Cascading Failure

This script reimplements the minimal example of a dynamic cascading failure described in Schäfer et al. (2018) [1]. In is an example how to use callback functions to change network parameters. In this case to disable certain lines. This script can be dowloaded as a normal Julia script here.

[1] Schäfer, B., Witthaut, D., Timme, M., & Latora, V. (2018). Dynamically induced cascading failures in power grids. Nature communications, 9(1), 1-13.

This example has three subchaperts:

The system is modeled using swing equation and active power edges. The nodes are characterized by the voltage angle δ, the active power on each line is symmetric and a function of the difference between source and destination angle δ_src - δ_dst.

using NetworkDynamics
using Graphs
using OrdinaryDiffEqTsit5
using DiffEqCallbacks
using Plots
import SymbolicIndexingInterface as SII

Defining the Model

For the nodes we define the swing equation. State v[1] = δ, v[2] = ω. The swing equation has three parameters: p = (P_ref, I, γ) where P_ref is the power setpopint, I is the inertia and γ is the droop or damping coeficcient.

The output of the node is just the first state. g=1 is a shorthand for g=StateMask(1:1) which implements a trivial output function g which just takes the first element of the state vector.

function swing_equation(dv, v, esum, p,t)
    P, I, γ = p
    dv[1] = v[2]
    dv[2] = P - γ * v[2] .+ esum[1]
    dv[2] = dv[2] / I
vertex = VertexModel(f=swing_equation, g=1, sym=[:δ, :ω], psym=[:P_ref, :I=>1, :γ=>0.1])
VertexModel :VertexM PureStateMap()
 ├─ 2 states: [δ, ω]
 ├─ 1 output: [δ]
 └─ 3 params: [P_ref, I=1, γ=0.1]

Lets define a simple purely active power line whose active power flow is completlye determined by the connected voltage angles and the coupling constant K. We give an additonal parameter, the line limit, which we'll use later in the callback.

function simple_edge(e, v_s, v_d, (K,), t)
    e[1] = K * sin(v_s[1] - v_d[1])
edge = EdgeModel(;g=AntiSymmetric(simple_edge), outsym=:P, psym=[:K=>1.63, :limit=>1])
EdgeModel :StaticEdgeM PureFeedForward()
 ├─   0 states:  []  
 ├─ 1/1 outputs: src=[₋P] dst=[P]
 └─   2 params:  [K=1.63, limit=1]

With the definition of the graph topology we can build the Network object:

g = SimpleGraph([0 1 1 0 1;
                 1 0 1 1 0;
                 1 1 0 1 0;
                 0 1 1 0 1;
                 1 0 0 1 0])
nw = Network(g, vertex, edge; dealias=true)
Network with 10 states and 29 parameters
 ├─ 5 vertices (1 unique type)
 └─ 7 edges (1 unique type)
Edge-Aggregation using SequentialAggregator(+)

Note that we used dealias=true to automaticially generate separate ComponentModels for each vertex/edge. Doing so allows us to later set different metadata (callbacks, default values, etc.) for each vertex/edge.

We proceed by setting the default reference power for the nodes:

set_default!(nw, VIndex(1, :P_ref), -1.0) # load
set_default!(nw, VIndex(2, :P_ref),  1.5) # generator
set_default!(nw, VIndex(3, :P_ref), -1.0) # load
set_default!(nw, VIndex(4, :P_ref), -1.0) # load
set_default!(nw, VIndex(5, :P_ref),  1.5) # generator

We can use find_fixpoint to find a valid initial condition of the network. We also use set_defaults! to overwirte all the default values for states and parameters with the one of the fixpoint, this means that we can allways re-extract this setpoint by using u0 = NWState(nw).

u0 = find_fixpoint(nw)
set_defaults!(nw, u0)

Component-based Callbacks

For the component based callback we need to define a condtion and an affect. Both functions take three inputs:

  • the actual function f
  • the states which to be accessed sym
  • the parameters to be accessed psym
cond = ComponentCondition([:P], [:limit]) do u, p, t
    abs(u[:P]) - p[:limit]
affect = ComponentAffect([], [:K]) do u, p, ctx
    println("Line $(ctx.eidx) tripped at t=$(ctx.integrator.t)")
    p[:K] = 0
edge_cb = ContinousComponentCallback(cond, affect)
ContinousComponentCallback((:P, :limit) affecting (:K))

To enable the callback in simulation, we need to attach them to the individual edgemodels/vertexmodels.

for i in 1:ne(g)
    edgemodel = nw[EIndex(i)]
    set_callback!(edgemodel, edge_cb)

The system starts at a steady state. In order to see any dynamic, we need to fail a first line intentionally. For that we use a PresetTimeComponentCallback, which triggers an ComponentAffect at a given time. We can reuse the previously defined component affect for that and just add it to line number 5 at time 1.0.

