Dynamic Flow in simple Gas Network
This Example is based on the paper
Albertus J. Malan, Lukas Rausche, Felix Strehle, Sören Hohmann, Port-Hamiltonian Modelling for Analysis and Control of Gas Networks, IFAC-PapersOnLine, Volume 56, Issue 2, 2023, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ifacol.2023.10.193.
and tries replicate a simple simulation of flow in a 3-node gas network.
This example can be dowloaded as a normal Julia script here.
We start by importing the necessary packages:
using NetworkDynamics
using ModelingToolkit
using DynamicQuantities
using ModelingToolkit: D as Dt, t as t
using Test
using StaticArrays
using LinearInterpolations
using OrdinaryDiffEqTsit5
using CairoMakie
Node Models
In this example, we use the equation based modeling using ModelingToolkit.jl
. To verify the equations on a basic level we also provide units to eveything to perform dimensionality checks.
There are 2 node models used in the paper. The first node type has a constant pressure. Additionally, we ad some "internal" state q̃_inj
which we want to plot later (see also Observables).
@mtkmodel ConstantPressureNode begin
@parameters begin
p_set, [description="Constant pressure setpoint", unit=u"Pa"]
@variables begin
p(t) = p_set, [description="Pressure", unit=u"Pa", output=true]
q̃_nw(t), [description="aggregated flow from pipes into node", unit=u"m^3/s", input=true]
q̃_inj(t), [description="internal state for introspection", unit=u"m^3/s"]
@equations begin
p ~ p_set
q̃_inj ~ -q̃_nw
The second node model is a variable pressure node. It has one output state (the pressure) and one input state, the aggregated flows from the connected pipes. As an internal state we have the injected flow from our source/load. The source/load behaviour itself is provided via a time dependent function.
@mtkmodel VariablePressureNode begin
@structural_parameters begin
load_profile # time dependent load profile
@parameters begin
C, [description="Lumped capacitance of connected pipes", unit=u"m^4 * s^2 / kg"]
@variables begin
p(t)=5e6, [description="Pressure", unit=u"Pa", output=true]
q̃_inj(t), [description="external injection into node", unit=u"m^3/s"]
q̃_nw(t), [description="aggregated flow from pipes into node", unit=u"m^3/s", input=true]
@equations begin
q̃_inj ~ load_profile(t)
C * Dt(p) ~ q̃_inj + q̃_nw # (30)
Pipe Model
The pipe is modeld as a first order ODE for the volumetric flow at the dst
end. It has two inputs: the pressure at the source and and the pressure at the destination end. Later on, we'll specify the model to be antisymmetric, thus the flow is calculated explicitly for the destination end, but the source end will just recive just that times (-1).
@mtkmodel Pipe begin
@parameters begin
L, [description="Length of pipe", unit=u"m"]
D, [description="Diameter of pipe", unit=u"m"]
A, [description="Cross-sectional area of pipe", unit=u"m^2"]
sinθ, [description="Angle of inclination" ]
γ, [description="Friction efficiency factor"]
η, [description="Dynamic viscosity", unit=u"kg/(m*s)"]
r, [description="Pipe roughness", unit=u"m"]
g, [description="Gravitational acceleration", unit=u"m/s^2"]
T, [description="simulation temperature", unit=u"K"]
Tc, [description="crictical temperature", unit=u"K"]
pc, [description="critical pressure", unit=us"Pa"]
Rs, [description="Specific gas constant for natural gas", unit=us"J/(kg*K)"]
c̃, [description="Speed of sound in fluid at standard conditions", unit=u"m/s"]
ρ̃, [description="standard density", unit=u"kg/m^3"]
p̃, [description="standard pressure", unit=us"Pa"]
@variables begin
p_src(t), [description="Pressure at source end", unit=us"Pa", input=true]
p_dst(t), [description="Pressure at destination end", unit=us"Pa", input=true]
q̃(t)=1, [description="Flow through pipe", unit=u"m^3/s", output=true]
Re(t), [description="Reynolds number"]
λ(t), [description="Friction factor"]
λe(t), [description="Effective friction factor"]
pM(t), [description="mean pressure", unit=us"Pa"]
Z(t), [description="compressibility factor"]
ρ(t), [description="density", unit=u"kg/m^3"]
c(t), [description="speed of sound", unit=u"m/s"]
@equations begin
Z ~ 1 - 3.52 * pM/pc * exp(-2.26*(T/Tc)) + 0.274 * (pM/pc)^2 * exp(-1.878*(T/Tc)) # (5)
ρ ~ pM / (Rs * T * Z) # (4)
