuals:
point[] = [u]
push!(traj[], u)
marker[] = state2marker[state]
stateobs[] = state
consecutiveobs[] = bsn_nfo.consecutive_match
update_current_cell_color!(color_obs[n], bsn_nfo)
animate_attractors_via_recurrences(mapper, u0s)