Callbacks and Events
Callback-functions are a way of handling discontinuities in differential equations. In a nutshell, the solver checks for some "condition" (i.e. a zero crossing of some variable) and calls some "affect" if the condition is fulfilled. Within the affect function, it is safe to modify the integrator, e.g. changing some state or some parameter.
Since NetworkDynamics.jl
provides nothing more than a RHS for DifferentialEquations.jl, please check their docs on event handling as a general reference. This page at introducing the general concepts, for a hands on example of a simulation with callbacks refer to the Cascading Failure example.
Component-based Callback functions
In practice, events often act locally, meaning they only depend and act on a specific component or type of component. NetworkDynamics.jl
provides a way of defining those callbacks on a component level and automaticially combine them into performant VectorContinuousCallback
and DiscreteCallback
for the whole network.
The main entry points are the types ContinousComponentCallback
, VectorContinousComponentCallback
and DiscreteComponentCallback
. All of those objects combine a ComponentCondition
with an ComponentAffect
The "normal" ContinousComponentCallback
and DiscreteComponentCallback
have a condition which returns a single value. The corresponding affect is triggered when the return value hits zero. In contrast, the "vector" version has an in-place condition which writes len
outputs. When any of those outputs hits zero, the affect is triggered with an additional argument event_idx
which tells the effect which dimension encountered the zerocrossing.
There is a special type PresetTimeComponentCallback
which has no explicit condition and triggers the affect at given times. This internally generates a PresetTimeCallback
object from DiffEqCallbacks.jl
Defining the Callback
To construct a condition function, you need to tell network dynamics which states and parameters you'd like to "observe" within the condition. Within the actual condition, those states will be made available:
condition = ComponentCond([:x, :y], [:p1, :p2]) do u, p, t
u[:x] == u[1] # access a state or observable :x at current time
p[:p2] == p[2] # access a parameter at current time
return some_condition(u[:x], u[:y], ...)
In case of a VectorContinousComponentCallback
, the function signature looks slightly different:
vectorcondition = ComponentCond([:x, :y], [:p1, :p2]) do out, u, p, t
out[1] = some_condition(u[...], p[...])
out[2] = some_condition(u[...], p[...])
return nothing
Note that the syms
argument (here [:x, :y]
) can be used to reference any named state of the component model, this includes "ordinary" states, observed, inputs and outputs. The arguments u
and p
will be passed as SymbolicView
objects, which mean it is possible to use the getindex syntax to acces the desired states by name.
The affect takes a similar form:
affect = ComponentAffect([:u], [:p]) do u, p, ctx
t = ctx.t # extract data from context
obs = NWState(ctx.integrator)[VIndex(ctx.vidx, :obs)] # extract some observed state from context
println("Trigger affect at t=$t")
vectoraffect = ComponentAffect([:u], [:p]) do u, p, event_idx, ctx
if event_idx == 1
u[:u] = 0 # change state
u[:p] = 0 # change parameter
Notably, the syms
(here :u
) can exclusivly refer to "ordinary" states, since they are now writable. However the affect gets passed a ctx
"context" object, which is a named tuple which holds additional context like the integrator object, the component model, the index of the component model, the current time and so on. Please refere to the ComponentAffect
docstring for a detailed list.
Lastly we need to define the actuall callback object using ContinousComponentCallback
ccb = ContinousComponentCallback(condition, affect; kwargs...)
vccb = VectorContinousComponentCallback(condition, affect; kwargs...)
where the kwargs
are passed to the underlying SciMLBase.VectorContinuousCallback
to finetune the zerocrossing-detection.
Registering the Callback
Once the callback is defined, we need to "attach" it to the component, for that you can use the methods add_callback!
and set_callback!
vert = VertexModel(...)
add_callback!(vert, ccb)
add_callback!(vert, vccb)
Extracting the Callback
In order to use the callback during simulation, we need to generate a SciMLBase.CallbackSet
which contains the conditions and affects of all the component based callbacks in the network. For that we use get_callbacks(::Network)
u0 = NWState(u0)
cbs = get_callbacks(nw)
prob = ODEProblem(nw, uflat(u0), (0,10), pflat(u0); callback=cbs)
sol = solve(prob, ...)
When combining the component based callbacks to a single callback, NetworkDynamics will check whether states and or parameters changed during the affect and automaticially call SciMLBase.auto_dt_reset!
and save_parameters!
if necessary.
Normal DiffEq Callbacks
Besides component based callbacks, it is also possible to use "normal" DiffEq callbacks together with NetworkDynamics.jl
. It is far more powerful but also more cumbersome compared to the component based callback functions. To access states and parameters of specific components, we havily rely on the Symbolic Indexing features.
using SymbolicIndexingInterface as SII
nw = Network(#= some network =#)
condition = let getvalue = SII.getsym(nw, VIndex(1:5, :some_state))
function(out, u, t, integrator)
s = NWState(integrator, u, integrator.p, t)
some_state = getvalue(s)
out .= some_condition(some_state)
Please not a few important things here:
- Symbolic indexing can be costly, and the condition function gets called very often. By using
we did some of the work before the callback by creating the accessor function. When handling with "normal states" and parameters consider usingSII.variable_index
for even better access patterns. t
refers to the current time of the zerocrossing-detection-algorithm. This is different fromintegrator.t
which refers to the current timestep in which the zerocross-detectio takes place..
function affect!(integrator, vidx)
p = NWParameter(integrator) # get symbolicially indexable parameter object
p.v[vidx, :some_vertex_parameter] = 0 # change some parameter
The affect function is much more straight forward, as it (typically) is called far less frequent and thus less perfomance critical.
Once the condition
and affect!
is defined, you can use the SciMLBase.ContinuousCallback
and SciMLBase.VectorContinuousCallback
constructors to create the callback.
Since changes to u
and p
mostly introduce discontinuities in the solution, it is recommend to call auto_dt_reset!
within the affect to restart integration with small steps afterwards.
An "observable" is kind of a "virtual" state, which can be reconstructed for a given time t
, a given state u
and a given set of parameters p
\[o = f(u(t), p(t), t)\]
To extract or plot timeseries of observed states under time variant parameters (i.e. parameters that are changed in a callback), those changes need to be recorded using the save_parameters!
function whenever p
is changed. When using ComponentCallback, NetworkDynamics will automaticially check for changes in p
and save them if necessary.