# TODO: Whats the correct speed of sound?
c ~ sqrt(T * Rs * Z) # (4) # pressure/temp dependent
# c ~ c̃ # "standard" speed of sound based on standard conditions
# TODO: Whats the correct Reynolds number?
Re ~ (ρ * abs(q̃*p̃/pM) * D) / (η * A) # (6) # based "actual" conditions
# Re ~ (ρ̃ * abs(q̃) * D) / (η * A) # (6) # based on standard conditions
λ ~ ifelse(Re < 2300,
64/Re, # laminar (7)
(2*log10(4.518/Re * log10(Re/7) + r/(3.71*D)))^(-2) # turbulent (8)
λe ~ λ/γ^2 # (10)
pM ~ 2/3*(p_src + p_dst - (p_src*p_dst)/(p_src + p_dst)) # (20)
Dt(q̃) ~ A/(L*ρ̃)*(-(λe * ρ̃^2 * c^2 * L * abs(q̃))/(2 * D * A^2 * pM) * q̃ - (g * L * sinθ)/(c^2) * pM + (p_src - p_dst)) # (31)
The parameterization turned out to be a bit tricky. There might be errors in there.
Some of them are quite cleare and explicitly given.
g = 9.81u"m/s^2" # that we just know
Rs = 518.28u"J/(kg*K)" # Specific gas constant for natural gas
η = 1e-5u"kg/(m*s)" # Dynamic viscosity
pc = 46.5u"bar" # Critical pressure
p̃ = 1.01325u"bar" # standard pressure
Tc = 190.55u"K" # critical temperature
T̃ = 273.15u"K" # standard temperature
T = 278u"K" # simulation temperature
γ = 0.98 # friction efficiency factor
r = 0.012u"mm" # pipe roughness
D = 0.6u"m" # pipe diameter
# TODO: here is switched the lenths l12 and l13. The results are better. Is this a mistake in the paper?
L₁₂ = 90u"km"
L₁₃ = 80u"km"
L₂₃ = 100u"km"
Δh₁ = 0u"km" # this value is different for different sims in the paper
p₁_set = 50u"bar"
The geometric parameters for the pipes can be directly derived.
A = π/4 * D^2
sinθ₁₂ = ustrip(Δh₁ / L₁₂)
sinθ₁₃ = ustrip(Δh₁ / L₁₃)
sinθ₂₃ = 0.0
Lastly, we need to calculate the compressibility factor, the speed of sound and the density at standard conditions:
Z̃ = 1 - 3.52 * p̃/pc * exp(-2.26*(T̃/Tc)) + 0.274 * (p̃/pc)^2 * exp(-1.878*(T̃/Tc)) # (5)
c̃ = sqrt(T̃ * Rs * Z̃) # (4) at standard conditions
ρ̃ = p̃ / (Rs * T̃ * Z̃) # (4) at standard conditions
The equivalent "pressure capacity" at the nodes is calculated as a sum of the connected pipe parameters according to (28).
Here use defintions based on the speed and "standard" conditions.
