Visualizations and Animations for Agent Based Models
This page describes functions that can be used with the Makie plotting ecosystem to animate and interact with agent based models. All the functionality described here uses Julia's package extensions and therefore comes into scope once Makie
(or any of its backends such as CairoMakie
) gets loaded.
The animation at the start of the page is created using the code of this page, see below.
The docs are built using versions:
import Pkg
Pkg.status(["Agents", "CairoMakie"];
mode = PKGMODE_MANIFEST, io=stdout
Static plotting of ABMs
Static plotting, which is also the basis for creating custom plots that include an ABM plot, is done using the abmplot
function. Its usage is exceptionally straight-forward, and in principle one simply defines functions for how the agents should be plotted. Here we will use a pre-defined model, the Daisyworld as an example throughout this docpage. To learn about this model you can visit the example hosted at AgentsExampleZoo ,
using Agents, CairoMakie
using AgentsExampleZoo
model = AgentsExampleZoo.daisyworld(;
solar_luminosity = 1.0, solar_change = 0.0, scenario = :change
StandardABM with 360 agents of type Daisy
agents container: Dict
space: GridSpaceSingle with size (30, 30), metric=chebyshev, periodic=true
scheduler: fastest
properties: temperature, solar_luminosity, max_age, surface_albedo, ratio, solar_change, tick, scenario
Now, to plot daisyworld we provide a function for the color for the agents that depend on the agent properties, and a size and marker style that are constants,
daisycolor(a) = a.breed
agent_size = 20
agent_marker = '✿'
agentsplotkwargs = (strokewidth = 1.0,) # add stroke around each agent
fig, ax, abmobs = abmplot(model;
agent_color = daisycolor, agent_size, agent_marker, agentsplotkwargs
fig # returning the figure displays it

We do not check internally, if the keyword arguments passed to abmplot
are supported. Please make sure that there are no typos and that the used kwargs are supported by the abmplot
function. Otherwise they will be ignored. This is an unfortunate consequence of how Makie.jl recipes work, and we believe that in the future this problem will be addressed in Makie.jl.
Besides agents, we can also plot spatial properties as a heatmap. Here we plot the temperature of the planet by providing the name of the property as the "heat array":
heatarray = :temperature
heatkwargs = (colorrange = (-20, 60), colormap = :thermal)
plotkwargs = (;
agent_color = daisycolor, agent_size, agent_marker,
agentsplotkwargs = (strokewidth = 1.0,),
heatarray, heatkwargs
fig, ax, abmobs = abmplot(model; plotkwargs...)

