Symbolic Indexing

Using SciML's SymblicIndexingInterface.jl, ND.jl provides lots of methods to access and change variables and Parameters.

Setup code to make following examples work
using NetworkDynamics
using Graphs
using OrdinaryDiffEqTsit5
using Plots

Provide Symbol Names

When construction component models, you can pass symbolic names using the sym and psym keywords.

function _edgef!(e, v_s, v_d, (K,), t)
    e .= K * (v_s[1] .- v_d[1])
edgef = EdgeModel(;g=AntiSymmetric(_edgef!), outsym=[:flow], psym=[:K=>1])
EdgeModel :StaticEdgeM PureFeedForward()
 ├─   0 states:  []  
 ├─ 1/1 outputs: src=[₋flow] dst=[flow]
 └─   1 param:   [K=1]

Here we created a static diffusion edge with suitable variable and parameter names. Similarly, we define the diffusion vertex with symbolic names.

function _vertexf!(dv, v, esum, p, t)
    dv[1] = esum[1]
vertexf = VertexModel(f=_vertexf!, g=1, sym=[:storage])
VertexModel :VertexM PureStateMap()
 ├─ 1 state:  [storage]
 └─ 1 output: [storage]

Fundamental Symblic Indices

The default types for this access are the types VIndex, EIndex, VPIndex and EPIndex. Each of those symbolic indices consists of 2 elements: a reference to the network componen and a reference to the symbol within that component. As such, VIndex(2, :x) refers to variable with symbolic name :x in vertex number 2. EPIndex(4, 2) would refer to the second parameter of the edge component for the 4th edge.

Setup code to make following examples work
g = wheel_graph(5)
nw = Network(g, vertexf, edgef)
s = NWState(nw)
s.v[:,:storage] .= randn(5)
prob = ODEProblem(nw, uflat(s), (0,2), pflat(s))
sol = solve(prob, Tsit5())

Those fundamental indices can be used in a lot of scenarios. Most importantly you can use them to

sol(sol.t; idxs=VIndex(1, :storage))   # extract timeseries out ouf solution object
plot(sol; idxs=[VIndex(1, :storage), VIndex(5,:storage)]) # plot storage of two nodes
Example block output

Generate Symbolic Indices

Often, you need many individual symbolic indices. For that there are the helper methods vidxs, eidxs, vpidxs and epidxs. With the help of those methods you can generate arrays of symbolic indices:

vidxs(nw, :, :storage) # get variable "storage" for all nodes
5-element Vector{VIndex}:
 VIndex(1, :storage)
 VIndex(2, :storage)
 VIndex(3, :storage)
 VIndex(4, :storage)
 VIndex(5, :storage)
plot(sol; idxs=vidxs(nw, :, :storage))
Example block output

NWState and NWParameter Objects

Internally, both state and parameters of a Network are represented using flat arrays. To access the state or parameters of a network, you can use the NWState and NWParameter objects.

p = NWParameter(nw)
Parameter{Vector{Float64}} of Network (5 vertices, 8 edges)
  ├─ EPIndex(1, :K) => 1.0
  ├─ EPIndex(2, :K) => 1.0
  ├─ EPIndex(3, :K) => 1.0
  ├─ EPIndex(4, :K) => 1.0
  ├─ EPIndex(5, :K) => 1.0
  ├─ EPIndex(6, :K) => 1.0
  ├─ EPIndex(7, :K) => 1.0
  └─ EPIndex(8, :K) => 1.0

creates a NWParameter object for the network nw. It essentially creates a new flat parameter array and fills it with the default parameter values define in the component. The parameters in the NWParameter object can be accessed using the symbolic indices.

p[EPIndex(5, :K)] = 2.0 # change the parameter K of the 5th edge

Similarly, you can create a NWState object for the network nw using

s = NWState(nw)
NWState{Vector{Float64}} of Network (5 vertices, 8 edges)
  ├─ VIndex(1, :storage) => NaN
  ├─ VIndex(2, :storage) => NaN
  ├─ VIndex(3, :storage) => NaN
  ├─ VIndex(4, :storage) => NaN
  └─ VIndex(5, :storage) => NaN
 p = NWParameter([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
 t = nothing

No default values were provided in the network components, so the state array is filled with NaNs.

s[VIndex(:, :storage)] .= randn(5) # set the (initial) storage for alle nodes
NWState{Vector{Float64}} of Network (5 vertices, 8 edges)
  ├─ VIndex(1, :storage) => 0.8181540514969263
  ├─ VIndex(2, :storage) => 1.5256990468187044
  ├─ VIndex(3, :storage) => 0.409414299818708
  ├─ VIndex(4, :storage) => 0.037498742607275294
  └─ VIndex(5, :storage) => -1.236452089943809
 p = NWParameter([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])
 t = nothing

For both NWState and NWParameter objects, the there is a more convenient way to access the variables and parameters.

@assert s.v[1, :storage] == s[VIndex(1, :storage)] # s.v -> access vertex states
@assert s.e[1, :flow]    == s[EIndex(1, :flow)]    # s.e -> access edge states
@assert s.p.e[1,:K]      == p[EPIndex(1, :K)]      # s.p -> access parameters

The NWState and NWParameter objects are mutable, thus changing them will also change the underlying wrapped flat arrays. You can allways access the flat representations by calling uflat and pflat.


The NWState and NWParameter wrappers can be constructed from various objects. Fore example, within a callback you might construct p = NWParameter(integrator) to then change the parameters of the network within the callback.


Sometimes, the "states" you're interested in aren't really states in the DAE sense but rather algebraic derivations from DAE states, parameters and time – in accordance with the naming in the SciML-ecosystem those states are called Observables.

A prime example of Observables are edge/vertex-outputs, such as the flow in the edge model defined above. It is also possible to define additional Observables manually by using the obssym and obsf keyword on the EdgeModel/VertexModel constructors. When building models using ModelingToolkit, the reduced algebraic states will be preserved as observables automatically.

Observables can be accessed like any other state, for example, the flows in the network don't show up in the state array but can be accessed in all the ways discussed above, for example

plot(sol; idxs=eidxs(nw, :, :flow))
Example block output

Derived ObservableExpressions using @obsex

Sometimes it is usefull to plot or observe some simple derived quantity.For that, one can used the @obsex macro, to define simple derived quantities.

For example, we can directly plot the storage difference with respect to storage of node 1.

plot(sol; idxs=@obsex(vidxs(nw,:,:storage) .- VIndex(1,:storage)))
Example block output

Other examples are the calculation of magnitude and argument of complex values which are modeld in real and imaginary part.

@obsex mag = sqrt(VIndex(1, :u_r)^2 + VIndex(2, :u_i)^2)