Stress on Truss

In this exampe we'll simulate the time evolution of a truss structure consisting of joints and stiff springs. This example can be dowloaded as a normal Julia script here.

The mathematical model is quite simple: the vertices are point masses with positions $x$ and $y$ and velocities $v_x$ and $v_y$. For simplicity, we add some damping to the nodal motion based on the velocity.

\[\begin{aligned} \dot{x} &= v_x\\ \dot{y} &= v_y\\ \dot{v}_x &= \frac{1}{M}\left(\sum F_x - γ\,v_x\right)\\ \dot{v}_y &= \frac{1}{M}\left(\sum F_y - γ\,v_y\right) - g \end{aligned}\]

The vertices cannot absorb any torque, so the beams only exert forces in the direction of the beam.

\[|F| = K\cdot(L - |Δd|)\]

where $L$ is the nominal lenth and $|Δd|$ is the actual length of the beam.

We start by loading the necessary packages.

using NetworkDynamics
using OrdinaryDiffEqTsit5
using Graphs
using GraphMakie
using LinearAlgebra: norm
using Printf
using CairoMakie

Definition of the dynamical system

We need 3 models:

  • a fixed vertex which cannot change its position,
  • a free vertex which can move, and
  • a beam which connects two vertices.
function fixed_g(pos, x, p, t)
    pos .= p
vertex_fix = VertexModel(g=fixed_g, psym=[:xfix, :yfix], outsym=[:x, :y], ff=NoFeedForward())
VertexModel :StaticVertexM NoFeedForward()
 ├─ 0 states:  []
 ├─ 2 outputs: [x, y]
 └─ 2 params:  [xfix, yfix]

Here we need to specify the ff keyword manually, because NetworkDynamics cannot distinguish between g(out, x, p, t) (NoFeedForwarwd) and g(out, in, p, t) (PureFeedForward()) and guesses the latter when $\mathrm{dim}(x)=0$.

function free_f(dx, x, Fsum, (M, γ, g), t)
    v = view(x, 1:2)
    dx[1:2] .= (Fsum .- γ .* v) ./ M
    dx[2] -= g
    dx[3:4] .= v
vertex_free = VertexModel(f=free_f, g=3:4, sym=[:vx=>0, :vy=>0, :x, :y],
                             psym=[:M=>10, :γ=>200, :g=>9.81], insym=[:Fx, :Fy])
VertexModel :VertexM PureStateMap()
 ├─ 2 inputs:  [Fx, Fy]
 ├─ 4 states:  [vx=0, vy=0, x, y]
 ├─ 2 outputs: [x, y]
 └─ 3 params:  [M=10, γ=200, g=9.81]

For the edge, we want to do something special. Later on, we want to color the edges according to the force they exert. Therefore, are interested in the absolut force rather than just the force vector. NetworkDynamics allows you to define so called Observed functions, which can recover additional states, so called observed, after the simulations. We can use this mechanis, to define a "recipe" for calculating the beam force based on the inputs (nodal positions) and the beam parameters.

function edge_g!(F, pos_src, pos_dst, (K, L), t)
    dx = pos_dst[1] - pos_src[1]
    dy = pos_dst[2] - pos_src[2]
    d = sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)
    Fabs = K * (L - d)
    F[1] = Fabs * dx / d
    F[2] = Fabs * dy / d
function observedf(obsout, u, pos_src, pos_dst, (K, L), t)
    dx = pos_dst[1] .- pos_src[1]
    dy = pos_dst[2] .- pos_src[2]
    d = sqrt(dx^2 + dy^2)
    obsout[1] = K * (L - d)
beam = EdgeModel(g=AntiSymmetric(edge_g!), psym=[:K=>0.5e6, :L], outsym=[:Fx, :Fy], obsf=observedf, obssym=[:Fabs])
EdgeModel :StaticEdgeM PureFeedForward()
 ├─   0 states:  []  
 ├─ 2/2 outputs: src=[₋Fx, ₋Fy] dst=[Fx, Fy]
 └─   2 params:  [K=5e5, L]

With the models define we can set up graph topology and initial positions.

