Numerical Data
— ModuleStateSpaceSets.jl
A Julia package that provides functionality for state space sets. These are ordered collections of points of fixed length (called dimension). It is used by many other packages in the JuliaDynamics organization. The main export of StateSpaceSets
is the concrete type StateSpaceSet
. The package also provides functionality for distances, neighbor searches, sampling, and normalization.
To install it you may run import Pkg; Pkg.add("StateSpaceSets")
, however, there is no real reason to install this package directly as it is re-exported by all downstream packages that use it.
The word "timeseries" can be confusing, because it can mean a univariate (also called scalar or one-dimensional) timeseries or a multivariate (also called multi-dimensional) timeseries. To resolve this confusion, in DynamicalSystems.jl we have the following convention: "timeseries" is always univariate! it refers to a one-dimensional vector of numbers, which exists with respect to some other one-dimensional vector of numbers that corresponds to a time vector. On the other hand, we use the word "state space set" to refer to a multi-dimensional timeseries, which is of course simply a group/set of one-dimensional timeseries represented as a StateSpaceSet
Trajectories, and in general sets in state space, are represented by a structure called StateSpaceSet
in DynamicalSystems.jl (while timeseries are always standard Julia Vector
s). It is recommended to always standardize
— TypeStateSpaceSet{D, T, V} <: AbstractVector{V}
A dedicated interface for sets in a state space. It is an ordered container of equally-sized points of length D
, with element type T
, represented by a vector of type V
. Typically V
is SVector{D,T}
or Vector{T}
and the data are always stored internally as Vector{V}
. SSSet
is an alias for StateSpaceSet
The underlying Vector{V}
can be obtained by vec(ssset)
, although this is almost never necessary because StateSpaceSet
subtypes AbstractVector
and extends its interface. StateSpaceSet
also supports almost all sensible vector operations like append!, push!, hcat, eachrow
, among others. When iterated over, it iterates over its contained points.
Constructing a StateSpaceSet
is done in three ways:
- By giving in each individual columns of the state space set as
:StateSpaceSet(x, y, z, ...)
. - By giving in a matrix whose rows are the state space points:
. - By giving in directly a vector of vectors (state space points):
All constructors allow for the keyword container
which sets the type of V
(the type of inner vectors). At the moment options are only SVector
, MVector
, or Vector
, and by default SVector
is used.
Description of indexing
When indexed with 1 index, StateSpaceSet
behaves exactly like its encapsulated vector. i.e., a vector of vectors (state space points). When indexed with 2 indices it behaves like a matrix where each row is a point.
In the following let i, j
be integers, typeof(X) <: AbstractStateSpaceSet
and v1, v2
be <: AbstractVector{Int}
(v1, v2
could also be ranges, and for performance benefits make v2
an SVector{Int}
X[i] == X[i, :]
gives thei
th point (returns anSVector
)X[v1] == X[v1, :]
, returns aStateSpaceSet
with the points in those indices.X[:, j]
gives thej
th variable timeseries (or collection), asVector
X[v1, v2], X[:, v2]
returns aStateSpaceSet
with the appropriate entries (first indices being "time"/point index, while second being variables)X[i, j]
value of thej
th variable, at thei
th timepoint
Use Matrix(ssset)
or StateSpaceSet(matrix)
to convert. It is assumed that each column of the matrix
is one variable. If you have various timeseries vectors x, y, z, ...
pass them like StateSpaceSet(x, y, z, ...)
. You can use columns(dataset)
to obtain the reverse, i.e. all columns of the dataset in a tuple.
In essence a StateSpaceSet
is simply a wrapper for a Vector
of SVector
s. However, it is visually represented as a matrix, similarly to how numerical data would be printed on a spreadsheet (with time being the column direction). It also offers a lot more functionality than just pretty-printing. Besides the examples in the documentation string, you can e.g. iterate over data points
using DynamicalSystems
hen = Systems.henon()
data = trajectory(hen, 10000) # this returns a dataset
for point in data
# stuff
Most functions from DynamicalSystems.jl that manipulate ors use multidimensional data are expecting a StateSpaceSet
— Functionminima(dataset)
Return an SVector
that contains the minimum elements of each timeseries of the dataset.
— Functionmaxima(dataset)
Return an SVector
that contains the maximum elements of each timeseries of the dataset.
— Functionminmaxima(dataset)
Return minima(dataset), maxima(dataset)
without doing the computation twice.
— Functioncolumns(ssset) -> x, y, z, ...
Return the individual columns of the state space set allocated as Vector
s. Equivalent with collect(eachcol(ssset))
Basic statistics
— Functionstandardize(d::StateSpaceSet) → r
Create a standardized version of the input set where each column is transformed to have mean 0 and standard deviation 1.
standardize(x::AbstractVector{<:Real}) = (x - mean(x))/std(x)
— Functioncor(d::StateSpaceSet) → m::SMatrix
Compute the corrlation matrix m
from the columns of d
, where m[i, j]
is the correlation between d[:, i]
and d[:, j]
— Functioncov(d::StateSpaceSet) → m::SMatrix
Compute the covariance matrix m
from the columns of d
, where m[i, j]
is the covariance between d[:, i]
and d[:, j]
— Functionmean_and_cov(d::StateSpaceSet) → μ, m::SMatrix
Return a tuple of the column means μ
and covariance matrix m
Column means are always computed for the covariance matrix, so this is faster than computing both quantities separately.