C₂ = L₁₂*A/(2*ρ̃*c̃^2) + L₂₃*A/(2*ρ̃*c̃^2) # (28)
C₃ = L₁₃*A/(2*ρ̃*c̃^2) + L₂₃*A/(2*ρ̃*c̃^2) # (28)
Alternatively, we could calculate Z2
and Z3
based on the actuel pressure and simulation temperature. Then we could calculated the speed of sound for the "correct" conditions at the node. It seems to have very little effect on the actual results so I kept it simple.
Load Profile
The paper specifies the load profile at two nodes. We use the package LinearInterpolations.jl
to get a callable object which represents this picewise linear interpolation.
However, this function is not Symbolics.jl compatible, so we need to stop Symbolics.jl/ModelingToolkit.jl from tracing it. To do so, we use @register_symbolic
to declare it as a symbolic function which is treated as a blackbox.
Additionally, we need to tell ModelingToolkit about the units of this object. This is just used for the static unit check during construction of the model. Later one, when we generate the Julia code from the symbolic reepresentation all units will be stripped.
The picewise linear interpolated function creates discontinuities in the RHS of the system. However since we know the times exactly, we can handle this by simply giving a list of explicit tstops to the solve command, to make sure those are hit exactly.
load2(t) = -Interpolate(SA[0, 4, 12, 20, 24]*3600, SA[20, 30, 10, 30, 20], extrapolate=LinearInterpolations.Constant(20))(t)
load3(t) = -Interpolate(SA[0, 4, 12, 20, 24]*3600, SA[40, 50, 30, 50, 40], extrapolate=LinearInterpolations.Constant(40))(t)
@register_symbolic load2(t)
@register_symbolic load3(t)
ModelingToolkit.get_unit(op::typeof(load2), _) = u"m^3/s"
ModelingToolkit.get_unit(op::typeof(load3), _) = u"m^3/s"
Building the Network
To bild the Network we first need to define the components. This is a two step process:
- first create the symbolic
using ModelingToolkit - secondly build a NetworkDynamics component model (
) based on the symbolic system.
In the first step we can use the keyword arguments to pass "default" values for our parameters and states. Those values will be automaticially transfered to the metadata of the component model the second step.
The second step requires to define the interface variables, i.e. what are the "input" states of your component model and what are the "output" states. For VertexModel
the input state is the aggregated flow of all connected pipes. The output state is the pressure of the node.
@named v1_mtk = ConstantPressureNode(p_set=p₁_set)
v1 = VertexModel(v1_mtk, [:q̃_nw], [:p]; name=:v1, vidx=1)
VertexModel :v1 NoFeedForward() @ Vertex 1
├─ 1 input: [q̃_nw]
├─ 0 states: []
├─ 1 output: [p=5e6]
└─ 1 param: [p_set=5e6]
@named v2_mtk = VariablePressureNode(C=C₂, load_profile=load2)
v2 = VertexModel(v2_mtk, [:q̃_nw], [:p]; name=:v2, vidx=2)
VertexModel :v2 PureStateMap() @ Vertex 2
├─ 1 input: [q̃_nw]
├─ 1 state: [p=5e6]
├─ 1 output: [p=5e6]
└─ 1 param: [C=0.26509]
@named v3_mtk = VariablePressureNode(C=C₃, load_profile=load3)
v3 = VertexModel(v3_mtk, [:q̃_nw], [:p]; name=:v3, vidx=3)
VertexModel :v3 PureStateMap() @ Vertex 3
├─ 1 input: [q̃_nw]
├─ 1 state: [p=5e6]
├─ 1 output: [p=5e6]
└─ 1 param: [C=0.25114]
For the edge Model we have two inputs: the pressure on both source and destination end. There is a single output state: the volumetric flow. However we also need to tell NetworkDynamics about the coupling type. In this case we use AntiSymmetric
, which meas that the source end will recieve the same flow, just inverted sign.
