Rare events

Return time statistics

mean_return_times(ds::DynamicalSystem, u₀, εs, T; kwargs...) → τ, c

Return the mean return times τ, as well as the amount of returns c, for subsets of the state space of ds defined by u₀, εs. The ds is evolved for a maximum of T time.

This function is a convenience wrapper around calls to exit_entry_times and then to transit_return and then some averaging. Thus see exit_entry_times for the meaning of u₀ and εs and further info.

exit_entry_times(ds::DynamicalSystem, u₀, εs, T; kwargs...) → exits, entries

Collect exit and entry times for balls or boxes centered at u₀ with radii εs, in the state space of the given dynamical system. Return the exit and (re-)entry return times to the set(s), where each of these is a vector containing all collected times for the respective ε-radius set, for ε ∈ εs. The dynamical system is evolved up to T total time.

Use transit_return_times(exits, entries) to transform the output into transit and return times, and see also mean_return_times.

The keyword show_progress displays a progress bar. It is false for discrete and true for continuous systems by default.


Transit and return time statistics are important for the transport properties of dynamical systems[Meiss1997] and can be connected with fractal dimensions of chaotic sets[Boev2014].

The current algorithm collects exit and re-entry times to given sets in the state space, which are centered at the state u₀. The system evolution always starts from u₀ and the initial state of ds is irrelevant. εs is always a Vector.

Specification of sets to return to

If each entry of εs is a real number, then sets around u₀ are nested hyper-spheres of radius ε ∈ εs. The sets can also be hyper-rectangles (boxes), if each entry of εs is a vector itself. Then, the i-th box is defined by the space covered by u0 .± εs[i] (thus the actual box size is 2εs[i]!). In the future, state space sets will be specified more conveniently and a single argument sets will be given instead of u₀, εs.

The reason to input multiple εs at once is purely for performance optimization (much faster than doing each ε individually).

Discrete time systems

For discrete systems, exit time is recorded immediately after exiting of the set, and re-entry is recorded immediately on re-entry. This means that if an orbit needs 1 step to leave the set and then it re-enters immediately on the next step, the return time is 1.

Continuous time systems

For continuous systems, a steppable integrator supporting interpolation is used. The way to specify how to estimate exit and entry times is via the keyword crossing_method whose values can be:

  1. CrossingLinearIntersection(): Linear interpolation is used between integrator steps and the intersection between lines and spheres is used to find the crossing times.
  2. CrossingAccurateInterpolation(; abstol=1e-12, reltol=1e-6): Extremely accurate high order interpolation is used between integrator steps. First, a minimization with Optim.jl finds the minimum distance of the trajectory to the set center. Then, Roots.jl is used to find the exact crossing point. The tolerances are given to both procedures.

Clearly, CrossingAccurateInterpolation is much more accurate than CrossingLinearIntersection, but also much slower. However, the smaller the steps the integrator takes (in case some very high accuracy solver is used), the closer the linear intersection gets to the accurate version. Benchmarks are advised for the individual specific case the algorithm is applied at, in order to choose the best method.

The keyword threshold_distance = Inf provides a means to skip the interpolation check, if the current state of the integrator is too far from the set center. If the distance of the current state of the integrator is threshold_distance or more distance away from the set center, attempts to interpolate are skipped. By default threshold_distance = Inf and hence this never happens. Typically you'd want this to be 10-100 times the distance the trajectory covers at an average integrator step.

  • Meiss1997Meiss, J. D. Average exit time for volume-preserving maps, Chaos (1997)
  • Boev2014Boev, Vadivasova, & Anishchenko, Poincaré recurrence statistics as an indicator of chaos synchronization, Chaos (2014)