trip_first_cb = PresetTimeComponentCallback(1.0, affect)
add_callback!(nw[EIndex(5)], trip_first_cb)

When we inspect the edge model for 5 no, we see that we've registered 2 callbacks:

EdgeModel :StaticEdgeM PureFeedForward()
 ├─   0 states:    []  
 ├─ 1/1 outputs:   src=[₋P] dst=[P]
 ├─   2 params:    [K=1.63, limit=1]
 └─   2 callbacks: (:P, :limit) affecting (:K)
                   (:K) affected at t=1.0

Now we can simulate the network. We use get_callbacks(::Network) to generate a callback set for the whole network which represents all of the individual component callbacks.

u0 = NWState(nw)
network_cb = get_callbacks(nw)
prob = ODEProblem(nw, uflat(u0), (0, 6), pflat(u0); callback=network_cb)
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5());
Line 5 tripped at t=1.0
Line 7 tripped at t=2.2476763961108457
Line 4 tripped at t=2.5025231919919286
Line 1 tripped at t=3.1947647110612922
Line 3 tripped at t=3.3380528681698562
Line 2 tripped at t=3.4042696460061297

Lastly we plot the power flow on all lines using the eidxs function to generate the symbolic indices for the states of interest:

plot(sol; idxs=eidxs(sol, :, :P))
Example block output

System wide Callbacks

The above solution relies on the ComponentCallback features of NetworkDyanmics. The "low-level" API would be to use VectorContinousCallback and PresetTimeCallback directly to achieve the same effect, essentially doing manually what get_callbacks(::Network) is doing for us.

While not necessary in this case, this method offers more flexiblity then the component based appraoch.

In order to implement the line failures, we need to create a VectorContinousCallback. In the callback, we compare the current flow on the line with the limit. If the limit is reached, the coupling K is set to 0.

First we can define the affect function:

function affect!(integrator, idx)
    println("Line $idx tripped at t=$(integrator.t)")
    p = NWParameter(integrator) # get indexable parameter object
    p.e[idx, :K] = 0

There is one important aspect to this function: the save_parameters! call. In the callback, we change the parameters of the network, making the parameters time dependent. The flow on the line is a function P(t) = f(u(t), p(t)). Thus we need to inform the integrator, that a discrete change in parameters happend. With this, the solution object not only tracks u(t) but also p(t) and we may extract the observable P(t) directly.

The callback trigger condition is a bit more complicated. The straight forward version looks like this:

function naive_condition(out, u, t, integrator)
    # careful,  u != integrator.u
    # therefore construct nwstate with Network info from integrator but u
    s = NWState(integrator, u, integrator.p, t)
    for i in eachindex(out)
        out[i] = abs(s.e[i,:P]) - s.p.e[1,:limit] # compare flow with limit for line

However, from a performacne perspectiv there are problems with this solution: on every call, we need to perform symbolic indexing into the NWState object. Symbolic indexing is not cheap, as it requires to gather meta data about the network. Luckily, the SymbolicIndexingInterface package which powers the symbolic indexing provides the lower level functions getp and getu which can be used to create and cache accessors to the internal states.

This still isn't ideal beacuse both getlim and getflow getters will create arrays within the callback. But is far better then resolving the flat state indices every time.

condition = let getlim = SII.getp(nw, epidxs(nw, :, :limit)),
                getflow = SII.getu(nw, eidxs(nw, :, :P))
    function (out, u, t, integrator)
        # careful,  u != integrator.u
        # therefore construct nwstate with Network info from integrator but u
        s = NWState(integrator, u, integrator.p, t)
        out .= getlim(s) .- abs.(getflow(s))

We can combine affect and condition to form the callback.

trip_cb = VectorContinuousCallback(condition, affect!, ne(g));

Similarily to before, we need to generate a initial perturbation by failing one line using a PresetTimeCallback. We see that every flow is below the trip value 1.0. Therefor we need to add a distrubance to the network. We do this by manually disabeling line 5 at time 1.

trip_first_cb = PresetTimeCallback(1.0, integrator->affect!(integrator, 5));

Now we are set for solving the system again. This time we create our own callback set by combining both Callbacks manually.

u0 = NWState(nw)
cbset = CallbackSet(trip_cb, trip_first_cb)
prob = ODEProblem(nw, uflat(u0), (0,6), pflat(u0); callback=cbset)
sol2 = solve(prob, Tsit5());
Line 5 tripped at t=1.0
Line 7 tripped at t=2.2476763961108457
Line 4 tripped at t=2.5025231919919286
Line 1 tripped at t=3.1947647110612922
Line 3 tripped at t=3.3380528681698562
Line 2 tripped at t=3.4042696460061297

Then again we plot the solution:

plot(sol2; idxs=eidxs(sol2,:,:P))
Example block output

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