Transfer entropy


Estimation using TransferEntropyEstimators

Estimator comparison

Let's reproduce Figure 4 from Zhu et al (2015)[Zhu2015], where they test some dedicated transfer entropy estimators on a bivariate autoregressive system. We will test

  • The Lindner and Zhu1 dedicated transfer entropy estimators, which try to eliminate bias.
  • The KSG1 estimator, which computes TE naively as a sum of mutual information terms (without guaranteed cancellation of biases for the total sum).
  • The Kraskov estimator, which computes TE naively as a sum of entropy terms (without guaranteed cancellation of biases for the total sum).
using CausalityTools
using CairoMakie
using Statistics
using Distributions: Normal

function model2(n::Int)
    𝒩x = Normal(0, 0.1)
    𝒩y = Normal(0, 0.1)
    x = zeros(n+2)
    y = zeros(n+2)
    x[1] = rand(𝒩x)
    x[2] = rand(𝒩x)
    y[1] = rand(𝒩y)
    y[2] = rand(𝒩y)

    for i = 3:n+2
        x[i] = 0.45*sqrt(2)*x[i-1] - 0.9*x[i-2] - 0.6*y[i-2] + rand(𝒩x)
        y[i] = 0.6*x[i-2] - 0.175*sqrt(2)*y[i-1] + 0.55*sqrt(2)*y[i-2] + rand(𝒩y)
    return x[3:end], y[3:end]
te_true = 0.42 # eyeball the theoretical value from their Figure 4.

m = TEShannon(embedding = EmbeddingTE(dT = 2, dS = 2), base = ℯ)
estimators = [Zhu1(k = 8), Lindner(k = 8), KSG1(k = 8), Kraskov(k = 8)]
Ls = [floor(Int, 2^i) for i in 8.0:0.5:11]
nreps = 8
tes_xy = [[zeros(nreps) for i = 1:length(Ls)] for e in estimators]
tes_yx = [[zeros(nreps) for i = 1:length(Ls)] for e in estimators]
for (k, est) in enumerate(estimators)
    for (i, L) in enumerate(Ls)
        for j = 1:nreps
            x, y = model2(L);
            tes_xy[k][i][j] = transferentropy(m, est, x, y)
            tes_yx[k][i][j] = transferentropy(m, est, y, x)

ymin = minimum(map(x -> minimum(Iterators.flatten(Iterators.flatten(x))), (tes_xy, tes_yx)))
estimator_names = ["Zhu1", "Lindner", "KSG1", "Kraskov"]
ls = [:dash, :dot, :dash, :dot]
mr = [:rect, :hexagon, :xcross, :pentagon]

fig = Figure(resolution = (800, 350))
ax_xy = Axis(fig[1,1], xlabel = "Signal length", ylabel = "TE (nats)", title = "x → y")
ax_yx = Axis(fig[1,2], xlabel = "Signal length", ylabel = "TE (nats)", title = "y → x")
for (k, e) in enumerate(estimators)
    label = estimator_names[k]
    marker = mr[k]
    scatterlines!(ax_xy, Ls, mean.(tes_xy[k]); label, marker)
    scatterlines!(ax_yx, Ls, mean.(tes_yx[k]); label, marker)
    hlines!(ax_xy, [te_true]; xmin = 0.0, xmax = 1.0, linestyle = :dash, color = :black)
    hlines!(ax_yx, [te_true]; xmin = 0.0, xmax = 1.0, linestyle = :dash, color = :black)
    linkaxes!(ax_xy, ax_yx)
axislegend(ax_xy, position = :rb)


Reproducing Schreiber (2000)

Let's try to reproduce the results from Schreiber's original paper[Schreiber2000] where he introduced the transfer entropy. We'll use the ValueHistogram estimator, which is visitation frequency based and computes entropies by counting visits of the system's orbit to discrete portions of its reconstructed state space.

using CausalityTools
using DynamicalSystemsBase
using CairoMakie
using Statistics
using Random; Random.seed!(12234);

function ulam_system(dx, x, p, t)
    f(x) = 2 - x^2
    ε = p[1]
    dx[1] = f(ε*x[length(dx)] + (1-ε)*x[1])
    for i in 2:length(dx)
        dx[i] = f(ε*x[i-1] + (1-ε)*x[i])

ds = DiscreteDynamicalSystem(ulam_system, rand(100) .- 0.5, [0.04])
first(trajectory(ds, 1000; Ttr = 1000));

