Computing norms of powers

One of the main tools in our computer aided proofs is obtaining an estimate on the distance in the weak norm from the ``abstract'' invariant density $f$ and the approximated invariant density $f_k$ in the weak norm. We refer to

Galatolo S., Monge M., Nisoli I., Poloni F. A general framework for the rigorous computation of invariant densities and the coarse-fine strategy [arXiv:2212.05017]

To obtain this estimate we need to get upper bounds on $||L^n_k|_{U_0}||_w.$

The main estimate is $||f-f_k||_w \leq \sum_{i=0}^n ||L^n_k|_{U_0}||_w ||L-L_k f||_{s\to w}$


Estimates the norms ||Q||, ||Q^2||, ... ||Q^m|| on U^0.

U is the matrix [ones(1,n-1); -I_(n-1,n-1)]. It is currently assumed that f*U==0 (i.e., all elements of f are equal).

f must be an interval vector.

The following constants may be specified as keyword arguments:

normQ, normE, normv0, normEF, normIEF, normN

otherwise they are computed (which may be slower).

e and f must be specified in case isintegralpreserving==false In case isintegralpreserving is true, they may be specified but they are then ignored.

Implementation note: currently we perform this computation one column at a time, to be able to scale (slowly) to cases with large size; for moderate sizes, it would indeed be better to do the computation all columns at the same time, in BLAS level 3.


Arrays of bounds to $||Q^k||_{w → s} = \sup_{||f||_w=1} ||Q^k f||_s$ and to $||Q^k||_{w}$ coming theoretically from iterated DFLY inequalities (the "small matrix method").

Returns two arrays (strongs, norms) of length m: strongs[k] bounds $||Q^k f||_s$, norms[k] bounds $||Q^k f||$)


Compute better and/or more estimates of power norms using the fact that $||Q^{k+h}|| ≤ ||Q^k|| \cdot ||Q^h||$. This uses multiplicativity, so it will not work for mixed norms, e.g., $||Q^k||_{s → w}$, or $||M^k|_{U^0}||$ (unless M preserves $U^0$, which is the case for $Q|_{U^0}$).


The methods for systems with noise are the following


Arrays of bounds to ||Q^k||{w → s} = sup{||f||w=1} ||Q^k f||s and to ||Q^k||_{w} coming theoretically from iterated DFLY inequalities (the "small matrix method").

Returns two arrays (strongs, norms) of length m: strongs[k] bounds ||Q^k f||_s, norms[k] bounds ||Q^k f||)


Estimates the norms ||Q||, ||Q^2||, ... ||Q^m|| on U^0.

U is the matrix [ones(1,n-1); -I_(n-1,n-1)]. It is currently assumed that f*U==0 (i.e., all elements of f are equal).

f must be an interval vector.

The following constants may be specified as keyword arguments:

normQ, normE, normv0, normEF, normIEF, normN

otherwise they are computed (which may be slower).

e and f must be specified in case isintegralpreserving==false In case isintegralpreserving is true, they may be specified but they are then ignored.



Norm bounds


These functions compute a rigorous upper bound for the 2-norm of a vector; we have a specialized version for complex numbers to avoid taking the sqrt root and squaring again


Norm Cachers

The methods for systems with noise are the following

Convergence rates abstract operator

convergencerateabstract(Bas::Ulam, D::Dynamic, norms)

Estimate the strong norm of $||L^n|_{U_0}||_s$ from norms, the bounds on the weak norm of the discretized operator


This method was developed in Stefano Galatolo, Isaia Nisoli, Benoît Saussol. An elementary way to rigorously estimate convergence to equilibrium and escape rates. Journal of Computational Dynamics, 2015, 2 (1) : 51-64. doi: 10.3934/jcd.2015.2.51
