This page briefly discusses physical aspects of billiard systems.

Pinned Particles

In the case of propagation with magnetic field, a particle may be "pinned" (collision-less): There are no possible collisions that take place and the particle will revolve in circles forever. This can happen for specific initial conditions depending on your billiard table and the angular velocity ω. The function ispinned shows you whether a particle meets the conditions.

ispinned(p::MagneticParticle, bd::Billiard)

Return true if the particle is pinned with respect to the billiard. Pinned particles either have no valid collisions (go in circles forever) or all their valid collisions are with periodic walls, which again means that they go in cirles for ever.


In such event, the convention followed by DynamicalBilliards is the following: evolve! returns the expected output, however all returned vectors have only 2 entries. The collision times always have the entries 0.0, Inf. All other returned vectors have the initial conditions, repeated once.

evolve! can be given an additional warning keyword argument in the case of magnetic propagation, e.g. warning = true that throws a message whenever a pinned particle is evolved.

Velocity measure

Both Particle and MagneticParticle are assumed to always have a velocity vector of measure 1 during evolution. This simplifies the formulas used internally to a significant amount.

However, during ray-splitting, the a MagneticParticle may be in areas with different angular velocities (result of the ω_new function). Physically, in such a situation, the velocity measure of the particle could also change. This change depends on the forces acting on the particle (e.g. magnetic field) as well as the relation of the momentum with the velocity (functional type of kinetic energy).

In any case, such a change is not accounted for internally by DynamicalBilliards. However it is very easy to implement this by "re-normalizing" the angular velocities you use. Since the "code" velocity has measure one, the rotation radius is given by

\[r = \frac{1}{\omega_\text{code}} = \frac{v_\text{real}}{\omega_\text{real}}\]

then one simply has to adjust the values of ω given in the code with

\[\omega_\text{code} = \frac{\omega_\text{real}}{v_\text{real}}\]

After getting the timeseries:

# These are the "code"-data. |v| = 1 always
ct, poss, vels, omegas = evolve(p, bd, ttotal)
xt, yt, vxt, vyt, t = timeseries(p, bd, ttotal)

you only need to make some final adjustment on the vxt, vyt. The position and time data are completely unaffected.

omegas_code = omegas
# real angular velocities:
omegas_real = supplied_by_user
# or with some user provided function:
f = o -> (o == 0.5 ? 2o : o*√2)
omegas_real = f.(omegas_code)
# real velocity measure:
vels_real = abs.(omegas_real ./ omegas_code)

contt = cumsum(ct)
omega_t = zeros(t)
vxtreal = copy(vxt)
vytreal = copy(vyt)
j = 1
for i in eachindex(t)
  vxtreal[i] *= vels_real[j]
  vytreal[i] *= vels_real[j]
  omega_t[i] = omegas_real[j]

  if t[i] >=  contt[j]
    j += 1

Now you can be sure that the particle at time t[i] had real velocity [vxtreal[i], vytreal[i]] and was propagating with real angular velocity omega_t[i].