Modeling a heterogeneous system

One of the main purposes of NetworkDynamics.jl is to facilitate modeling coupled systems with heterogenities. This means that components can differ in their parameters as well as in their dynamics.

Heterogenous parameters

We start by setting up a simple system of Kuramoto oscillators.

using NetworkDynamics, OrdinaryDiffEq, Plots, Graphs

N = 8
g = watts_strogatz(N, 2, 0) # ring network

function kuramoto_edge!(e, θ_s, θ_d, K, t)
    e[1] = K * sin(θ_s[1] - θ_d[1])

function kuramoto_vertex!(dθ, θ, edges, ω, t)
    dθ[1] = ω
    sum_coupling!(dθ, edges)

vertex! = ODEVertex(; f=kuramoto_vertex!, dim=1, sym=[:θ])
edge!   = StaticEdge(; f=kuramoto_edge!, dim=1)
nd! = network_dynamics(vertex!, edge!, g);
[ Info: Reconstructing EdgeFunction with :undefined coupling type..

Introducing heterogeneous parameters is as easy as defining an array. Here the vertex parameters are heterogeneous, while the edges share the same coupling parameter K.

ω = collect(1:N) ./ N
ω .-= sum(ω) / N
K = 3.0
p = (ω, K); # p[1] vertex parameters, p[2] edge parameters

Integrate and plot

x0 = collect(1:N) ./ N
x0 .-= sum(x0) ./ N
tspan = (0.0, 10.0)
prob = ODEProblem(nd!, x0, tspan, p)
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())
plot(sol; ylabel="θ", fmt=:png)
Example block output

Heterogeneous dynamics

Two paradigmatic modifications of the node model above are static nodes and nodes with inertia. A static node has no internal dynamics and instead fixes the variable at a constant value. A Kuramoto model with inertia consists of two internal variables leading to more complicated (and for many applications more realistic) local dynamics.

static! = StaticVertex(; f=(θ, edges, c, t) -> θ .= c, dim=1, sym=[:θ])

function kuramoto_inertia!(dv, v, edges, P, t)
    dv[1] = v[2]
    dv[2] = P - 1.0 * v[2]
    for e in edges
        dv[2] += e[1]

inertia! = ODEVertex(; f=kuramoto_inertia!, dim=2, sym=[:θ, :ω]);

Since now we model a system with heterogeneous node dynamics we can no longer straightforwardly pass a single VertexFunction to network_dynamics but instead have to hand over an Array.

vertex_array    = Array{VertexFunction}([vertex! for i in 1:N])
vertex_array[1] = static!
vertex_array[5] = inertia! # index should correspond to the node's index in the graph
nd_hetero! = network_dynamics(vertex_array, edge!, g);
[ Info: Reconstructing EdgeFunction with :undefined coupling type..

Now we have to take a bit more care with defining initial conditions and parameters. For the static! node the initial condition has to match its parameter. For simplicity we use the same parameters as above.

x0[1] = ω[1];

The node with inertia is two-dimensional, hence we need to specify two initial conditions. For the first dimension we keep the initial conditions from above and insert! another one into x0 at the correct index.

inertia_ic_2 = 5
insert!(x0, 6, inertia_ic_2);

x0[1:4] holds ic for nodes 1 to 4, x0[5:6] holds the two initial conditions for node 5, x0[7:9] holds initial conditions for nodes 6 to 8.

prob_hetero = ODEProblem(nd_hetero!, x0, tspan, p)
sol_hetero = solve(prob_hetero, Rodas4());

For clarity we plot only the variables referring to the oscillator's angle θ and color them according to their type.

membership = ones(Int64, N)
membership[1] = 2
membership[5] = 3
nodecolor = [colorant"lightseagreen", colorant"orange", colorant"darkred"];
nodefillc = reshape(nodecolor[membership], 1, N);

vars = syms_containing(nd_hetero!, :θ);
plot(sol_hetero; ylabel="θ", vars=vars, lc=nodefillc, fmt=:png)
Example block output

Components with algebraic constraints

If one of the network components contains an algebraic as well as dynamical component, then there is the option to supply a mass matrix for the given component. In general this will look as follows:

function edgeA!(de, e, v_s, v_d, p, t)
    de[1] = f(e, v_s, v_d, p, t) # dynamic variable
    e[2]  = g(e, v_s, v_d, p, t) # static variable

M = zeros(2, 2)
M[1, 1] = 1

nd_edgeA! = ODEEdge(; f=edgeA!, dim=2, coupling=:undirected, mass_matrix=M);

This handles the second equations as 0 = M[2,2] * de[2] = g(e, v_s, v_d, p, t) - e[2].

See the example kuramoto_plasticity.jl and the discussion on github for more details.

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