Surrogates for unevenly sampled time series
To derive a surrogate for unevenly sampled time series, we can use surrogate methods which which does not explicitly use the time axis like RandomShuffle
or BlockShuffle
, or we need to use algorithms that take the irregularity of the time axis into account.
Lomb-Scargle based surrogate
The IrregularLombScargle
surrogate is a form of a constrained surrogate which takes the Lomb-Scargle periodogram, which works on irregularly spaced data, to derive surrogates with similar phase distribution as the original time series. This function uses the simulated annealing algorithm[SchmitzSchreiber1999] to minimize the Minkowski distance between the original periodogram and the surrogate periodogram.
using TimeseriesSurrogates, CairoMakie, Random
# Example data: random AR1 process with a time axis with unevenly
# spaced time steps
rng = Random.MersenneTwister(1234)
x = AR1(n_steps = 300)
N = length(x)
t = (1:N) - rand(N)
# Use simulated annealing based on convergence of Lomb-Scargle periodograms
# The time series is relatively long, so set tolerance a bit higher than default.
ls = IrregularLombScargle(t, n_total = 100000, n_acc = 50000, tol = 5.0)
s = surrogate(x, ls, rng)
fig, ax = lines(t, x; label = "original")
lines!(ax, t, s; label = "surrogate")

- SchmitzSchreiber1999A.Schmitz T.Schreiber (1999). "Testing for nonlinearity in unevenly sampled time series" Phys. Rev E