
Since version 0.3.0 multi-threading via the Threads.@threads macro is possible. This allows julia to integrate different nodes and edges in different threads, and can lead to significant performance gains on parallel architectures. To enable multi-threading call network_dynamics with the keyword argument parallel=true.

network_dynamics(vertices!, edges!, graph; parallel=true)

In order for this to take effect, multiple threads have to be available. This is achieved by setting the environment variable JULIA_NUM_THREADS before starting Julia. To start Julia from a bash shell and with 4 threads use:

$ env JULIA_NUM_THREADS=4 julia

If you are using Juno for the Atom text editor JULIA_NUM_THREADS is set to the number of physical cores of your processor by default. This is also the number of threads we recommend to use.


The thread handling causes an overhead in the order of 20 μs per call to the ODE function which might impair performance on small networks (<100 nodes) or on single core machines. In theses cases network_dynamics can be called without any additional arguments, since parallel defaults to false.

For more information on setting environment varibales see the Julia documentation.