Initialization of the system describes the process of finding valid initial conditions, mostly a fixpoint of the system. We distinguish between two types of initialization: full system initialziation and component initialization.
Full-System Initialization
Full system initialization describs the process of finding a fixpoint/steady state of th entire system.
To do so, you can use find_fixpoint
, which creates a SteadyStateProblem
of the whole network and tries do solve it.
Component-wise Initialization
In contrast to full-system initialization the goal of component-wise initialization is to find a valid initial condition for a single component first, given a network coupling.
This can be usefull in cases, where there are nontrivial internal dynamics and states within a single vertex or edge. The idea of component-wise initialisation is to find internal states which match a given "network coupling" (fixed inputs and outputs).
Lets consider the following example of a Swing-equation generator model.
using NetworkDynamics, ModelingToolkit
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t, D_nounits as Dt
@mtkmodel Swing begin
@variables begin
u_r(t)=1, [description="bus d-voltage", output=true]
u_i(t)=0.1, [description="bus q-voltage", output=true]
i_r(t)=1, [description="bus d-current (flowing into bus)", input=true]
i_i(t)=0.1, [description="bus d-current (flowing into bus)", input=true]
ω(t), [guess=0.0, description="Rotor frequency"]
θ(t), [guess=0.0, description="Rotor angle"]
Pel(t), [guess=1, description="Electrical Power injected into the grid"]
@parameters begin
M=0.005, [description="Inertia"]
D=0.1, [description="Damping"]
V=sqrt(u_r^2 + u_i^2), [description="Voltage magnitude"]
ω_ref=0, [description="Reference frequency"]
Pm, [guess=0.1,description="Mechanical Power"]
@equations begin
Dt(θ) ~ ω - ω_ref
Dt(ω) ~ 1/M * (Pm - D*ω - Pel)
Pel ~ u_r*i_r + u_i*i_i
u_r ~ V*cos(θ)
u_i ~ V*sin(θ)
sys = Swing(name=:swing)
vf = VertexModel(sys, [:i_r, :i_i], [:u_r, :u_i])
VertexModel :swing NoFeedForward()
├─ 2 inputs: [i_r=1, i_i=0.1]
├─ 2 states: [θ≈0, ω≈0]
├─ 2 outputs: [u_r=1, u_i=0.1]
└─ 5 params: [M=0.005, Pm≈0.1, V=1.005, D=0.1, ω_ref=0]
You can see in the provided metadata, that we've set default
values for the node outputs u_r
, u_i
, the node inputs i_r
, i_i
and most parameters. For some states and parameters, we've onlye provided a guess
rather than a default. Variables which only have guess
es are considered "tunable" for the initialization algorithm.
In order to initialize the remaining variables we use initialize_component!
, which is a mutating function which tries to solve the nonlinear initialization problem and store the found values for the "free" variables as init
initialize_component!(vf; verbose=true)
[ Info: Initialization problem is overconstrained (3 vars for 4 equations). Create NonlinearLeastSquaresProblem for [:θ, :ω, :Pm].
[ Info: Initialization successful with residual 2.2204742383278642e-14
VertexModel :swing NoFeedForward()
├─ 2 inputs: [i_r=1, i_i=0.1]
├─ 2 states: [θ=0.099669, ω=3.4499e-23]
├─ 2 outputs: [u_r=1, u_i=0.1]
└─ 5 params: [M=0.005, Pm=1.01, V=1.005, D=0.1, ω_ref=0]
Which lead to a successfull initialization of states :θ
and :ω
as well as parameter :Pm
. To retrieve the residual you can use init_residual
As a quick test we can ensure that the angle indeed matches the voltag angel:
get_init(vf, :θ) ≈ atan(get_default(vf, :u_i), get_default(vf, :u_r))
It is possible to inspect initial states (also for observed symbols) using get_initial_state
. You can print out the whole state using dump_initial_state
i_i = 0.1
i_r = 1
θ = 0.099669 (guess 0)
ω = 3.4499e-23 (guess 0)
u_i = 0.1
u_r = 1
D = 0.1
M = 0.005
Pm = 1.01 (guess 0.1)
V = 1.005
ω_ref = 0
Pel = 1.01