Network diffusion

This introductory example explains the use of the basic types and constructors in NetworkDynamics.jl by modeling a simple diffusion on an undirected network.

This example can be dowloaded as a normal Julia script here.

Theoretical background

Diffusion processes are relevant for phenomena as diverse as heat conduction, electrical currents, and random walks. Generally speaking they describe the tendency of systems to evolve towards a state of equally distributed heat, charge or concentration. In such system the local temperature (or concentration) changes according to its difference with its neighborhood, i.e. the temperature gradient.

Let $g$ be a graph with $N$ nodes and adjacency matrix $A$. Let $v = (v_1, \dots, v_n)$ be a vector of (abstract) temperatures or concentrations at each node $i = 1, \dots, N$. Then the rate of change of state $v_i$ is described by its difference with its neighbors and we obtain the following ordinary differential equation

\[\dot v_i = \sum_{j=1}^N A_{ji} (v_j - v_i).\]

The sum on the right hand side plays the role of a (discrete) gradient. If the temperature at node $i$ is higher than at its neighboring node $j$ it will decrease along that edge.

Modeling diffusion in NetworkDynamics.jl

From the above considerations we see that in this model the nodes do not have any internal dynamics - if a node was disconnected from the rest of the network its state would never change, since then $A_{ji} = 0 \; \forall j$ and hence $\dot v_i = 0$. This means that the evolution of a node depends only on the interaction with its neighbors. In NetworkDynamics.jl, interactions with neighbors are described by equations for the edges.

using Graphs
using NetworkDynamics
using OrdinaryDiffEq
using Plots

function diffusionedge!(e, v_s, v_d, p, t)
    # usually e, v_s, v_d are arrays, hence we use the broadcasting operator .
    e .= v_s .- v_d

The function diffusionedge! takes as inputs the current state of the edge e, its source vertex v_s, its destination vertex v_d, a vector of parameters p and the time t. In order to comply with the syntax of NetworkDynamics.jl we always have to define functions for static edges with exactly these arguments, even though we do not need p and t for the diffusion example.

diffusionedge! is called a mutating function, since it modifies (or mutates) one of its inputs, namely the edge state e. As a convention in Julia names of mutating functions end with an !. The use of mutating functions reduces allocations and thereby speeds up computations. After the function call the edge's value e equals the difference between its source and its destination vertex (i.e. the discrete gradient along that edge).

The contributions of the different edges are then summed up in each vertex.

function diffusionvertex!(dv, v, esum, p, t)
    # usually v, edges are arrays, hence we use the broadcasting operator .
    dv .= esum

Just like above the input arguments v, esum, p, t are mandatory for the syntax of vertex functions. The additional input dv corresponding to the derivative of the vertex' state is mandatory for vertices described by ordinary differential equations.

For undirected graphs, the edgefunction! specifies the coupling from a source- to a destination vertex. The contributions of the connected edges to a single vertex are "aggregated". Default aggregation is the summation of all incident edge states. The aggregated edge state is made available via the esum argument of the vertex function.

Constructing the network

With the preliminaries out of the way, it only takes a few steps to assemble the network dynamics.

N = 20 # number of nodes
k = 4  # average degree
g = barabasi_albert(N, k) # a little more exciting than a bare random graph

The Barabási–Albert model generates a scale-free random graph.

nd_diffusion_vertex = ODEVertex(; f=diffusionvertex!, dim=1)
nd_diffusion_edge = StaticEdge(; f=diffusionedge!, dim=1, coupling=AntiSymmetric())

nd = Network(g, nd_diffusion_vertex, nd_diffusion_edge)
Dynamic network with:
 ├─ 20 vertices (1 unique type)
 └─ 64 edges (1 unique type)
Edge-Aggregation using SequentialAggregator(+)
 ├─ vertices receive edge states 1:1 (edge depth = 1)
 └─ edges receive vertex states  1:1 (vertex depth = 1)

ODEVertex and StaticEdge are functions wrappers that equip the functions we defined above with additional information like dim and return objects of type VertexFunction and EdgeFunction. Then the key constructor Network combines them with the topological information contained in the graph g and returns an ODEFunction compatible with the solvers of DifferentialEquations.jl. The keyword dim specifies the number of variables at each edge or node.

x0 = randn(N) # random initial conditions
ode_prob = ODEProblem(nd, x0, (0.0, 4.0))
sol = solve(ode_prob, Tsit5());

We are solving the diffusion problem on the time interval $[0, 4]$ with the Tsit5() algorithm, which is recommended by the authors of DifferentialEquations.jl for most non-stiff problems.

plot(sol; idxs=vidxs(nd, :, :), fmt=:png)
Example block output

The plotting is straightforward. The idxs keyword allows us to pass a list of indices. Indeces can be also "symbolic" indices which specify components and their symbols directly. For example idxs = VIndex(1, :v) acesses state :v of vertex 1.

In oder to collect multiple indices we can use the helper function vidxs and eidxs, which help to collect all symbolic indices matching a certain criteria.

To illustrate a very simple multi-dimensional case, in the following we simulate two independent diffusions on an identical network. The first uses the symbol x and is started with initial conditions drawn from the standard normal distribution $N(0,1)$, the second uses the symbol ϕ with squared standard normal inital conditions.

The symbols have to be passed with the keyword sym to ODEVertex.

N = 10 # number of nodes
k = 4  # average degree
g = barabasi_albert(N, k) # a little more exciting than a bare random graph

# We will have two independent diffusions on the network, hence dim = 2
nd_diffusion_vertex_2 = ODEVertex(; f=diffusionvertex!, dim=2, sym=[:x, :ϕ])
nd_diffusion_edge_2 = StaticEdge(; f=diffusionedge!, dim=2, sym=[:flow_x, :flow_ϕ], coupling=AntiSymmetric())
nd_2 = Network(g, nd_diffusion_vertex_2, nd_diffusion_edge_2)

x0_2 = vec(transpose([randn(N) .^ 2 randn(N)])) # x ~ N(0,1)^2; ϕ ~ N(0,1)
ode_prob_2 = ODEProblem(nd_2, x0_2, (0.0, 3.0))
sol_2 = solve(ode_prob_2, Tsit5());

Try plotting the variables ϕ_i yourself. [To write ϕ type \phi and press TAB]

plot(sol_2; idxs=vidxs(nd_2, :, :x), fmt=:png)
Example block output

Using the eidxs helper function we can also plot the flow variables

plot(sol_2; idxs=eidxs(nd_2, :, :flow_x), fmt=:png)
Example block output

Appendix: The network Laplacian $L$

The diffusion equation on a network can be rewritten as

\[\dot v_i = \sum_{j=1}^N A_{ji} v_j - d_i v_i = e_i^T A v - d_i v_i\]

where $d_i$ is the degree of node $i$ and $e_i^T$ is the $i$-th standard basis vector. Introducing the diagonal matrix $D$ that has the degree of node $i$ in its $i$-th row and the Laplacian matrix $L = D - A$ we arrive at

\[\dot v = e_i^T(A - D) v\]

and finally

\[\dot v = - L v\]

This is a linear system of ODEs and its solution is a matrix exponential. To study the asymptotic behaviour of the system it suffices to analyze the eigenspectrum of $L$. For this reason $L$ is an important construction in network science.

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