— Functionabmplot(model::ABM; kwargs...) → fig, ax, abmobs
abmplot!(ax::Axis/Axis3, model::ABM; kwargs...) → abmobs
Plot an agent based model by plotting each individual agent as a marker and using the agent's position field as its location on the plot. The same function is used to make custom composite plots and animations for the model evolution using the returned abmobs
. abmplot
is also used to launch interactive GUIs for evolving agent based models, see "Interactivity" below.
See also abmvideo
and abmexploration
Keyword arguments
Agent related
agent_color, agent_size, agent_marker
: These three keywords decide the color, size, and marker, that each agent will be plotted as. They can each be either a constant or a function, which takes as an input a single agent and outputs the corresponding value. If the model uses aGraphSpace
,agent_color, agent_size, agent_marker
functions instead take an iterable of agents in each position (i.e. node of the graph).Using constants:
agent_color = "#338c54", agent_size = 15, agent_marker = :diamond
Using functions:
agent_color(a) = a.status == :S ? "#2b2b33" : a.status == :I ? "#bf2642" : "#338c54" agent_size(a) = 10rand() agent_marker(a) = a.status == :S ? :circle : a.status == :I ? :diamond : :rect
Notice that for 2D models,
can be/return aMakie.Polygon
instance, which plots each agent as an arbitrary polygon. It is assumed that the origin (0, 0) is the agent's position when creating the polygon. In this case, the keywordagent_size
is meaningless, as each polygon has its own size. Use the functionsscale, rotate_polygon
to transform this polygon.3D models currently do not support having different markers. As a result,
cannot be a function. It should be aMesh
or 3D primitive (such asSphere
).offset = nothing
: If notnothing
, it must be a function taking as an input an agent and outputting an offset position tuple to be added to the agent's position (which matters only if there is overlap).agentsplotkwargs = ()
: Additional keyword arguments propagated to the function that plots the agents (typicallyscatter!
Preplot related
heatarray = nothing
: A keyword that plots a model property (that is a matrix) as a heatmap over the space. Its values can be standard data accessors given to functions likerun!
, i.e. either a symbol (directly obtain model property) or a function of the model. If the space isAbstractGridSpace
then matrix must be the same size as the underlying space. ForContinuousSpace
any size works and will be plotted over the space extent. For exampleheatarray = :temperature
is used in the Daisyworld example. But you could also definef(model) = create_matrix_from_model...
and setheatarray = f
. The heatmap will be updated automatically during model evolution in videos and interactive applications.heatkwargs = NamedTuple()
: Keywords given toMakie.heatmap
function ifheatarray
is not nothing.add_colorbar = true
: Whether or not a Colorbar should be added to the right side of the heatmap ifheatarray
is not nothing. It is strongly recommended to useabmplot
instead of theabmplot!
method if you useheatarray
, so that a colorbar can be placed naturally.static_preplot!
: A functionf(ax, abmplot)
that plots something after the heatmap but before the agents.spaceplotkwargs = NamedTuple()
: keywords utilized when plotting the space. Directly passed toOSMMakie.osmplot!
if model space isOpenStreetMapSpace
.adjust_aspect = true
: Adjust axis aspect ratio to be the model's space aspect ratio.enable_space_checks = true
: Set tofalse
to disable checks related to the model space.
The stand-alone function abmplot
also takes two optional NamedTuple
s named figure
and axis
which can be used to change the automatically created Figure
and Axis
Evolution related
: Iftrue
switches to "interactive application GUI" mode where the model evolves interactively usingAgents.step!
is by defaultfalse
(see below) is not empty.add_controls
is also alwaystrue
. The application has the following interactive elements:- "step": advances the simulation once for
time. - "run": starts/stops the continuous evolution of the model.
- "reset model": resets the model to its initial state from right after starting the interactive application.
- Two sliders control the animation speed: "dt" decides how much time to evolve the model before the plot is updated, and "sleep" the
time between updates.
- "step": advances the simulation once for
enable_inspection = add_controls
: Iftrue
, enables agent inspection on mouse hover.dt = 1:50
: The values of the "dt" slider which is the time to step the model forwards in each frame update, which callsstep!(model, dt)
. This defaults to1:50
for discrete time models and to0.1:0.1:10.0
for continuous time ones.params = Dict()
: This is a dictionary which decides which parameters of the model will be configurable from the interactive application. Each entry ofparams
is a pair ofSymbol
to anAbstractVector
, and provides a range of possible values for the parameter named after the given symbol (see example online). Changing a value in the parameter slides is only propagated to the actual model after a press of the "update" button.
Data collection related
adata, mdata, when
: Same as the keyword arguments!
. If either or bothadata, mdata
are given, data are collected and stored in theabmobs
, seeABMObservable
. The same keywords provide the data plots ofabmexploration
. This also adds the button "clear data" which deletes previously collected agent and model data by emptying the underlyingDataFrames
. Reset model and clear data are independent processes.
See the documentation string of ABMObservable
for custom interactive plots.
Interactive ABM Applications
Continuing from the Daisyworld plots above, we can turn them into interactive applications straightforwardly, simply by setting the keyword add_controls = true
as discussed in the documentation of abmplot
. Note that GLMakie
should be used instead of CairoMakie
when wanting to use the interactive aspects of the plots!
using GLMakie
fig, ax, abmobs = abmplot(model; add_controls = true, plotkwargs...)

One could click the run button and see the model evolve. Furthermore, one can add more sliders that allow changing the model parameters.
params = Dict(
:surface_albedo => 0:0.01:1,
:solar_change => -0.1:0.01:0.1,
fig, ax, abmobs = abmplot(model; params, plotkwargs...)

