Lyapunov Exponents
Lyapunov exponents measure exponential rates of separation of nearby trajectories in the flow of a dynamical system. The concept of these exponents is best explained in Chapter 3 of Nonlinear Dynamics, Datseris & Parlitz, Springer 2022. The explanations of the chapter directly utilize the code of the functions in this page.
Lyapunov Spectrum
The function lyapunovspectrum
calculates the entire spectrum of the Lyapunov exponents of a system:
— Functionlyapunovspectrum(ds::DynamicalSystem, N, k = dimension(ds); kwargs...) -> λs
Calculate the spectrum of Lyapunov exponents [Lyapunov1992] of ds
by applying a QR-decomposition on the parallelepiped defined by the deviation vectors, in total for N
evolution steps. Return the spectrum sorted from maximum to minimum. The third argument k
is optional, and dictates how many lyapunov exponents to calculate (defaults to dimension(ds)
See also lyapunov
, local_growth_rates
Note: This function simply initializes a TangentDynamicalSystem
and calls the method below. This means that the automatic Jacobian is used by default. Initialize manually a TangentDynamicalSystem
if you have a hand-coded Jacobian.
Keyword arguments
u0 = current_state(ds)
: State to start from.Ttr = 0
: Extra transient time to evolve the system before application of the algorithm. Should beInt
for discrete systems. Both the system and the deviation vectors are evolved for this time.Δt = 1
: Time of individual evolutions between successive orthonormalization steps. For continuous systems this is approximate.show_progress = false
: Display a progress bar of the process.
The method we employ is "H2" of [Geist1990], originally stated in [Benettin1980], and explained in educational form in [DatserisParlitz2022].
The deviation vectors defining a D
-dimensional parallelepiped in tangent space are evolved using the tangent dynamics of the system (see TangentDynamicalSystem
). A QR-decomposition at each step yields the local growth rate for each dimension of the parallelepiped. At each step the parallelepiped is re-normalized to be orthonormal. The growth rates are then averaged over N
successive steps, yielding the lyapunov exponent spectrum.
lyapunovspectrum(tands::TangentDynamicalSystem, N::Int; Ttr, Δt, show_progress)
The low-level method that is called by lyapunovspectrum(ds::DynamicalSystem, ...)
. Use this method for looping over different initial conditions or parameters by calling reinit!
to tands
Also use this method if you have a hand-coded Jacobian to pass when creating tands
For example, the Lyapunov spectrum of the folded towel map is calculated as:
using ChaosTools
function towel_rule(x, p, n)
@inbounds x1, x2, x3 = x[1], x[2], x[3]
SVector( 3.8*x1*(1-x1) - 0.05*(x2+0.35)*(1-2*x3),
0.1*( (x2+0.35)*(1-2*x3) - 1 )*(1 - 1.9*x1),
3.78*x3*(1-x3)+0.2*x2 )
function towel_jacob(x, p, n)
row1 = SVector(3.8*(1 - 2x[1]), -0.05*(1-2x[3]), 0.1*(x[2] + 0.35))
row2 = SVector(-0.19((x[2] + 0.35)*(1-2x[3]) - 1), 0.1*(1-2x[3])*(1-1.9x[1]), -0.2*(x[2] + 0.35)*(1-1.9x[1]))
row3 = SVector(0.0, 0.2, 3.78(1-2x[3]))
return vcat(row1', row2', row3')
ds = DeterministicIteratedMap(towel_rule, [0.085, -0.121, 0.075], nothing)
tands = TangentDynamicalSystem(ds; J = towel_jacob)
λλ = lyapunovspectrum(tands, 10000)
3-element Vector{Float64}:
also works for continuous time systems and will auto-generate a Jacobian function if one is not give. For example,
function lorenz_rule(u, p, t)
σ = p[1]; ρ = p[2]; β = p[3]
du1 = σ*(u[2]-u[1])
du2 = u[1]*(ρ-u[3]) - u[2]
du3 = u[1]*u[2] - β*u[3]
return SVector{3}(du1, du2, du3)
lor = CoupledODEs(lorenz_rule, fill(10.0, 3), [10, 32, 8/3])
λλ = lyapunovspectrum(lor, 10000; Δt = 0.1)
3-element Vector{Float64}:
is also very fast:
using BenchmarkTools
ds = DeterministicIteratedMap(towel_rule, [0.085, -0.121, 0.075], nothing)
tands = TangentDynamicalSystem(ds; J = towel_jacob)
@btime lyapunovspectrum($tands, 10000)
966.500 μs (10 allocations: 576 bytes) # on my laptop
Here is an example of using reinit!
