Neurodynamic model of synchronization in the human brain

Topics covered in this tutorial include:

  • constructing a directed, weighted graph from data
  • some useful macros
  • parameter handling
  • stiff equations

The FitzHugh-Nagumo model

Dynamics of spiking neurons have been described in a simplified manner by the FitzHugh-Nagumo model.

\[\begin{aligned} \varepsilon \dot u & = u - \frac{u^3}{3} - v \\ \dot v & = u + a \end{aligned}\]

Here $u$ is a fast, excitatory variable corresponding to the membrane potential and $v$ is a slower, inhibitory varibale. $\varepsilon$ is a parameter separating these time-scales, and $a$ is a control parameter.

In simplified models of the brain, such relaxation oscillators may be used to model individual neurons, clusters of neurons or even larger areas in the brain. The FitzHugh-Nagumo model has been widely used for studying synchronization in neuronal activity, which in turn has been connected to physiological phenomena such as epileptic seizures.

Coupling relaxation oscillators

While different coupling schemes for FitzHugh-Nagumo oscillators have been proposed, in this tutorial we focus on coupling of the excitatory variables via electrical gap junctions, as described by the following system of equations.

\[\begin{aligned} \varepsilon \dot u_i & = u_i - \frac{u_i^3}{3} - v_i - \sigma \sum_{j=1}^N G_{ij}(u_i - u_j) \\ \dot v_i & = u_i + a \end{aligned}\]

This is a simple diffusive coupling mediated by the difference between activation potentials in pairs of neurons. A similar coupling term was introduced in the "getting started" tutorial.

The network topology - a brain atlas

In the following we will use a directed and weigthed network encoding the strength and directionality of coupling between 90 different areas of the brain [Nathalie Tzourio-Mazoyer et al., 2002, Neuroimage].

The network weight matrix is given as a text file containing 90 lines with 90 numbers representing the coupling strength and separated by commas ,. The data can be conveniently read into a matrix with the DelimitedFiles module.

using DelimitedFiles
# adjust the load path for your filesystem!
G = readdlm(joinpath(@__DIR__, "../../examples/Norm_G_DTI.txt"), ',', Float64, '\n')

The data structure for directed, weighted graphs is provided by the package SimpleWeightedGraphs.jl which is based on Graphs.jl.

using SimpleWeightedGraphs, Graphs

# First we construct a weighted, directed graph
g_weighted = SimpleWeightedDiGraph(G)

# For later use we extract the edge.weight attributes
# . is the broadcasting operator and gets the attribute :weight for every edge
edge_weights = getfield.(collect(edges(g_weighted)), :weight)

# we promote the g_weighted graph as a directed graph (weights of the edges are included in parameters)
g_directed = SimpleDiGraph(g_weighted)

Setting up the ODEProblem

Defining VertexFunction and EdgeFunction is similar to the example before. The macro Base.@propagate_inbounds tells the compiler to inline the function and propagate the inbounds context. For more details see the julia documentation.

using NetworkDynamics

Base.@propagate_inbounds function fhn_electrical_vertex!(dv, v, edges, p, t)
    dv[1] = v[1] - v[1]^3 / 3 - v[2]
    dv[2] = (v[1] - a) * ϵ
    for e in edges
        dv[1] += e[1]

Base.@propagate_inbounds function electrical_edge!(e, v_s, v_d, p, t)
    e[1] = p * (v_s[1] - v_d[1]) # * σ

odeelevertex = ODEVertex(; f=fhn_electrical_vertex!, dim=2, sym=[:u, :v]);
electricaledge = StaticEdge(; f=electrical_edge!, dim=1, coupling=:directed)

fhn_network! = network_dynamics(odeelevertex, electricaledge, g_directed)

Since this system is a directed one with thus directed edges, the keyword argument coupling is used to set the coupling of the edges to :directed.

Note that the multiplication with the coupling strength $\sigma$ has been commented out. Since $\sigma$ is the same for every edge we can absorb this multiplication into the edge weight parameter p. Since our network has almost 8000 edges, this saves 8000 multiplications at every function call and leads to an 8-fold increase in performance.

Parameter handling

# Defining global parameters

N = 90         # number of nodes
const ϵ = 0.05 # global variables that are accessed several times should be declared `const`
const a = 0.5
const σ = 0.5

# Tuple of parameters for nodes and edges

p = (nothing, σ * edge_weights)

# Initial conditions

x0 = randn(2N) * 5

The behaviour of network_dynamics changes with the type of parameters p being passed. When p is an Array, the entire Array will be passed to each VertexFunction and EdgeFunction. When p is a tuple of two Arrays with lengths corresponding to the number of nodes and number of edges respectively, then network_dynamics passes only the edge or node parameters with the index of the edge or node. When there are no parameters for either edges or nodes the value nothing may be used.

Solving the system

Now we are ready to create an ODEProblem. Since for some choices of parameters the FitzHugh-Nagumo model is stiff (i.e. numerically unstable), we use a solver with automated stiffness detection. Such a solver switches to a more stable solver only when the solution enters a region of phase space where the problem is numerically unstable. In this case we use Tsit5 and switch to TRBDF2 when necessary. AutoTsit5 is the switching version of the Tsit5 algorithm.

using OrdinaryDiffEq

tspan = (0.0, 200.0)
prob  = ODEProblem(fhn_network!, x0, tspan, p)
sol = solve(prob, AutoTsit5(TRBDF2()));


The plot of the excitatory variables shows that they synchronize for this choice of parameters.

using Plots

plot(sol; vars=idx_containing(fhn_network!, :u), legend=false, ylim=(-5, 5), fmt=:png)
Example block output