transferentropy(s, t, [c,] est; base = 2, q = 1, 
    τT = -1, τS = -1, η𝒯 = 1, dT = 1, dS = 1, d𝒯 = 1, [τC = -1, dC = 1]

Estimate transfer entropy[Schreiber2000] from source s to target t, $TE^{q}(s \to t)$, using the provided entropy/probability estimator est with logarithms to the given base. Optionally, condition on c and estimate the conditional transfer entropy $TE^{q}(s \to t | c)$. The input series s, t, and c must be equal-length real-valued vectors.

Compute either Shannon transfer entropy (q = 1, which is the default) or the order-q Rényi transfer entropy[Jizba2012] by setting q different from 1.

All possible estimators that can be used are described in the online documentation.

Keyword Arguments

Keyword arguments tune the embedding that will be done to each of the timeseries (with more details following below). In short, the embedding lags τT, τS, τC must be zero or negative, the prediction lag η𝒯 must be positive, and the embedding dimensions dT, dS, dC, d𝒯 must be greater than or equal to 1. Thus, the convention is to use negative lags to indicate embedding delays for past state vectors (for the $T$, $S$ and $C$ marginals, detailed below), and positive lags to indicate embedding delays for future state vectors (for the $\mathcal T$ marginal, also detailed below).

The default behaviour is to use scalar timeseries for past state vectors (in that case, the τT, τS or τC does not affect the analysis).


Transfer entropy on scalar time series

Transfer entropy[Schreiber2000] between two simultaneously measured scalar time series $s(n)$ and $t(n)$, $s(n) = \{ s_1, s_2, \ldots, s_N \}$ and $t(n) = \{ t_1, t_2, \ldots, t_N \}$, is is defined as

\[TE(s \to t) = \sum_i p(s_i, t_i, t_{i+\eta}) \log \left( \dfrac{p(t_{i+\eta} | t_i, s_i)}{p(t_{i+\eta} | t_i)} \right)\]

Transfer entropy on generalized embeddings

By defining the vector-valued time series, it is possible to include more than one historical/future value for each marginal (see 'Uniform vs. non-uniform embeddings' below for embedding details):

  • $\mathcal{T}^{(d_{\mathcal T}, \eta_{\mathcal T})} = \{t_i^{(d_{\mathcal T}, \eta_{\mathcal T})} \}_{i=1}^{N}$,
  • $T^{(d_T, \tau_T)} = \{t_i^{(d_T, \tau_T)} \}_{i=1}^{N}$,
  • $S^{(d_S, \tau_S)} = \{s_i^{(d_T, \tau_T)} \}_{i=1}^{N}$, and
  • $C^{(d_C, \tau_C)} = \{s_i^{(d_C, \tau_C)} \}_{i=1}^{N}$.

The non-conditioned generalized and conditioned generalized forms of the transfer entropy are then

\[TE(s \to t) = \sum_i p(S,T, \mathcal{T}) \log \left( \dfrac{p(\mathcal{T} | T, S)}{p(\mathcal{T} | T)} \right)\]

\[TE(s \to t | c) = \sum_i p(S,T, \mathcal{T}, C) \log \left( \dfrac{p(\mathcal{T} | T, S, C)}{p(\mathcal{T} | T, C)} \right)\]

Uniform vs. non-uniform embeddings

The N state vectors for each marginal are either

  • uniform, of the form $x_{i}^{(d, \omega)} = (x_i, x_{i+\omega}, x_{i+2\omega}, \ldots x_{i+(d - 1)\omega})$, with equally spaced state vector entries. Note: When constructing marginals for $T$, $S$ and $C$, we need $\omega \leq 0$ to get present/past values, while $\omega > 0$ is necessary to get future states when constructing $\mathcal{T}$.
  • non-uniform, of the form $x_{i}^{(d, \omega)} = (x_i, x_{i+\omega_1}, x_{i+\omega_2}, \ldots x_{i+\omega_{d}})$, with non-equally spaced state vector entries $\omega_1, \omega_2, \ldots, \omega_{d}$, which can be freely chosen. Note: When constructing marginals for $T$, $S$ and $C$, we need $\omega_i \leq 0$ for all $\omega_i$ to get present/past values, while $\omega_i > 0$ for all $\omega_i$ is necessary to get future states when constructing $\mathcal{T}$.

In practice, the dT-dimensional, dS-dimensional and dC-dimensional state vectors comprising $T$, $S$ and $C$ are constructed with embedding lags τT, τS, and τC, respectively. The d𝒯-dimensional future states $\mathcal{T}^{(d_{\mathcal T}, \eta_{\mathcal T})}$ are constructed with prediction lag η𝒯 (i.e. predictions go from present/past states to future states spanning a maximum of d𝒯*η𝒯 time steps). Note: in Schreiber's paper, only the historical states are defined as potentially higher-dimensional, while the future states are always scalar.


Transfer entropy is here estimated by rewriting the above expressions as a sum of marginal entropies, and extending the definitions above to use Rényi generalized entropies of order q as

\[TE^{q}(s \to t) = H^{q}(\mathcal T, T) + H^{q}(T, S) - H^{q}(T) - H^{q}(\mathcal T, T, S),\]

\[TE^{q}(s \to t | c) = H^{q}(\mathcal T, T, C) + H^{q}(T, S, C) - H^{q}(T, C) - H^{q}(\mathcal T, T, S, C),\]

where $H^{q}(\cdot)$ is the generalized Rényi entropy of order $q$. This is equivalent to the Rényi transfer entropy implementation in Jizba et al. (2012)[Jizba2012].


Default estimation (scalar marginals):

# Symbolic estimator, motifs of length 4, uniform delay vectors with lag 1
est = SymbolicPermutation(m = 4, τ = 1) 

x, y = rand(100), rand(100)
transferentropy(x, y, est)

Increasing the dimensionality of the $T$ marginal (present/past states of the target variable):

# Binning-based estimator
est = VisitationFrequency(RectangularBinning(4)) 
x, y = rand(100), rand(100)

# Uniform delay vectors when `τT` is an integer (see explanation above)
# Here t_{i}^{(dT, τT)} = (t_i, t_{i+τ}, t_{i+2τ}, \ldots t_{i+(dT-1)τ})
# = (t_i, t_{i-2}, t_{i-4}, \ldots t_{i-6τ}), so we need zero/negative values for `τT`.
transferentropy(x, y, est, dT = 4, τT = -2)

# Non-uniform delay vectors when `τT` is a vector of integers
# Here t_{i}^{(dT, τT)} = (t_i, t_{i+τ_{1}}, t_{i+τ_{2}}, \ldots t_{i+τ_{dT}})
# = (t_i, t_{i-7}, t_{i-25}), so we need zero/negative values for `τT`.
transferentropy(x, y, est, dT = 3, τT = [0, -7, -25])

Logarithm bases and the order of the Rényi entropy can also be tuned:

x, y = rand(100), rand(100)
est = NaiveKernel(0.3)
transferentropy(x, y, est, base = MathConstants.e, q = 2) # TE in nats, order-2 Rényi entropy
  • Schreiber2000Schreiber, T. (2000). Measuring information transfer. Physical review letters, 85(2), 461.
  • Jizba2012Jizba, P., Kleinert, H., & Shefaat, M. (2012). Rényi’s information transfer between financial time series. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 391(10), 2971-2989.