One can furthermore collect data while the model evolves and visualize them using the convenience function abmexploration
using Statistics: mean
black(a) = a.breed == :black
white(a) = a.breed == :white
adata = [(black, count), (white, count)]
temperature(model) = mean(model.temperature)
mdata = [temperature, :solar_luminosity]
fig, abmobs = abmexploration(model;
params, plotkwargs..., adata, alabels = ["Black daisys", "White daisys"],
mdata, mlabels = ["T", "L"]
— Functionabmexploration(model::ABM; alabels, mlabels, kwargs...)
Open an interactive application for exploring an agent based model and the impact of changing parameters on the time evolution. Requires Agents
The application evolves an ABM interactively and plots its evolution, while allowing changing any of the model parameters interactively and also showing the evolution of collected data over time (if any are asked for, see below). The agent based model is plotted and animated exactly as in abmplot
, and the model
argument as well as splatted kwargs
are propagated there as-is. This convencience function only works for aggregated agent data.
Calling abmexploration
returns: fig::Figure, abmobs::ABMObservable
. So you can save and/or further modify the figure and it is also possible to access the collected data (if any) via the ABMObservable
Clicking the "reset" button will add a red vertical line to the data plots for visual guidance.
Keywords arguments (in addition to those in abmplot
alabels, mlabels
: If data are collected from agents or the model withadata, mdata
, the corresponding plots' y-labels are automatically named after the collected data. It is also possible to providealabels, mlabels
(vectors of strings with exactly same length asadata, mdata
), and these labels will be used instead.figure = NamedTuple()
: Keywords to customize the created Figure.axis = NamedTuple()
: Keywords to customize the created Axis.plotkwargs = NamedTuple()
: Keywords to customize the styling of the resultingscatterlines
ABM Videos
— Functionabmvideo(file, model; kwargs...)
This function exports the animated time evolution of an agent based model into a video saved at given path file
, by recording the behavior of the interactive version of abmplot
(without sliders). The plotting is identical as in abmplot
and applicable keywords are propagated.
dt = 1
: Time to evolve between each recorded frame. ForStandardABM
this must be an integer and it is identical to how many steps to take per frame.framerate = 30
: The frame rate of the exported video.frames = 300
: How many frames to record in total, including the starting frame.title = ""
: The title of the figure.showstep = true
: If current step should be shown in title.figure = NamedTuple()
: Figure related keywords (e.g. resolution, backgroundcolor).axis = NamedTuple()
: Axis related keywords (e.g. aspect).recordkwargs = NamedTuple()
: Keyword arguments given toMakie.record
. You can use(compression = 1, profile = "high")
for a higher quality output, and prefer theCairoMakie
backend. (compression 0 results in videos that are not playable by some software)kwargs...
: All other keywords are propagated toabmplot
E.g., continuing from above,
model = AgentsExampleZoo.daisyworld()
abmvideo("daisyworld.mp4", model; title = "Daisy World", frames = 150, plotkwargs...)
You could of course also explicitly use abmplot
in a record
loop for finer control over additional plot elements.
Agent inspection
It is possible to inspect agents at a given position by hovering the mouse cursor over the scatter points in the agent plot. Inspection is automatically enabled for interactive applications (i.e. when either agent or model stepping functions are provided). To manually enable this functionality, simply add enable_inspection = true
as an additional keyword argument to the abmplot
call. A tooltip will appear which by default provides the name of the agent type, its id
, pos
, and all other fieldnames together with their current values. This is especially useful for interactive exploration of micro data on the agent level.
The tooltip can be customized by extending Agents.agent2string
— Functionagent2string(agent::A)
Convert agent data into a string which is used to display all agent variables and their values in the tooltip on mouse hover. Concatenates strings if there are multiple agents at one position. Custom tooltips for agents can be implemented by adding a specialised method for agent2string
function Agents.agent2string(agent::SpecialAgent)
✨ SpecialAgent ✨
ID = $(
Main weapon = $(agent.charisma)
Side weapon = $(agent.pistol)
Creating custom ABM plots
The existing convenience function abmexploration
will always display aggregated collected data as scatterpoints connected with lines. In cases where more granular control over the displayed plots is needed, we need to take a few extra steps and utilize the ABMObservable
returned by abmplot
. The same steps are necessary when we want to create custom plots that compose animations of the model space and other aspects.
— TypeABMObservable(model; adata, mdata, when) → abmobs
contains all information necessary to step an agent based model interactively, as well as collect data while stepping interactively. ABMObservable
also returned by abmplot
Calling Agents.step!(abmobs, t)
will step the model for t
time and collect data as in!
The fields abmobs.model, abmobs.adf, abmobs.mdf
are observables that contain the AgentBasedModel
, and the agent and model dataframes with collected data. Data are collected as described in!
using the adata, mdata, when
keywords. All three observables are updated on stepping (when it makes sense).
All plotting and interactivity should be defined by lift
ing these observables.
To do custom animations you need to have a good idea of how Makie's animation system works. Have a look at this tutorial if you are not familiar yet.
create a basic abmplot with controls and sliders
model = AgentsExampleZoo.daisyworld(; solar_luminosity = 1.0, solar_change = 0.0, scenario = :change)
fig, ax, abmobs = abmplot(model; params, plotkwargs...,
adata, mdata, figure = (; size = (1600,800))