to efficiently iterate over different parameter values, and parallelize via Threads
, to compute the exponents over a given parameter range.
using ChaosTools, CairoMakie
henon_rule(x, p, n) = SVector{2}(1.0 - p[1]*x[1]^2 + x[2], p[2]*x[1])
henon_jacob(x, p, n) = SMatrix{2,2}(-2*p[1]*x[1], p[2], 1.0, 0.0)
ds = DeterministicIteratedMap(henon_rule, zeros(2), [1.4, 0.3])
tands = TangentDynamicalSystem(ds; J = henon_jacob)
as = 0.8:0.005:1.225;
λs = zeros(length(as), 2)
# Since `DynamicalSystem`s are mutable, we need to copy to parallelize
systems = [deepcopy(tands) for _ in 1:Threads.nthreads()-1]
pushfirst!(systems, tands)
Threads.@threads for i in eachindex(as)
system = systems[Threads.threadid()]
set_parameter!(system, 1, as[i])
λs[i, :] .= lyapunovspectrum(system, 10000; Ttr = 500)
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1,1]; xlabel = L"a", ylabel = L"\lambda")
for j in 1:2
lines!(ax, as, λs[:, j])

Maximum Lyapunov Exponent
It is possible to get only the maximum Lyapunov exponent simply by giving 1
as the third argument of lyapunovspectrum
. However, there is a second algorithm that calculates the maximum exponent:
— Functionlyapunov(ds::DynamicalSystem, Τ; kwargs...) -> λ
Calculate the maximum Lyapunov exponent λ
using a method due to Benettin [Benettin1976], which simply evolves two neighboring trajectories (one called "given" and one called "test") while constantly rescaling the test one.
denotes the total time of evolution (should be Int
for discrete time systems).
See also lyapunovspectrum
, local_growth_rates
Keyword arguments
show_progress = false
: Display a progress bar of the process.u0 = initial_state(ds)
: Initial condition.Ttr = 0
: Extra "transient" time to evolve the trajectories before starting to measure the exponent. Should beInt
for discrete systems.d0 = 1e-9
: Initial & rescaling distance between the two neighboring trajectories.d0_lower = 1e-3*d0
: Lower distance threshold for rescaling.d0_upper = 1e+3*d0
: Upper distance threshold for rescaling.Δt = 1
: Time of evolution between each check rescaling of distance.inittest = (u1, d0) -> u1 .+ d0/sqrt(length(u1))
: A function that given(u1, d0)
initializes the test state with distanced0
from the given stateu1
is the dimension of the system). This function can be used when you want to avoid the test state appearing in a region of the phase-space where it would have e.g. different energy or escape to infinity.
Two neighboring trajectories with initial distance d0
are evolved in time. At time $t_i = t_{i-1} + \Delta t$, if their distance $d(t_i)$ either exceeds the d0_upper
, or is lower than d0_lower
, the test trajectory is rescaled back to having distance d0
from the reference one, while the rescaling keeps the difference vector along the maximal expansion/contraction direction: $u_2 \to u_1+(u_2−u_1)/(d(t_i)/d_0)$.
The maximum Lyapunov exponent is the average of the time-local Lyapunov exponents
\[\lambda = \frac{1}{t_{n} - t_0}\sum_{i=1}^{n} \ln\left( a_i \right),\quad a_i = \frac{d(t_{i})}{d_0}.\]
Performance notes
This function simply initializes a ParallelDynamicalSystem
and calls the method below.
The reason we only conditionally rescale the neighboring trajectories is computational: the averaging will give correct result overall if the trajectories never diverge or converge (i.e., for periodic orbits).
lyapunov(pds::ParallelDynamicalSystem, T; Ttr, Δt, d0, d0_upper, d0_lower)
The low-level method that is called by lyapunov(ds::DynamicalSystem, ...)
