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Predictability of a dynamical system in v1.3

See the function predictability!

New default solver in v1.2; OrdinaryDiffEq dependency dropped!

In the newest version of DynamicalSystems.jl, which includes DynamicalSystemsBase v1.2, the default solver for all continuous systems has been changed to SimpleATsit5 from the package SimpleDiffEq.jl. The previous default solver was Vern9 from OrdinaryDiffEq This has reduced the "first run time" massively for functions that use a ContinuousDynamicalSystem!

In addition the OrdinaryDiffEq dependency was dropped. This is a big benefit for precompilation times! This does not mean that you can't use all the solvers from OrdinaryDiffEq! You can still use any solver you want, provided that you do using OrdinaryDiffEq to access the solvers!

Numeric values will change slightly

Although there was no API change the default solver did change. This means that if you were using the default solver for some code, the numeric values you will now obtain will slightly change as a result. This does not mean that any functionality broke, but be aware that if you were depending on the exact value of e.g. lyapunovs, you will now have a different value instead.

Provided that you have already been using long enough integration times, the convergence of your results has not been affected though.

RecurrenceAnalysis joins DynamicalSystems.jl in v1.1!

The excellent Julia package RecurrenceAnalysis (authored by Helios de Rosario, @heliosdrm) is now part of DynamicalSystems.jl and reexported by it. Besides adding all the amazing functionality of RecurrenceAnalysis to DynamicalSystems.jl, other benefits also sprung up:

  • New package DelayEmbeddings that defines Dataset and provides all delay embedding functionality.
  • Method to estimate delay embedding dimension (now in DelayEmbeddings) was enriched with two more algorithms!
  • Mutual information (currently wip) is also being improved.
  • RecurrenceAnalysis now also has a documentation page, soon to be updated with more real world examples.

DynamicalSystems v1.0 - Julia 1.0 release

All support for any Julia version before 0.7 is dropped.

Please be sure to check out the files of the individual repositories. There all changes are listed in detail. Here we note only the most important ones.

  • TimeseriesPrediction is not installed with DynamicalSystems for version 1.0, because it is undergoing major changes. It is not even ready for Julia 1.0 actually.
  • DynamicalSystem has been totally reworked for better clarity: it does not store a "problem" anymore, only the absolutely necessary ingredients to create one. The API did not change though!
  • Reconstruction has been renamed to reconstruct, and now always returns a Dataset. In addition, now the parameter D (now renamed to γ) stands for the number of temporal neighbors. This is a breaking change!. The change allows more intuition across the different versions of reconstruct.
  • The various offered integrators became more robust, and now allow passing callbacks etc. for the DifferentialEquations.jl event handling.
  • Brand new algorithm for computing Poincare surfaces of section. It is not also more clear and understandable from the old one, but also much faster as well!!!
  • Mutual information computation method. Also new method for optimal delay time using the Mutual information!

As always: be sure to read the documentation string before using a function: the docstrings are always updated and will show latest changes even if we (mistakenly) missed them when writing the documentation pages!

Timeseries Prediction

A new module has been added to DynamicalSystems.jl: TimeseriesPrediction (version v0.2.0), which tries to predict timeseries using methods from nonlinear dynamics and chaos!

The first available method is localmodel_tsp that uses local averages! See the new documentation page for more!

Cao's Method

With ChaosTools v0.8.0, the well-known method for estimating dimension for a Reconstruction is now implemented and exported! See estimate_dimension.

Multi-time, Multi-Diensional Reconstructions

With the latest version of DynamicalSystemsBase v0.8.0 we now have the possibility for both multi-time and multi-dimensional delay reconstructions! The new documentation string for Reconstruction has all the relevant information.

Release v0.11.0

With new version v0.11.0 for DynamicalSytems.jl (DynamicalSystemsBase and ChaosTools at version 0.6) we have some major improvements of the library all around. Here I list the syntactic changes, the internal changes, the prospect for other developers and the gains we have from making all these changes!

Syntax changes

There are no syntax changes (or any changes) to functions that handle numerical data (Dataset and the likes).