N = 5
dx = 1.0
shift = 0.2
g = SimpleGraph(2*N + 1)
for i in 1:N
    add_edge!(g, i, i+N); add_edge!(g, i, i+N)
    if i < N
        add_edge!(g, i+1, i+N); add_edge!(g, i, i+1); add_edge!(g, i+N, i+N+1)
add_edge!(g, 2N, 2N+1)
pos0 = zeros(Point2f, 2N + 1)
pos0[1:N] = [Point((i-1)dx,0) for i in 1:N]
pos0[N+1:2*N] = [Point(i*dx + shift, 1) for i in 1:N]
pos0[2N+1] = Point(N*dx + 1, -1)
fixed = [1,4] # set fixed vertices

Now can collect the vertex models and construct the Network object.

verts = VertexModel[vertex_free for i in 1:nv(g)]
for i in fixed
    verts[i] = vertex_fix # use the fixed vertex for the fixed points
nw = Network(g, verts, beam)
Network with 36 states and 67 parameters
 ├─ 11 vertices (2 unique types)
 └─ 18 edges (1 unique type)
Edge-Aggregation using SequentialAggregator(+)

In order to simulate the system we need to initialize the state and parameter vectors. Some states and parameters are shared between all vertices/edges. Those have been allready set in their constructors. The free symbols are

  • x and y for the position of the free vertices,
  • xfix and yfix for the position of the fixed vertices,
  • L for the nominal length of the beams.
s = NWState(nw)
# set x/y and xfix/yfix
for i in eachindex(pos0, verts)
    if i in fixed
        s.p.v[i, :xfix] = pos0[i][1]
        s.p.v[i, :yfix] = pos0[i][2]
        s.v[i, :x] = pos0[i][1]
        s.v[i, :y] = pos0[i][2]
# set L for edges
for (i,e) in enumerate(edges(g))
    s.p.e[i, :L] = norm(pos0[src(e)] - pos0[dst(e)])

Lastly there is a special vertex at the end of the truss which has a higher mass and reduced damping.

s.p.v[11, :M] = 200
s.p.v[11, :γ] = 100

No we have everything ready to build the ODEProblem and simulate the system.

tspan = (0.0, 12.0)
prob = ODEProblem(nw, uflat(s), tspan, pflat(s))
sol  = solve(prob, Tsit5())

Plot the solution

Plotting trajectories of points is kinda boring. So instead we're going to use GraphMakie.jl to create a animation of the timeseries.

fig = Figure(size=(1000,550));
fig[1,1] = title = Label(fig, "Stress on truss", fontsize=30)
title.tellwidth = false

fig[2,1] = ax = Axis(fig)
ax.aspect = DataAspect();
hidespines!(ax); # no borders
hidedecorations!(ax); # no grid, axis, ...
limits!(ax, -0.1, pos0[end][1]+0.3, pos0[end][2]-0.5, 1.15) # axis limits to show full plot

# get the maximum force during the simulation to get the color scale
# It is only possible to access `:Fabs` directly becaus we've define the observable function for it!
(fmin, fmax) = 0.3 .* extrema(Iterators.flatten(sol(sol.t, idxs=eidxs(nw, :, :Fabs))))
p = graphplot!(ax, g;
               edge_width = 4.0,
               node_size = 3*sqrt.(try s.p.v[i, :M] catch; 10.0 end for i in 1:nv(g)),
               nlabels = [i in fixed ? "Δ" : "" for i in 1:nv(g)],
               nlabels_align = (:center,:top),
               nlabels_fontsize = 30,
               elabels = ["edge $i" for i in 1:ne(g)],
               elabels_side = Dict(ne(g)  => :right),
               edge_color = [0.0 for i in 1:ne(g)],
               edge_attr = (colorrange=(fmin,fmax),

# draw colorbar
fig[3,1] = cb = Colorbar(fig, get_edge_plot(p), label = "Axial force", vertical=false)

T = tspan[2]
fps = 30
trange = range(0.0, sol.t[end], length=Int(T * fps))
record(fig, "truss.mp4", trange; framerate=fps) do t
    title.text = @sprintf "Stress on truss (t = %.2f )" t
    s_at_t = NWState(sol, t)
    for i in eachindex(pos0)
        p[:node_pos][][i] = (s_at_t.v[i, :x], s_at_t.v[i, :y])
    load = s_at_t.e[:, :Fabs]
    p.edge_color[] = load
    p.elabels = [@sprintf("%.0f", l) for l in load]

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