. Use this method for looping over different initial conditions or parameters by calling reinit!
to pds
For example:
using ChaosTools
henon_rule(x, p, n) = SVector{2}(1.0 - p[1]*x[1]^2 + x[2], p[2]*x[1])
henon = DeterministicIteratedMap(henon_rule, zeros(2), [1.4, 0.3])
λ = lyapunov(henon, 10000; d0 = 1e-7, d0_upper = 1e-4, Ttr = 100)
Local Growth Rates
— Functionlocal_growth_rates(ds::DynamicalSystem, points::StateSpaceSet; kwargs...) → λlocal
Compute the local exponential growth rate(s) of perturbations of the dynamical system ds
for initial conditions given in points
. For each initial condition u ∈ points
, S
total perturbations are created and evolved exactly for time Δt
. The exponential local growth rate is defined simply by log(g/g0)/Δt
with g0
the initial perturbation size and g
the size after Δt
. Thus, λlocal
is a matrix of size (length(points), S)
This function is a modification of lyapunov
. It uses the full nonlinear dynamics and a ParallelDynamicalSystem
to evolve the perturbations, but does not do any re-scaling, thus allowing probing state and time dependence of perturbation growth. The actual growth is given by exp(λlocal * Δt)
The output of this function is sometimes called "Nonlinear Local Lyapunov Exponent".
Keyword arguments
S = 100
Δt = 5
: If given, it should be a functionperturbation(ds, u, j)
that outputs a perturbation vector (preferrablySVector
) given the system, current initial conditionu
and the counterj ∈ 1:S
. If not given, a random perturbation is generated with norm given by the keyworde = 1e-6
Here is a simple example using the Henon map
using ChaosTools
using Statistics, CairoMakie
henon_rule(x, p, n) = SVector{2}(1.0 - p[1]*x[1]^2 + x[2], p[2]*x[1])
he = DeterministicIteratedMap(henon_rule, zeros(2), [1.4, 0.3])
points = trajectory(he, 2000; Ttr = 100)[1]
λlocal = local_growth_rates(he, points; Δt = 1)
λmeans = mean(λlocal; dims = 2)
λstds = std(λlocal; dims = 2)
x, y = columns(points)
fig, ax, obj = scatter(x, y; color = vec(λmeans))
Colorbar(fig[1,2], obj)

Lyapunov exponent from data
— Functionlyapunov_from_data(R::StateSpaceSet, ks; kwargs...)
For the given dataset R
, which is expected to represent a trajectory of a dynamical system, calculate and return E(k)
, which is the average logarithmic distance between states of a neighborhood that are evolved in time for k
steps (k
must be integer). The slope of E
vs k
approximates the maximum Lyapunov exponent.
Typically R
is the result of delay coordinates embedding of a timeseries (see DelayEmbeddings.jl).
Keyword arguments
refstates = 1:(length(R) - ks[end])
: Vector of indices that notes which states of the dataset should be used as "reference states", which means that the algorithm is applied for all state indices contained inrefstates
.w::Int = 1
: The Theiler window.ntype = NeighborNumber(1)
: The neighborhood type. EitherNeighborNumber
. See Neighborhoods for more info.distance = FirstElement()
: Specifies what kind of distance function is used in the logarithmic distance of nearby states. Allowed distances values areFirstElement()
, see below for more info. The metric for finding neighbors is always the Euclidean one.
If the dataset exhibits exponential divergence of nearby states, then it should hold
\[E(k) \approx \lambda\cdot k \cdot \Delta t + E(0)\]
for a well defined region in the $k$ axis, where $\lambda$ is the approximated maximum Lyapunov exponent. $\Delta t$ is the time between samples in the original timeseries. You can use linear_region
with arguments (ks .* Δt, E)
to identify the slope (= $\lambda$) immediately, assuming you have chosen sufficiently good ks
such that the linear scaling region is bigger than the saturated region.
