Generic estimate
This is the generic estimator interface and types; the idea is that the method are dispatched based on the basis type and the dynamic type.
— TypeStruct that encapsulates the additional quantities needed on the coarse basis for a two-grid estimate, or on the (only) basis for a one-grid estimate. It is meant as an intermediate quantity that can be saved on the disk to avoid recomputing Q all the times.
— TypeStruct that encapsulates all the quantities computed from the fine basis that are needed in the two-grid estimate. It is meant as an intermediate quantity that can be saved on the disk to avoid recomputing Q all the times
— MethodCompute FineGridQuantities and CoarseGridQuantities, given a function f(n) that computes B, D, Q = f(n)
— MethodCompute FineGridQuantities, given a function f(n) that computes B, D, Q = f(n)
— MethodBounds rigorously the distance of w from the fixed point of Q (normalized with integral = 1), using a vector of bounds norms[k] ≥ ||Qh^k|{U_h^0}||. If ε₁ and normQ are given, then Q can be omitted
— MethodUses power norm bounds already computed for a coarse operator to estimate the same norms for a finer operator
— MethodReturn a numerical approximation to the (hopefully unique) invariant vector of the dynamic with discretized operator Q.
The vector is normalized so that integral_covector(B)*w ≈ 1
— MethodCompute a one-grid error estimate.
The first return argument is the error, the second is the time breakdown according to ["dfly", "assembling", "eigen", "norms", "error"]. (The sum of that vector is the total time taken)
— MethodUses different strategies to compute power norm bounds.
If specified, m
norms of powers are estimated computationally, and then m_extend
norms are obtained with a cheaper refinement process. Otherwise these numbers are selected automatically.
A vector of length mextend is returned, such that norms[k] ≥ ||Qh^k|{Uh^0}||
— MethodComputes bounds for norms of powers, taking (optionally) minimum values for the number of norms to compute
— MethodReturn an upper bound to Q_h*w - w in the given norm
— MethodCompute a two-grid error estimate.
The first return argument is the error, the second is the time breakdown according to ["dfly", "coarse", "assembling", "eigen", "norms", "error"]. (The sum of that vector is the total time taken)
— Method(A, B) = dfly(strongnorm, auxnorm, dynamic)
Constants (A, B) such that ||Lf||s ≦ A||f||s + B||f||_aux