The syntax for both discrete and continuous systems has changed to

DiscreteDynamicalSystem(eom, state, p [, jacobian [, J0]]; t0::Int = 0)
ContinuousDynamicalSystem(eom, state, p [, jacobian [, J0]]; t0 = 0.0)

The equations of motion function eom can be one of two forms:

  • iip : The eommust be in the form eom(x, p, t) -> SVector which means that given a state x::SVector and some parameter container p it returns an SVector containing the next state.
  • oop : The eommust be in the form eom!(xnew, x, p, t) which means that given a state x::Vector and some parameter container p, it writes in-place the new state in xnew.

There is no constructor that takes an ODEProblem anymore.

In addition, DynamicalSystem and subtypes are now immutable. One cannot set their state in place, or anything like that. Instead, all high-level functions allow you to choose an initial state.

In summary:

  • All discrete systems are now simply DiscreteDynamicalSystem.
  • Continuous systems have been renamed to ContinuousDynamicalSystem.
  • Don't use set_state!, etc. Instead use the keyword argument u0 of methods like e.g. gali.

There are some syntax changes to high-level functions from ChaosTools as well. For example, lyapunovs now has call signature

lyapunovs(ds::DynamicalSystem, N, k::Int | Q0; kwargs...) -> λs

It is advised to first look the documentation string of a function you want to use before usage!

Internal changes & Prospects

The internals of DynamicalSystemsBase have been completely re-worked from the ground up. Here are the highlights:

  • All DynamicalSystem objects are immutable, and contain a problem prob the jacobian function and an initialized Jacobian matrix.
  • All functions that use a DynamicalSystem have changed behavior. The way the functions work now is that when given a DynamicalSystem the create an appropriate integrator from it. Then we use step!(integrator, dt) and use the integrator state to perform calculations.
  • Eight possible system types are now available:

    • Continuous or Discrete.
    • In-place or out-of-place (large versus small systems).
    • Auto-differentiated or not (for the Jacobian function).
    • This is only possible due to the strictness of defining the eom function.
    • Robust multiple dispatch on all 8 types (again, only possible due to the strictness of the eom function).
  • Three low-lever integrator constructing functions are available, that only need a DynamicalSystem and (optionally) an initial state:

    1. integrator for "normal" integration of a system.
    2. tangent_integrator for integration of a state and deviation vectors (that live on the tangent space).
    3. parallel_integrator for integrating in "parallel" a number of states. Notice that the states are integrated at exact same times, even for continuous systems.
  • All three of the above integrators work perfectly fine for all eight combinations of systems and also have performant implementations.

  • Simple internal implementation for Discrete system integrator that is tailored to the needs of DynamicalSystems.jl. It follows the high-level syntax of DifferentialEquations.jl: there is an implementation of a minimal discrete problem, as well as a minimal discrete integrator that steps via step!(integrator, dt).
  • DynamicalSystem is type-parameterized in such a way that allows for easy multiple dispatch and clear source code.

Because the resulting behavior is very robust and efficient, it allows DynamicalSystemsBase to also be a library used by other developers that want to develop techniques/functions for dynamical systems.

In addition, there is absolutely no drawback in having a ContinuousDynamicalSystem instead of an ODEProblem, since the field .prob of the system is exactly this ODEProblem, and can be passed directly to things like solve from DifferentialEquations.jl.


  • Out-of-place continuous systems are now possible!
  • Auto-differentiated methods compute the vector field only once.
  • Safe, robust implementations due to the immutability of the central structure DynamicalSystem.
  • No problems with parallelization/threading/etc.
  • Even clearer source code! Most ChaosTools functions are now composed of a set-up part and an implementation part, both of which are clear to read and understand. * Also clarity on discrete systems, since they are all fused into one structure. * Low-level functions can be used easily by users that want performance for loops.
  • Lyapunov exponent calculating functions now have full flexibility in all aspects (initial deviation vectors/transient times/pretty much anything).
  • Big performance gains all around, and especially in methods that propagate tangent space. For example, the function that calculates the Lyapunov spectrum of the towel map, needs:

    julia using DynamicalSystems ds = Systems.towel() l = lyapunovs(ds, 1000)

    Float64[3] 0.42883526635723973 0.36501911701374234 -3.2835393321781092

    julia using BenchmarkTools @btime lyapunovs($ds, 1000); 228.265 μs (176 allocations: 11.28 KiB)