The algorithm used in this function is due to Parlitz[Skokos2016], which itself expands upon Kantz[Kantz1994]. In sort, for each reference state a neighborhood is evaluated. Then, for each point in this neighborhood, the logarithmic distance between reference state and neighborhood state(s) is calculated as the "time" index k
increases. The average of the above over all neighborhood states over all reference states is the returned result.
If the distance
is Euclidean()
then use the Euclidean distance of the full D
-dimensional points (distance $d_E$ in ref.[Skokos2016]). If however the distance
is FirstElement()
, calculate the absolute distance of only the first elements of the points of R
(distance $d_F$ in ref.[Skokos2016], useful when R
comes from delay embedding).
— TypeNeighborNumber(k::Int) <: SearchType
Search type representing the k
nearest neighbors of the query (or approximate neighbors, depending on the search structure).
— TypeWithinRange(r::Real) <: SearchType
Search type representing all neighbors with distance ≤ r
from the query (according to the search structure's metric).
Let's apply the method to a timeseries from a continuous time system. In this case, one must be a bit more thoughtful when choosing parameters. The following example helps the users get familiar with the process:
using ChaosTools, CairoMakie
function lorenz_rule(u, p, t)
σ = p[1]; ρ = p[2]; β = p[3]
du1 = σ*(u[2]-u[1])
du2 = u[1]*(ρ-u[3]) - u[2]
du3 = u[1]*u[2] - β*u[3]
return SVector{3}(du1, du2, du3)
ds = CoupledODEs(lorenz_rule, fill(10.0, 3), [10, 32, 8/3])
# create a timeseries of 1 dimension
Δt = 0.05
x = trajectory(ds, 1000.0; Ttr = 10, Δt)[1][:, 1]
20001-element Vector{Float64}:
From prior knowledge of the system, we know we need to use k
up to about 150
. However, due to the dense time sampling, we don't have to compute for every k
in the range 0:150
. Instead, we can use
ks = 0:4:150
Now we plot some example computations using delay embeddings to "reconstruct" the chaotic attractor
using DelayEmbeddings: embed
fig = Figure()
ax = Axis(fig[1,1]; xlabel="k (0.05×t)", ylabel="E - E(0)")
ntype = NeighborNumber(5) #5 nearest neighbors of each state
for d in [4, 8], τ in [7, 15]
r = embed(x, d, τ)
# E1 = lyapunov_from_data(r, ks1; ntype)
# λ1 = ChaosTools.linreg(ks1 .* Δt, E1)[2]
# plot(ks1,E1.-E1[1], label = "dense, d=$(d), τ=$(τ), λ=$(round(λ1, 3))")
E2 = lyapunov_from_data(r, ks; ntype)
λ2 = ChaosTools.linreg(ks .* Δt, E2)[2]
lines!(ks, E2.-E2[1]; label = "d=$(d), τ=$(τ), λ=$(round(λ2, digits = 3))")
axislegend(ax; position = :lt)
ax.title = "Continuous Reconstruction Lyapunov"

As you can see, using τ = 15
is not a great choice! The estimates with τ = 7
though are very good (the actual value is around λ ≈ 0.89...
). Notice that above a linear regression was done over the whole curves, which doesn't make sense. One should identify a linear scaling region and extract the slope of that one. The function linear_region
from FractalDimensions.jl does this!
- Lyapunov1992A. M. Lyapunov, The General Problem of the Stability of Motion, Taylor & Francis (1992)
- Geist1990K. Geist et al., Progr. Theor. Phys. 83, pp 875 (1990)
- Benettin1980G. Benettin et al., Meccanica 15, pp 9-20 & 21-30 (1980)
- DatserisParlitz2022Datseris & Parlitz 2022, Nonlinear Dynamics: A Concise Introduction Interlaced with Code, Springer Nature, Undergrad. Lect. Notes In Physics
- Benettin1976G. Benettin et al., Phys. Rev. A 14, pp 2338 (1976)
- Skokos2016Skokos, C. H. et al., Chaos Detection and Predictability - Chapter 1 (section 1.3.2), Lecture Notes in Physics 915, Springer (2016)
- Kantz1994Kantz, H., Phys. Lett. A 185, pp 77–87 (1994)