ModelingToolkit Integration

NetworkDynamics.jl is compatible with ModelingTookit.jl (MTK). The general idea is to use MTK to define component models (i.e. edge and vertex dynamics) which are then connected on network scale using NetworkDynamics.

The main entry point for this interop are the constructors

VertexModel(::ODESystem, inputs, outputs)
EdgeModel(::ODESystem, srcin, dstin, [srscout], dstout)

whose docstrings can be found in the Component Models with MTK section in the API.

These constructors will:

  • transforming the states marked as input to parameters and structural_simplifying the system,
  • generating the f and g functions,
  • generate code for observables,
  • port all supported Metadata from MTK symbols to component symbols and
  • output a Vertex-/EdgeModel function compatible with NetworkDynamics.jl.

The main usecase for this feature is when you want to build relatively complex component models but interconnect them in a very homogeneous way (i.e. having the same output/input pairings in the whole system).

In theory, you can achieve everything you want to do with plain MTK. The idea of combining the two is, that NetworkDynamics offers far less flexibility when in comes to interconnection of subsystems on the network level. This might allow ND to exploit more knowledge of the structure without very expensive operations such as tearing of thousands of equations.


ModelingToolkit is a fast paced library with lots of functionality and ever growing complexity. As such the provided interface is kinda experimental. Some features of MTK are straight up unsupported, for example events within models or delay differential equations.

RC-Circuit Example

In good MTK tradition, this feature will be explained along a simple RC circuit example. The Dynamic Flow in simple Gas Network example is another showcase of the MTK constructors.

The system to model is 2 node, 1 edge network. The node output states are the voltage (to ground), the edge output sates are the currents at both ends.

ideal v source      Resistor     Capacitor
            v1 o─←────MMM────→─o v2
               │               ┴ 
              (↗)              ┬
               │               │
               ⏚               ⏚

Obviously there is no need in modeling such a small system using NetworkDynamics, however the method extends quite easily to construct large electrical networks reusing the same fundamental building blocks.

using NetworkDynamics
using ModelingToolkit
using ModelingToolkit: t_nounits as t, D_nounits as D
using OrdinaryDiffEqTsit5
using CairoMakie

All our components have "terminals", which have a voltage and current. We don't use the @connector from MTK here because our pins mark the interface towards the network and do not follow the MTK connector semantics.

@mtkmodel NWTerminal begin
    @variables begin
        v(t), [description="Voltage at node"]
        i(t), [description="Current flowing into node"]

An ideal voltage source is just a model which pins its output voltage to a fixed parameter. The source ejects whatever current is necessary. We introduce another variable i(t) to "capture" this current. This variable will be removed during structural simplify, but will be available for plotting through the Observables mechanism. The VertexModel can be generated from an ODESystem by providing names of the input and output states:

@mtkmodel VoltageSource begin
    @components begin
       p = NWTerminal()
    @parameters begin
        V = 1.0
    @variables begin
        i(t), [description="produced current by ideal voltage source (observable)"]
    @equations begin
        i ~ -p.i
        p.v ~ V
@named vs = VoltageSource()
vs_vertex = VertexModel(vs, [:p₊i], [:p₊v]; vidx=1)
VertexModel :vs NoFeedForward() @ Vertex 1
 ├─ 1 input:  [p₊i]
 ├─ 0 states: []
 ├─ 1 output: [p₊v]
 └─ 1 param:  [V=1]

A capacitor is a slightly more complicated model. Its voltage is defined as an differential equation based on the inflowing current.

@mtkmodel Capacitor begin
    @components begin
        p = NWTerminal(;v=0)
    @parameters begin
        C = 1.0
    @equations begin
        D(p.v) ~ p.i / C
@named cap = Capacitor()
cap_vertex = VertexModel(cap, [:p₊i], [:p₊v], vidx=2)
VertexModel :cap PureStateMap() @ Vertex 2
 ├─ 1 input:  [p₊i]
 ├─ 1 state:  [p₊v=0]
 ├─ 1 output: [p₊v=0]
 └─ 1 param:  [C=1]

For the resistor we need two pins, one for the src and one for the dst side. The equations are straight forward.

@mtkmodel Resistor begin
    @components begin
        src = NWTerminal()
        dst = NWTerminal()
    @parameters begin
        R = 1.0
    @equations begin
        dst.i ~ (src.v - dst.v)/R
        src.i ~ -dst.i
@named resistor = Resistor()
resistor_edge = EdgeModel(resistor, [:src₊v], [:dst₊v], [:src₊i], [:dst₊i]; src=:vs, dst=:cap)
EdgeModel :resistor PureFeedForward() @ Edge vs=>cap
 ├─ 1/1 inputs:  src=[src₊v] dst=[dst₊v]
 ├─   0 states:  []  
 ├─ 1/1 outputs: src=[src₊i] dst=[dst₊i]
 └─   1 param:   [R=1]

Having all those components defined, we can build the network. We don't need to provide a graph object here because we specified the placement in the graph on a per component basis.

nw = Network([vs_vertex, cap_vertex], [resistor_edge])
Network with 1 state and 3 parameters
 ├─ 2 vertices (2 unique types)
 └─ 1 edges (1 unique type)
Edge-Aggregation using SequentialAggregator(+)

We can see, that NetworkDynamics internally is able to reduce all of the "output" states. We end up with a plain ODE of a single state.

Now we can simulate the system. For that we generate the u0 object. Since the metadata (such as default values) was automatically transferred, we can straight away construct the ODEProblem and solve the system.

u0 = NWState(nw) # generate state based on default values
prob = ODEProblem(nw, uflat(u0), (0, 10.0), pflat(u0))
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())

# plot the solution
fig, ax1, p = plot(sol; idxs=VIndex(:cap, :p₊v), label="Capacitor Voltage");
ax2 = Axis(fig[2,1])
plot!(ax2, sol; idxs=VIndex(:vs, :i), label="Current produced by ideal v source")
Example block output