ABMObservable with model:
StandardABM with 360 agents of type Daisy
agents container: Dict
space: GridSpaceSingle with size (30, 30), metric=chebyshev, periodic=true
scheduler: fastest
properties: temperature, solar_luminosity, max_age, surface_albedo, ratio, solar_change, tick, scenario
and with data collection:
adata: Tuple{Function, typeof(count)}[(, count), (Main.white, count)]
mdata: Any[Main.temperature, :solar_luminosity]
create a new layout to add new plots to the right of the abmplot
plot_layout = fig[:,end+1] = GridLayout()
GridLayout[1:1, 1:1] with 0 children
create a sublayout on its first row and column
count_layout = plot_layout[1,1] = GridLayout()
GridLayout[1:1, 1:1] with 0 children
collect tuples with x and y values for black and white daisys
blacks = @lift(Point2f.($(abmobs.adf).time, $(abmobs.adf).count_black))
whites = @lift(Point2f.($(abmobs.adf).time, $(abmobs.adf).count_white))
Observable(Point{2, Float32}[[0.0, 180.0]])
create an axis to plot into and style it to our liking
ax_counts = Axis(count_layout[1,1];
backgroundcolor = :lightgrey, ylabel = "Number of daisies by color")
Axis with 0 plots:
plot the data as scatterlines and color them accordingly
scatterlines!(ax_counts, blacks; color = :black, label = "black")
scatterlines!(ax_counts, whites; color = :white, label = "white")
Plot{Makie.scatterlines, Tuple{Vector{Point{2, Float32}}}}
add a legend to the right side of the plot
Legend(count_layout[1,2], ax_counts; bgcolor = :lightgrey)
and another plot, written in a more condensed format
ax_hist = Axis(plot_layout[2,1];
ylabel = "Distribution of mean temperatures\nacross all time steps")
hist!(ax_hist, @lift($(abmobs.mdf).temperature);
bins = 50, color = :red,
strokewidth = 2, strokecolor = (:black, 0.5),

Now, once we step the abmobs::ABMObservable
, the whole plot will be updated
Agents.step!(abmobs, 1)
Agents.step!(abmobs, 1)

Of course, you need to actually adjust axis limits given that the plot is interactive
Or, simply trigger them on any update to the model observable:
on(abmobs.model) do m
ObserverFunction defined at operating on Observable(StandardABM with 801 agents of type Daisy
agents container: Dict
space: GridSpaceSingle with size (30, 30), metric=chebyshev, periodic=true
scheduler: fastest
properties: temperature, solar_luminosity, max_age, surface_albedo, ratio, solar_change, tick, scenario)
and then marvel at everything being auto-updated by calling step!
for i in 1:100; step!(abmobs, 1); end

GraphSpace models
While the agent_color, agent_size, agent_marker
keyword arguments generally relate to agent colors, markersizes, and markers, they are handled a bit differently in the case of GraphSpace models
. Here, we collect those plot attributes for each node of the underlying graph which can contain multiple agents. If we want to use a function for this, we therefore need to handle an iterator of agents. Keeping this in mind, we can create an exemplary GraphSpace model and plot it with abmplot
using Graphs
using ColorTypes
sir_model = AgentsExampleZoo.sir()
city_size(agents_here) = 0.005 * length(agents_here)
function city_color(agents_here)
l_agents_here = length(agents_here)
infected = count(a.status == :I for a in agents_here)
recovered = count(a.status == :R for a in agents_here)
return RGB(infected / l_agents_here, recovered / l_agents_here, 0)
city_color (generic function with 1 method)
To further style the edges and nodes of the resulting graph plot, we can leverage the functionality of GraphMakie.graphplot and pass all the desired keyword arguments to it via a named tuple called agentsplotkwargs
. When using functions for edge color and width, they should return either one color or a vector with the same length (or twice) as current number of edges in the underlying graph. In the example below, the edge_color
function colors all edges to a semi-transparent shade of grey and the edge_width
function makes use of the special ability of linesegments
to be tapered (i.e. one end is wider than the other).
using GraphMakie: Shell
edge_color(model) = fill((:grey, 0.25), ne(abmspace(model).graph))
function edge_width(model)
w = zeros(ne(abmspace(model).graph))
for e in edges(abmspace(model).graph)
w[e.src] = 0.004 * length(abmspace(model).stored_ids[e.src])
w[e.dst] = 0.004 * length(abmspace(model).stored_ids[e.dst])
return w
agentsplotkwargs = (
layout = Shell(), # node positions
arrow_show = false, # hide directions of graph edges
edge_color = edge_color, # change edge colors and widths with own functions
edge_width = edge_width,
edge_plottype = :linesegments # needed for tapered edge widths
fig, ax, abmobs = abmplot(sir_model; agent_size = city_size, agent_color = city_color, agentsplotkwargs)