@named e12_mtk = Pipe(; L=L₁₂, sinθ=sinθ₁₂, D, A, γ, η, r, g, T, Tc, pc, Rs, c̃, ρ̃, p̃)
@named e13_mtk = Pipe(; L=L₁₃, sinθ=sinθ₁₃, D, A, γ, η, r, g, T, Tc, pc, Rs, c̃, ρ̃, p̃)
@named e23_mtk = Pipe(; L=L₂₃, sinθ=sinθ₂₃, D, A, γ, η, r, g, T, Tc, pc, Rs, c̃, ρ̃, p̃)
e12 = EdgeModel(e12_mtk, [:p_src], [:p_dst], AntiSymmetric([:q̃]); name=:e12, src=1, dst=2)
e13 = EdgeModel(e13_mtk, [:p_src], [:p_dst], AntiSymmetric([:q̃]); name=:e13, src=1, dst=3)
e23 = EdgeModel(e23_mtk, [:p_src], [:p_dst], AntiSymmetric([:q̃]); name=:e23, src=2, dst=3)
EdgeModel :e23 PureStateMap() @ Edge 2=>3
├─ 1/1 inputs: src=[p_src] dst=[p_dst]
├─ 1 state: [q̃=1]
├─ 1/1 outputs: src=[₋q̃] dst=[q̃=1]
└─ 15 params: [ρ̃=0.71788, T=278, Rs=518.28, L=1e5, γ=0.98, D=0.6, p̃=1.0132e5, pc=4.65e6, η=1e-5, sinθ=0, Tc=190.55, A=0.28274, r=1.2e-5, c̃=375.69, g=9.81]
To build the network object we just need to pass the vertices and edges to the constructor.
Note that we've used the vidx
and src
keywords in the constructors to define for each component to which "part" of the network it belongs.
This means, the constructor can automaticially construct a graph based on those informations and we don't need to pass it explicitly.
nw = Network([v1, v2, v3], [e12, e13, e23])
Network with 5 states and 48 parameters
├─ 3 vertices (3 unique types)
└─ 3 edges (1 unique type)
Edge-Aggregation using SequentialAggregator(+)
As a result, we recive a network with 3 unique types (v2 and v3 are similar but structurally different, because both functions capure a unique loadprofile function).
Finding a Steady State
To simulate the systme, we first need to find a steadystate. As a "guess" for that we create a NWState
object from the network. This will allocate flat arrays for states u
and parameters p
and fill them with the default values.
uguess = NWState(nw)
NWState{Vector{Float64}} of Network (3 vertices, 3 edges)
├─ VIndex(2, :p) => 5.0e6
├─ VIndex(3, :p) => 5.0e6
├─ EIndex(1, :q̃) => 1.0
├─ EIndex(2, :q̃) => 1.0
└─ EIndex(3, :q̃) => 1.0
p = NWParameter([5.0e6, 0.265094, 0.251141, 0.717884, 278.0, 518.28, 90000.0, 0.98, 0.6, 101325.0 … 0.6, 101325.0, 4.65e6, 1.0e-5, 0.0, 190.55, 0.282743, 1.2e-5, 375.691, 9.81])
t = nothing
This is not a steadystate of the system however. To find a true steadystate we want to ensure that the lhs of the system is zero. We can solve for a steady state numerically by defining a Nonlinear Rootfind problem.
To do so, we need to wrap the Network object in a closure.
nwwrap = (du, u, p) -> begin
nw(du, u, p, 0)
initprob = NonlinearProblem(nwwrap, uflat(uguess), pflat(uguess))
initsol = solve(initprob)
retcode: Success
u: 5-element Vector{Float64}:
We can create a new NWState
object by wrapping the solution from the nonlinear problem and the original prameters in a new NWState
u0 = NWState(nw, initsol.u, uguess.p)
NWState{Vector{Float64}} of Network (3 vertices, 3 edges)
├─ VIndex(2, :p) => 4.895109070989141e6
├─ VIndex(3, :p) => 4.883573000934716e6
├─ EIndex(1, :q̃) => 28.277070738768998
├─ EIndex(2, :q̃) => 31.722929261231005
└─ EIndex(3, :q̃) => 8.277070738768998
p = NWParameter([5.0e6, 0.265094, 0.251141, 0.717884, 278.0, 518.28, 90000.0, 0.98, 0.6, 101325.0 … 0.6, 101325.0, 4.65e6, 1.0e-5, 0.0, 190.55, 0.282743, 1.2e-5, 375.691, 9.81])
t = nothing
Solving the ODE
Using this as our initial state we can create the actual ODEProblem
. Since the ode allways operates on flat state and aprameter arrays we use uflat
and pflat
to extract them.