Two datasets
— Functionset_distance(ssset1, ssset2 [, distance])
Calculate a distance between two StateSpaceSet
s, i.e., a distance defined between sets of points, as dictated by distance
Possible distance
types are:
, which is the default, and 100s of times faster than the restHausdorff
- Any function
f(A, B)
that returns the distance between two state space setsA, B
— TypeHausdorff(metric = Euclidean())
A distance that can be used in set_distance
. The Hausdorff distance is the greatest of all the distances from a point in one set to the closest point in the other set. The distance is calculated with the metric given to Hausdorff
which defaults to Euclidean.
is 2x slower than StrictlyMinimumDistance
, however it is a proper metric in the space of sets of state space sets.
This metric only works for StateSpaceSet
s whose elements are SVector
For developers: set_distance
can take keywords tree1, tree2
that are the KDTrees of the first and second sets respectively.
— TypeCentroid(metric = Euclidean())
A distance that can be used in set_distance
. The Centroid
method returns the distance (according to metric
) between the centroids (a.k.a. centers of mass) of the sets.
can be any function that takes in two static vectors are returns a positive definite number to use as a distance (and typically is a Metric
from Distances.jl).
— TypeStrictlyMinimumDistance([brute = false,] [metric = Euclidean(),])
A distance that can be used in set_distance
. The StrictlyMinimumDistance
returns the minimum distance of all the distances from a point in one set to the closest point in the other set. The distance is calculated with the given metric.
The brute::Bool
argument switches the computation between a KDTree-based version, or brute force (i.e., calculation of all distances and picking the smallest one). Brute force performs better for sets that are either large dimensional or have a small amount of points. Deciding a cutting point is not trivial, and is recommended to simply benchmark the set_distance
function to make a decision.
If brute = false
this metric only works for StateSpaceSet
s whose elements are SVector
For developers: set_distance
can take a keyword tree2
that is the KDTree of the second set.
Sets of datasets
— Functionsetsofsets_distances(a₊, a₋ [, distance]) → distances
Calculate distances between sets of StateSpaceSet
s. Here a₊, a₋
are containers of StateSpaceSet
s, and the returned distances are dictionaries of distances. Specifically, distances[i][j]
is the distance of the set in the i
key of a₊
to the j
key of a₋
. Distances from a₋
to a₊
are not computed at all, assumming symmetry in the distance function.
The distance
can be anything valid for set_distance
Containers a₊, a₋
can be empty but they must be concretely typed.
StateSpaceSet I/O
Input/output functionality for an AbstractStateSpaceSet
is already achieved using base Julia, specifically writedlm
and readdlm
. To write and read a dataset, simply do:
using DelimitedFiles
data = StateSpaceSet(rand(1000, 2))
# I will write and read using delimiter ','
writedlm("data.txt", data, ',')
# Don't forget to convert the matrix to a StateSpaceSet when reading
data = StateSpaceSet(readdlm("data.txt", ',', Float64))
Neighborhoods refer to the common act of finding points in a dataset that are nearby a given point (which typically belongs in the dataset). DynamicalSystems.jl bases this interface on Neighborhood.jl. You can go to its documentation if you are interested in finding neighbors in a dataset for e.g. a custom algorithm implementation.
For DynamicalSystems.jl, what is relevant are the two types of neighborhoods that exist:
— TypeNeighborNumber(k::Int) <: SearchType
Search type representing the k
nearest neighbors of the query (or approximate neighbors, depending on the search structure).
— TypeWithinRange(r::Real) <: SearchType
Search type representing all neighbors with distance ≤ r
from the query (according to the search structure's metric).
— Functionstatespace_sampler(region [, seed = 42]) → sampler, isinside
A function that facilitates sampling points randomly and uniformly in a state space region
. It generates two functions:
is a 0-argument function that when called generates a random point inside a state spaceregion
. The point is always aVector
for type stability irrespectively of dimension. Generally, the generated point should be copied if it needs to be stored. (i.e., callingsampler()
utilizes a shared vector)sampler
is a thread-safe function.isinside
is a 1-argument function that returnstrue
if the given state space point is inside theregion
The region
can be an instance of any of the following types (input arguments if not specified are vectors of length D
, with D
the state space dimension):
HSphere(radius::Real, center)
: points inside the hypersphere (boundary excluded). Convenience methodHSphere(radius::Real, D::Int)
makes the center aD
-long vector of zeros.HSphereSurface(radius, center)
: points on the hypersphere surface. Same convenience method as above is possible.HRectangle(mins, maxs)
: points in [min, max) for the bounds along each dimension.
The random number generator is always Xoshiro
with the given seed
statespace_sampler(grid::NTuple{N, AbstractRange} [, seed])
If given a grid
that is a tuple of AbstractVector
s, the minimum and maximum of the vectors are used to make an HRectangle
— TypeHSphere(r::Real, center::AbstractVector)
HSphere(r::Real, D::Int)
A state space region denoting all points within a hypersphere.
— TypeHSphereSurface(r::Real, center::AbstractVector)
HSphereSurface(r::Real, D::Int)
A state space region denoting all points on the surface (boundary) of a hypersphere.
— TypeHRectangle(mins::AbstractVector, maxs::AbstractVector)
A state space region denoting all points within the hyperrectangle.