εs = 0.02:0.02:1.0
base = 2
te_x1x2 = zeros(length(εs)); te_x2x1 = zeros(length(εs))
# Guess an appropriate bin width of 0.2 for the histogram
est = ValueHistogram(0.2)

for (i, ε) in enumerate(εs)
    set_parameter!(ds, 1, ε)
    tr = first(trajectory(ds, 2000; Ttr = 5000))
    X1 = tr[:, 1]; X2 = tr[:, 2]
    @assert !any(isnan, X1)
    @assert !any(isnan, X2)
    te_x1x2[i] = transferentropy(TEShannon(; base), est, X1, X2)
    te_x2x1[i] = transferentropy(TEShannon(; base), est, X2, X1)

fig = with_theme(theme_minimal(), markersize = 2) do
    fig = Figure()
    ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel = "epsilon", ylabel = "Transfer entropy (bits)")
    scatterlines!(ax, εs, te_x1x2, label = "X1 to X2", color = :black, lw = 1.5)
    scatterlines!(ax, εs, te_x2x1, label = "X2 to X1", color = :red, lw = 1.5)
    axislegend(ax, position = :lt)
    return fig

As expected, transfer entropy from X1 to X2 is higher than from X2 to X1 across parameter values for ε. But, by our definition of the ulam system, dynamical coupling only occurs from X1 to X2. The results, however, show nonzero transfer entropy in both directions. What does this mean?

Computing transfer entropy from finite time series introduces bias, and so does any particular choice of entropy estimator used to calculate it. To determine whether a transfer entropy estimate should be trusted, we can employ surrogate testing. We'll generate surrogate using TimeseriesSurrogates.jl. One possible way to do so is to use a SurrogateTest with independence, but here we'll do the surrogate resampling manually, so we can plot and inspect the results.

In the example below, we continue with the same time series generated above. However, at each value of ε, we also compute transfer entropy for nsurr = 50 different randomly shuffled (permuted) versions of the source process. If the original transfer entropy exceeds that of some percentile the transfer entropy estimates of the surrogate ensemble, we will take that as "significant" transfer entropy.

nsurr = 25 # in real applications, you should use more surrogates
base = 2
te_x1x2 = zeros(length(εs)); te_x2x1 = zeros(length(εs))
te_x1x2_surr = zeros(length(εs), nsurr); te_x2x1_surr = zeros(length(εs), nsurr)
est = ValueHistogram(0.2) # use same bin-width as before

for (i, ε) in enumerate(εs)
    set_parameter!(ds, 1, ε)
    tr = first(trajectory(ds, 500; Ttr = 5000))
    X1 = tr[:, 1]; X2 = tr[:, 2]
    @assert !any(isnan, X1)
    @assert !any(isnan, X2)
    te_x1x2[i] = transferentropy(TEShannon(; base), est, X1, X2)
    te_x2x1[i] = transferentropy(TEShannon(; base), est, X2, X1)
    s1 = surrogenerator(X1, RandomShuffle()); s2 = surrogenerator(X2, RandomShuffle())

    for j = 1:nsurr
        te_x1x2_surr[i, j] =  transferentropy(TEShannon(; base), est, s1(), X2)
        te_x2x1_surr[i, j] =  transferentropy(TEShannon(; base), est, s2(), X1)

# Compute 95th percentiles of the surrogates for each ε
qs_x1x2 = [quantile(te_x1x2_surr[i, :], 0.95) for i = 1:length(εs)]
qs_x2x1 = [quantile(te_x2x1_surr[i, :], 0.95) for i = 1:length(εs)]

fig = with_theme(theme_minimal(), markersize = 2) do
    fig = Figure()
    ax = Axis(fig[1, 1], xlabel = "epsilon", ylabel = "Transfer entropy (bits)")
    scatterlines!(ax, εs, te_x1x2, label = "X1 to X2", color = :black, lw = 1.5)
    scatterlines!(ax, εs, qs_x1x2, color = :black, linestyle = :dot, lw = 1.5)
    scatterlines!(ax, εs, te_x2x1, label = "X2 to X1", color = :red)
    scatterlines!(ax, εs, qs_x2x1, color = :red, linestyle = :dot)
    axislegend(ax, position = :lt)
    return fig

The plot above shows the original transfer entropies (solid lines) and the 95th percentile transfer entropies of the surrogate ensembles (dotted lines). As expected, using the surrogate test, the transfer entropies from X1 to X2 are mostly significant (solid black line is above dashed black line). The transfer entropies from X2 to X1, on the other hand, are mostly not significant (red solid line is below red dotted line).

  • Zhu2015Zhu, J., Bellanger, J. J., Shu, H., & Le Bouquin Jeannès, R. (2015). Contribution to transfer entropy estimation via the k-nearest-neighbors approach. Entropy, 17(6), 4173-4201.
  • Schreiber2000Schreiber, Thomas. "Measuring information transfer." Physical review letters 85.2 (2000): 461.