prob = ODEProblem(nw, uflat(u0), (0.0,24*3600), copy(pflat(u0)))
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5(), tstops=[0,4,12,20,24]*3600)
Inspect the Solution
Inspecting the solution is all which is left to do.
xticks = ((0:4:24)*3600, string.(0:4:24)) # its nice to display hours
fig = begin
_fig = Figure()
row = 1
ax = Axis(_fig[row, 1]; xlabel="time [h]", ylabel="pressure [Pa]", title="Pressure at nodes", xticks)
xlims!(ax, sol.t[begin], sol.t[end])
ylims!(ax, 47.9e5, 49.9e5)
for i in 1:3
lines!(ax, sol, idxs=vidxs(nw, i, :p); label="v$i", color=Cycled(i))
row += 1
ax = Axis(_fig[row, 1]; xlabel="time [h]", ylabel="flow [m³/s]", title="Flow through pipes", xticks)
xlims!(ax, sol.t[begin], sol.t[end])
ylims!(ax, 16, 44)
for i in 1:2
lines!(ax, sol, idxs=eidxs(nw, i, :q̃); label="e$i flow", color=Cycled(i))
axislegend(ax, position=:rb)
row += 1
Notably, the "internal" states defined in the symbolic models are not "states" in the sense of the ODE. For example, we captured the load profile in the q̃_inj
state of the VariablePressureNode
. The only dynamic state of the model however is p
. Using the "observables" mechanism from SciML, which is implemented by NetworkDynamics, we can reconstruct those "optimized" states which have been removed symbolicially. Here we plot the reconstructed load profile of nodes 2 and 3. Also, we know that node 1 is infinetly stiff, acting as an infinite source of volumetric flow. We can reconstruct this flow too.
fig = begin
_fig = Figure()
row = 1
ax = Axis(_fig[row, 1]; xlabel="time [h]", ylabel="flow [m³/s]", title="Flow at nodes", xticks)
xlims!(ax, sol.t[begin], sol.t[end])
lines!(ax, sol, idxs=vidxs(nw, 1, :q̃_inj); label="v1 compensation", color=Cycled(1))
for i in 2:3
lines!(ax, sol, idxs=vidxs(nw, i, :q̃_inj); label="v$i load profile", color=Cycled(i))
axislegend(ax, position=:rc)
Lastly we want to observe two internal states of the pipes: the Reynolds number and the mean pressure. We see, that we're purely in the turbulent flow regime.
fig = begin
_fig = Figure()
row = 1
ax = Axis(_fig[row, 1]; xlabel="time [h]", ylabel="Reynolds number", title="Reynolds number", xticks)
xlims!(ax, sol.t[begin], sol.t[end])
for i in 1:3
lines!(ax, sol, idxs=eidxs(nw, i, :Re); label="e $i", color=Cycled(i))
hlines!(ax, 2300, color=:black, linestyle=:dash, label="L/T transition")
axislegend(ax, position=:rb)
row += 1
ax = Axis(_fig[row, 1]; xlabel="time [h]", ylabel="Mean pressure [Pa]", title="Mean pressure in pipes", xticks)
xlims!(ax, sol.t[begin], sol.t[end])
for i in 1:3
lines!(ax, sol, idxs=eidxs(nw, i, :pM); label="e $i", color=Cycled(i))
axislegend(ax, position=:rb)
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